Discussions Description
We'd like to add a description to the Discussion field to provide an explanation of what kinds of questions are suitable for the discussion field vs contacting support directly such as noting that the form is not for reporting Production Issues. Is this possible currently?
How can i edit our robots txt file in ReadMe
I wanted to adjust ours to something like this:
Upload OAS is failing.
Hello ,
The "Upload OAS" feature under the API Reference section appears to be failing. I'm unable to upload my new json file. If this is a known issue or if there's an update in progress, please advise on the recommended next steps.
How to define a enum string
How to define a enum string
How long will the old ReadMe experience (not ReadMe Refactored) be maintained?
rdme@10 has been prepared, and we can make the transition at any time. However, some people think that it is not necessary to make the transition until it is necessary.
Is there a deadline or roadmap planned for the complete transition from the old ReadMe experience to ReadMe Refactored?
Gating content at the page level
Is it possible to password protect content on our docs site at the page level and not at the whole project level? FYI we are on the Enterprise version of ReadMe.
Code block syntax highlighting
Hi Team,
Version naming schemes other than semver
Is there a way to get versions without semantic versioning? We want to have a version "latest" for cicd builds, and then #.#.# for specific released versions.
Bug | Changelog RSS feed with future date
Changelog items which are marked as public, but have for a datetime in the future, are already available in the changelog RSS. Via this, the direct changelog url is already exposed to RSS-readers (and followers), which is in my opinion a non desired behavior. Items should only be added to the RSS-feed once made public, and datetime has passed.
Getting error in validate command
While executing rdme openapi:validate command we are getting error SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'with' Exit Code : 1 in workflow output.