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Search not working (but i have a suspicion)

Hey there! Happy new customer here! I am currently setting up our developer portal. So everything is set to "Admin only"-visibility. If i try to use the search; nothing shows up. Will this work once i have everything public? or is there an underlying issue? Greetings!

How to add Headings in Table of contents from custom HTML in markdown

1. I have created a new page in Guide. 2. I used '/Custom HTML' block and added a h4 tag in the HTML. 3. How can I get this heading to appear in 'Table of contents'

Endpoint not found when testing the Personalized Docs Webhook

Hi, I am trying to set the Personalized Docs Webhook for my application. I added enpoint and served it with ngrok. I tested that endpoint through the Postman and it's giving me correct result. It's working. Here is the CURL: curl --location --request POST '<https://8407-85-114-46-238.eu.ngrok.io/webhook>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "email": "test" }' But when I test it in the 3. step of Personalized Docs I am getting: Endpoint not found! Did you forget the path in your server URL (e.g., /webhook)? With Network response: 400 status code and json response {type: "not-found"} Can you provide me more information about why am I getting this response?

Is there a way to add a read only user?

We would like some users to have read only access, but without knowing the password of the site. Is this possible?

How do I change the project privacy?

It looks like our project has been setup with the privacy of "Project Admins Only". How do I change this to" Site-wide Password"? I am a project Admin but I see no options anywhere to do this.

Help me! restore deleted devices

Hi ! I have accidently deleted the wrong page and I really don't any way to restore it. Can you please assist?

Bug Fix - Dark Mode - 404 Page Wrong Logo

Love the Dark / Light Mode toggle. I noticed a that if you have a custom "On Dark Logo" for when Dark Mode is on, and then you go to a random URL that is non existent. The dark mode 404 page - Shows the wrong ( On Light ) Logo - Which would look much better if it was the right one.

API Reference - Keep Markdown order between syncs

Hi Team, We make use of OpenAPI References with upload passing the operationId on every upload. The issue we're having is that on some OpenAPI Spec, we also add custom Markdown from the readme dashboard. The Markdown files themselves are being kept but the order is not kept. Is there a way to configure the upload to keep current file orders including Markdown files ? Thank you

Multiple changelogs?

Hello, we want multiple separate changelogs for each of our SDKs. They need to be completely separate pages. Is it possible to do that with GitHub Actions in connection with the Update Changelog endpoint in the ReadMe API?

default language sample bug

I am currently using your ReadMe service and have encountered a bug. My documentation is auto-generated via Swagger, and my language-sample configuration appears as follows: "x-readme": { "samples-languages": ["python", "curl", "node", "ruby", "php"], } Since Python is listed first, followed by Curl, I expect Python to be the default language. However, there are instances (especially when using the Firefox browser) where the system defaults to Curl when switching from one endpoint to another. Could you please explain why this happens? I want Python to be the default selection."