Bug Fixes and Improvements
March 8th, 2024
🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)
- Reusable Content: Fixed UI issue with blocks having long names
- Reusable Content: Fixed issues concerning blocks with names starting with a number
- Reusable Content: Fixed pagination issues for projects with a large number of content blocks
- Variables: Improved support for longer variable names
- SEO: Added a setting to use page SEO metadata as the title HTML tag
- Translations: Improved search reliability for projects using many languages
- API Reference: Improved setting and removing default values
- Developer Dashboard: Added more explanatory tooltips and revised empty states
- Suggested Edits: Prevented edge cases that allowed crawling for suggested edits routes
- Guides: Include all nested pages when forking a version
- Search: Fixed issues with losing focus on the search box in Windows when using the keyboard
- Discussions: Improved spam prevention in discussion forums
- Editor: Fixed unexpected behavior when inserting links
- Guides: Fixed incorrect "What’s Next" link at the end of the guides section