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What is the best practice for using Changelog for releases?

There seems to be no way to categorize changes. Categories could include functional areas or types of changes. Tags would be another great way to include ways for people to search specific areas of interest.

Move body params to the top menu

Can we move `BODY PARAMS` to the top menu? [Detail](https://ibb.co/PrqhRz1)

How to use dynamic UUID in Readme?

Is there any feature to create a dynamic UUID for each request in API References? We can generate UUID in Postman using `{{$timestamp}}` ``` "object": { "id": "id-{{$timestamp}}", }, ```

Is there any way to scroll a table?

In the editor, tables scroll. But they don't in the live Web page. Can I change this?


How can I authenticate my username and password?

Custom login: How should the logout feature be implemented?

We've implemented the custom login page (<https://docs.readme.com/docs/custom-login-page>) with JWT, everything works as expected, but the logout button shown in Readme.io does nothing. In the settings, we set the page users should be forwarded to, users are forwarded, but after opening Readme.io the session is still valid.

On the changelog page, is it possible to change the amount of content that shows?

How do I control how much is shown on the changelog summary page? Seems to awkwardly cut stuff off.

Show Image preview in Try It! response

We have an API endpoint that is documented in OpenAPI as returning an image: ```Text Example "responses": { "200": { "description": "Return an image.", "content": { "image/png": {} } } } ``` The response header is set to `content-type:image/png` but we see garbled binary data in the Response preview underneath the "Try It!" button. Is it possible to configure the Response preview so that the actual image will be shown?

Is there a way to filter endpoints by User role?

We have a OAS file with multiple endpoints , I was wondering if there is a way to display some of these endpoints by user role. Thanks in advance.

Not found because of proxy error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

copy curl command use in local terminal is valid