
Enterprise Authentication + Access Management 🔐


This is a Staged Rollout!

We're rolling out this new experience to current Enterprise customers over the next few weeks to ensure a smooth transition. You'll get an Intercom notification in your dashboard when the functionality is live for your group. If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out directly to your Product Experience Manager!

Making sure all of your team members and customers have the permissions to properly access your ReadMe docs? That's a... (ahem) major key to success*, folks. 🔑

When it comes to managing your Enterprise Group, there can be a lot of moving parts—multiple projects to oversee, lots of eyes on various parts of your docs, and team members and customers requiring different permission levels depending on how they need to interact with your projects. While we love the idea of you sharing your docs with the world, we want to make that sharing experience one that instills confidence rather than confusion. You’ve put enough energy into making your docs beautiful, personalized, and interactive, let us take care of making sure that you can manage your ReadMe projects and teams with ease.

On that note, over the last year we’ve been tinkering away at making our Enterprise authentication and access management experiences more intuitive, and well, better 😎 We're excited to share that these features are now…lights, camera, actionLIVE for all Enterprise customers! ✨

The Scoop 🍨

First, the sidebar in your Enterprise Group dashboard is looking a little different 🧐 We heard from our Enterprise Group Admins that it’s challenging to manage permission settings, especially when managing multiple projects within an Enterprise Group. We also got feedback that bulk inviting individuals to projects, whether they were technical writers needing to access some but not all project dashboards, or customers who needed hub-side access to private docs, was cumbersome and frustrating at times. So we set out to upgrade all of that.

To make it easier to distinguish between user roles, the former, unified Members page in your dashboard is now two separate sections: (1) Teammates and (2) End Users.

Teammates are members of your team who manage (e.g. write, edit, update) documentation related to your projects. End Users are consumers of your projects’ documentation whom you’d like to grant hub-side only access to.

Teammates and End Users have unique needs, and now we’ve created more distinct user permission settings that better map to how you want your team members and customers to interact with your docs. For both of these new user roles we’ve simplified the login configuration and added increased functionalities around managing login methods, access privileges, and default user permissions. This distinction also allows us to keep building more secure and user-friendly docs for both user functions 👍

For some of our Enterprise Admins, it was a headache to manually manage Read Only and Admin permission levels for dozens of users across dozens of projects. So to allow for easier team and multi-project management at scale, the new End User Management page simplifies the process of bulk inviting users to projects and more clearly delineates what projects End Users have access to.

There’s also a new Projects page that makes it easier for Enterprise Group Admins to manage multiple projects at the group level. In this page you can see what projects are associated with an Enterprise Group, as well as add, remove, and/or make projects public or private.

Ray from our team recorded this live walk-through to highlight the new updates we’ve made 📹

And here’s a li'l breakdown of everything that’s changed:

NEW FeaturesImprovements + Updates
Teammates Page with new settings:
- What’s it all about: where to configure access and invite users from your team (e.g. your company)
- The Domain Safelist dropdown allows you to set a domain and allow anyone with an email address at that domain to create a ReadMe account
- Login and authentication configurations including SSO dropdown + enforcement settings allowing Enterprise Group Admins to determine how they want Teammates to sign in to ReadMe
- Default permission level settings for new invited Teammates
- A new method for inviting teammates and assigning permission levels, as well as new permission levels to choose from (Group Admin, Group Viewer, Custom)

New End Users pages:
- (1) End User Login page with ability to configure the login method for your private docs (hub-side access)
- (2) End User Management page with ability to see and filter users that have access, and bulk invite new users

Projects Page to manage multiple projects within an Enterprise Group
- The Manage Projects button allows Group Admins to add or remove projects
- See all child projects in one centralized place and set as Public or Private
- Unified view for user permissions
- Clearer visibility into users’ roles
- Ability to filter Teammates by permission level and project access
- Redesigned UI for seeing private vs. public projects
- One consolidated UI for configuring hub-side login access

You can read more about this new experience in this overview guide. We hope you’re excited for these updates! We’d love to hear from you, whether to share your feedback, ask a question, or just say hello. Feel free to click the Intercom widget to leave a message or send a note to :owlbert:

*What's a long-form piece of content on authentication without a DJ Khaled reference?