API Explorer v6: allOf Support, Better Errors, and More!
Today we released a new major version of our API Explorer! This release has been months in the making, and adds support for some highly requested features, fixes a ton of bugs and oddities, and more!
allOf Support
This release adds allOf support in both the request and response to our API Explorer! This has been one of our most requested features at ReadMe, and we are very excited to finally release it!
Now no matter what the structure of your request body, ReadMe will do the correct thing and render the parameters as you would expect.
You can read more about how you can take advantage of allOf in OAS here: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/data-models/oneof-anyof-allof-not/#allof
Our goal is to be as compliant to the OpenAPI Spec as possible, and this brings us significantly closer to that goal.
Error Handling

We’ve also added improved error tracking, so we can more easily be notified when an error occurs in the Reference section. When an admin is logged in, all errors will have a unique id that our Support Engineers can use to help debug the issue and get everything running smoothly again.
And much more…
To view the full list of detailed changes, you can view our changelog in the open source API Explorer repo: https://github.com/readmeio/api-explorer/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md