How can i edit our robots txt file in ReadMe
I wanted to adjust ours to something like this:
Upload OAS is failing.
Hello ,
The "Upload OAS" feature under the API Reference section appears to be failing. I'm unable to upload my new json file. If this is a known issue or if there's an update in progress, please advise on the recommended next steps.
Code block syntax highlighting
Hi Team,
Version naming schemes other than semver
Is there a way to get versions without semantic versioning? We want to have a version "latest" for cicd builds, and then #.#.# for specific released versions.
Bug | Changelog RSS feed with future date
Changelog items which are marked as public, but have for a datetime in the future, are already available in the changelog RSS. Via this, the direct changelog url is already exposed to RSS-readers (and followers), which is in my opinion a non desired behavior. Items should only be added to the RSS-feed once made public, and datetime has passed.
Bearer token credential on by default
We have multiple APIs in our project where we supply the the bearer token with x-default, but the BearerAuth field is not enabled by default. In the editing page, there is a field for 'Credentials' with BearerAuth as a toggle but it is currently disabled.
OpenAPI Reusable Responses with Examples loading the first time but disappearing when I click another endpoint
I'm using shared Responses definitions (with a shared ApiError schema) for error responses. I added examples on all of them, and as per OpenAPI spec, the "examples" under "responses.content.application/json" should override whatever was set as examples on the schema. (See: https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.1.0.md#media-type-object)
RSS feed in markdown
Hello ! RSS feed for changelog is great, is there any way to enable markdown content and select the size displayed in the feed ? Would be great to have a nicer display, for now the content is parsed to raw text :(
Blank content on the Reusable Contents
Is there anyone facing your reusable contents blanked too?
Re-sync markdown files ?
Can't we resync the markdown files ?
Whenever we are uploading again the same markdown file without any changes, instead of override, it is creating new one.
How to resync already published markdown file ?