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Unable To Edit Navigations Per Each Versions

I have multiple versions of docs (v1, v2, v3).
Currently, v3 is the latest, still in progress, and I want to remove the 'Recipes' and 'Guides' navigation only from v3. However, when I disable these from Appearance > Site Navigation, they also get removed from v2. Is there a way to disable them only for v3 without affecting other versions?


Unable to publish a video in our API Documentation

Hi! We have to add videos in our documentation. To add videos they must be public in youtube. My organization is not interesting in publish our videos public because there are too technical. They have it in private. Is it any alternative for that? How con we publish videos that are not public in our readme framework.

Error in uploading spec

DEBUG=rdme* rdme openapi upload --key=rdme_xn8s api-spec/schema/us/v1/us_v1_feeds.json

OneOf not rendering on readme, but functions on swagger



Rollback to last verion

How to roll back to the previous version of api-spec or docs using command? is this feature available ?


Upload api spec for the first time

How to upload api-spec file for the first time as we dont have open_api_definition_id, and we want to do it using one command, without interactive terminal thing, or any manual effort ?


Changelog syncing

How to upload changelog using command, as we do for docs and openapi files ?

Options to have developer API Key to evaluate enterprise features



Is there a way to export/extract my API documentation pages to Markdown or any format other than HTML?



Readme adding Proxy address in front of request

Whenever we publish guide or spec file, its add proxy in front of the URL, how to fix this.