
Quality of life improvements to our CLI tool


This past week we released v3.4 of our CLI tool rdme, and with it brought a heap of quality of life improvements.

Improved Documentation

We've completely overhauled our help command to allow to fully document all commands, arguments, and options. You can now access help for any command via wither rdme help <command> or rdme <command> --help.

Additionally, we've also created a number of new command groupings, which now allows us to surface similar commands on a commands help screen. For example, if you're using rdme versions and want to see other version-related things you can do, rdme versions --help will tell you about rdme versions:create, rdme versions:update, and rdme versions:delete!

Improved Error Handling

A common problem we've had with rdme was that error handling was never consistent. In one command, you might get a helpful error message, and another you receive back a raw JSON dump from our API. We've taken this as an opportunity to rework how we handle failure states to account for, and properly handle, the various ways a command may fail.

Now in v3.4+, you will receive a helpful, color-coded, error message explaining what you (or us!) maybe have done to necessitate an error state. If all else fails, and we've unfortunately failed to catch the error properly, we'll now direct you to contact our wonderful support team who can assist you.

New commands

In addition to the gamut of QOL improvements, we've also released a couple new commands:

rdme logoutLogs the currently authenticated user out of ReadMe.
rdme whoamiDisplays the current user and project authenticated with ReadMe.