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Code block syntax highlighting

Hi Team,

Version naming schemes other than semver

Is there a way to get versions without semantic versioning? We want to have a version "latest" for cicd builds, and then #.#.# for specific released versions.

Bug | Changelog RSS feed with future date

Changelog items which are marked as public, but have for a datetime in the future, are already available in the changelog RSS. Via this, the direct changelog url is already exposed to RSS-readers (and followers), which is in my opinion a non desired behavior. Items should only be added to the RSS-feed once made public, and datetime has passed.


Getting error in validate command

While executing rdme openapi:validate command we are getting error SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'with' Exit Code : 1 in workflow output.


While integrating update document API getting this error - https://dash.readme.com/api/v1/api-specification/{id}

In java code encoding and decoding working fine but when passing encoded string in request getting this error





How to implement SP provided SSO with readMe

We have an application of developer hub which is readMe based and we need to implement service provider SAML SSO in it. So we need some details for SSO URL, Entity ID, IdP SSO URL, IdP Issuer, X.509 Certificate for implementing it.

Bearer token credential on by default

We have multiple APIs in our project where we supply the the bearer token with x-default, but the BearerAuth field is not enabled by default. In the editing page, there is a field for 'Credentials' with BearerAuth as a toggle but it is currently disabled.


Example Response - Custom name
