Hello and welcome to another weekly update, friends! While we're not too busy mourning the end of August, we're shipping a new font in the dashboard, making little fixes and improvements in all kinds of obscure places, and writing some docs. Oh, and we're also hosting a virtual event or two. Details below! 🌉


We've been rolling out some new docs designs for a little while now—check out this page for the latest details on what's going on! Changes that are only applicable to the new docs design will be prefixed with a 🆕 emoji.

📆 Upcoming Events

Oh hey, what's this? An events section? Not sure if this will be a permanent addition to the Owlet Weekly Update, but we have a few virtual events coming up that we wanted to make sure our dedicated Owlet Weekly Update readers don't miss out on!

  • In a couple weeks, I'll be hosting a Q&A with Shaun VanWeelden, Head of Field Engineering at Scale AI (and a fellow Midwesterner)! Scale is one of our fastest growing customers (and I gotta say, they have absolutely incredible docs), so I'm excited to chat with Shaun about how Scale leverages ReadMe in supporting success on their platform, thoughtful developer experience, and more. You can submit a question and RSVP (if you can't make it live, we'll send you a recording of the conversation) on the event page! 💬
  • In the hopefully not-too-distant future, I'll be live-streaming as I build a website using a public bus-tracking API. It should be a fun time as I drift into unfamiliar territory with some not-so-great API docs and an even worse Twitch streaming setup. Watch this space for details! 🚍

✨ New & Improved

  • Now this one isn't a product update, but we recently added a wonderful resource to our documentation—a comprehensive OpenAPI Compatibility Chart! This page goes deep on the OpenAPI Specification and which aspects of it that we support in our API Reference documentation. We'll be updating this page as we ship new OpenAPI features, so definitely keep checking back as we continuously invest in our OpenAPI support (and stay tuned for more on this front)! 📚
  • 🆕 This release considerably enhances the way we document various format values for integer and number data types in the API Reference section. We now display the integer maximum and minimum values based on their formats (e.g. an int8 will render minimum and maximum values of -128 and 127, respectively). To see an example of this in action, check out these docs and navigate to the "format data types" page (listed under the Numbers category). 🔢
  • This release includes a small but mighty update to our dashboard design—in the form of a new font! This comes ahead of some big changes coming to the dashboard soon—stay tuned! 🎨

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • 🆕 Various fixes to authentication in the API Reference section so authentication credentials are better persisted when switching endpoints, along with improvements to zero-config metrics on the whole "knowing you who actually are" front. 🔐
  • 🆕 Fixed an issue where, under an extremely obscure and specific set of circumstances, page body content in the Guides section wasn't properly updating when navigating between pages. 🔄
  • 🆕 Various improvements for api-generated code snippets—including minor padding fixes for multi-schemas (i.e. anyOf, oneOf) and the dramatic return of form-encoded parameters. 📝
  • 🆕 Fixed an issue in the API Reference section where, if a request example was selected, editing parameter values in the form wasn't properly updating the code snippet. ✍️
  • 🆕 Fixes two obscure and unrelated markdown rendering issues in the response schema modal in the API Reference section and in the top navigation bar. 👀
  • 🆕 This release includes updates to our discriminator mapping support—support for schema reuse in mappings and various minor bug fixes. 🗺
  • 🆕 Fixed a quirk in the Changelog where extremely long code samples were causing the page to break. See below for an example! 🤥
    console.log("Hello there! It's been some time since we've embedded a code block directly in the Changelog. As you can see, the overflow on this obscenely long code sample is properly being handled and isn't breaking the page! Love that.
  • 🆕 Did some minor shuffling around in the navigation bar so child project + version selection makes a little more sense. 🧭
  • 🆕 Stability fixes in the API Reference to better handle duplicate enum values. 👯‍♀️
  • Fixed an issue where certain emojis weren't properly rendering callouts. 👍
  • 🆕 Tiny tweaks to prettify certain JSON response code samples. 💋
  • 🆕 Various layout and design fixes in Suggested Edits. 📐

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and happy Virgo season, friends! This release includes certain touch-ups with an attention to detail that only a quadruple Virgo could have, as well as several other improvements and fixes that I struggled to tie to Virgo season. More below! ♍


We've been rolling out some new docs designs for a little while now—check out this page for the latest details on what's going on! Changes that are only applicable to the new docs design will be prefixed with a 🆕 emoji.

✨ New & Improved

  • 🆕 This release includes various improvements on the performance and stability fronts for certain API Reference sections. Thanks to a few minor changes to how we handle JSON Schema, certain circular $ref parameters that previously weren't rendering should now render as expected and lots of projects will experience a small performance bump as a result! 🚀
  • 🆕 This release includes a major redesign to the API Logs page in the Hub to reflect our new design system and architecture! It's now sleeker and far more performant. ⚡
  • 🆕 Tweaked the spacing and color contrast on the schema form in the API reference section to help improve readability, particularly for complex schemas. 🖌️
  • Minor performance improvements when querying page view data from certain places in the dashboard. 🎑

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • Growing up, you probably heard a gendered variation of the phrase "like parent, like child". As many of us have learned over time (both in life and with respect to documentation architecture in ReadMe), that often isn't the case! But we don't have time to unpack all of that. This release improves the reliability of the workflow of hiding a parent page—it now properly hides all of its children pages and hides them from your search results. 👪
  • 🆕 As you may know, the redesigned reference docs include better support for readOnly and writeOnly parameters and examples. Unfortunately we were seeing an issue where certain readOnly/writeOnly parameters weren't rendering examples if they were located within certain allOf schemas. Thankfully, this release includes a fix that brings them back. 🤓
  • Fixed an issue where certain projects weren't counting zero-configuration API Metrics in their total API log counts. 📈
  • 🆕 Loosened our requirements for valid security schemes. 🔐

As always, thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

It's that time of the week again, folks! You know that fancy form in the API reference section? The one where you can enter parameter values when constructing an API request? Well as you may know by now, we massively redesigned it in the last few months to include better support for example parameters, nested objects, and lots of other good stuff. Well the good stuff continues with this release—fancy tooltip schema validation, user-specific parameter defaults, and much more. Details below! 🥭


We've been rolling out some new docs designs for a little while now—check out this page for the latest details on what's going on! Changes that are only applicable to the new docs design will be prefixed with a 🆕 emoji.

✨ New & Improved

  • 🆕 You may have seen "fancy tooltip schema validation" mentioned above... but what exactly does that mean? Now, your docs will determine the schema for each form field based on your API specification and provide instant visual feedback to the user as they enter data to make sure they're adhering to your data requirements. Oh, and did we mention that this is all in fancy tooltip form? Not to toot our own horn, but our docs are a great way to see this in action. ✅
  • 🆕 Now let's be honest—adding parameter defaults in your docs can be great! Saves a potential click and provides helpful context for your users. But sometimes a one-size-fits-all approach isn't good enough. Well as of this release, you can take that personalized documentation experience to the next level and pass in parameter defaults via the user data payload. Check out our docs for the details. 📛
  • 🆕 Subtle design and animation improvements to certain buttons and dropdowns throughout the product. 🎨

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • 🆕 This release includes several improvements to the sidebar, primarily with respect to accessibility! Now it's easier to navigate the sidebar via a keyboard, with better support for parent/child page toggling and better visual cues. It also includes several small stability improvements for a select few pages so selecting a link from the sidebar actually takes you to the right place. 🧭
  • Now here's a cute ReadMe fact: when you submit a Suggested Edit and the project administrators approve it, you get an email commemorating your generous contribution of knowledge! But the celebration was occasionally ruined when the link to the updated page would lead to the wrong page. This release includes a fix that should keep the party going. 🥳
  • 🆕 Light text on a dark background? Great. Dark text on a light background? Love it. Light text on a light background? Yikes. For users on certain mobile devices, this release addresses the last category for certain navigational dropdowns. 📱
  • 🆕 This release makes it so the API Reference section does a better job of displaying HTTP codes when a user clicks the trusty "Try It" button for certain API configurations. 🟢
  • Fixed an issue where certain project admins were unable to directly save edits via the Suggested Edits view. 💾
  • Fixed an issue where a select few unlucky users were unable to easily navigate back or forward in the dashboard. 🔙
  • Fixed a couple of edge cases when re-saving API definitions via the manual API editor. 🔄
  • 🆕 Minor stability improvements for response examples. 🐴

As always, thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and welcome to another Owlet Weekly Update, friends! In summary (yes, that is in fact a pun), we're bringing lots of little fixes and improvements in the API reference section along with some behind-the-scenes improvements to Documentation Metrics. Details below! 🚀


We've been rolling out some new docs designs for a little while now—check out this page for the latest details on what's going on! Changes that are only applicable to the new docs design will be prefixed with a 🆕 emoji.

✨ New & Improved

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • 🆕 In previous updates, we've mentioned the massive accessibility gains that come with our new documentation design—one of which is a "Jump to Content" button when tabbing through the page! This release fixes some styling issues that we were seeing for a small subset of project styles. 🎨
  • 🆕 Don't you hate to be perceived as something when you're actually something else? While we're unable to address the immense societal expectations that are constantly thrust upon us, this release addresses issues where JSON response examples was being perceived as strings and vice versa. 🔮
  • 🆕 This release includes better support for optional OAuth2 securities. And by that, I mean the page will actually load for OpenAPI definitions that utilize them. 🔒
  • 🆕 Fixed an issue where setting certain parameter defaults to null would cause rendering issues. 🥴
  • 🆕 Addresses several rendering edge cases for schemas that utilize polymorphism. 🥞

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and happy August, m8s! Get it? Because we're officially in August? And August is the 8th month of the year? And then the -ate of mate sounds like the number 8? Did you get the joke? I thought it was pretty funny. Anyw8, hope you didn't have to w8 too long for our weekly upd8! We have a large pl8 of exciting stuff for you this week, from support for readOnly and writeOnly examples to performance improvements across the board—read on to find out more! 🎱


We've been rolling out some new docs designs for a little while now—check out this page for the latest details on what's going on! Changes that are only applicable to the new docs design will be prefixed with a 🆕 emoji.

✨ New & Improved

  • 🆕 Like folks waiting for Kanye West's upcoming album, we've been eagerly anticipating the release of a new feature in the API Reference section that adds support for readOnly in response examples and writeOnly in request examples. Unlike folks waiting for Donda, this feature actually released on time. #illbelieveitwheniseeit 💽
  • 🆕 This release includes design improvements in the API Reference section to better handle content-less response bodies and to better display the HTTP status code. 🎨
  • Support for page views and other behind-the-scenes improvements to documentation metrics. 📊
  • This release adds a bit more data to the #hub-me selector for use in your Custom JavaScript. 💾
  • 🆕 This release includes faster performance for relative links and links with hash parameters. 🔗

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • 🆕 Like all humans at some point in their lives, the language picker in the API Reference section developed a chaotic complex where it occasionally decided that it didn't want to do its one job (i.e. indicating which language was displayed in the code snippet). It knew in its mind that change must occur for growth but in its heart it flourished in this chaos. We had a discussion and it reluctantly agreed that selecting the correct language was best for both itself and our customers. The heart wants what it wants, language picker, the heart wants what it wants. 💔
  • 🆕 While we can't promise that your docs will be as stable as Simone Biles during a beam routine, we're happy to report that this release includes stability fixes for landing pages, in-documentation variables, and various form fields in the API Reference section. 🤸‍♀️
  • Much like cats on the field during a baseball game, invalid request header formatting can derail an API documentation experience. Thankfully, it's easier to catch invalid header formatting, so this release includes some fixes on that front. ⚾
  • This release includes minor improvements to the OpenAPI output of reference docs that are created using the manual editor. Your friendly neighborhood OpenAPI validator will thank you. 🏡
  • 🆕 A lot of people h8 when a joke is repeated too many times. Although I've now learned that ReadMe condones the overuse of jokes, we do not appreci8 the repetitive firing of the pageLoad JavaScript event, which we've been seeing when navigating between certain pages. This week's release includes fixes to this pageLoad event, which should result in cleaner Google Analytics and Segment data. 📉

As always, thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community!

—Rahul, Kanad, and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:

(Kanad Aside) Shoutout to our engineering intern Rahul for an amazing summer and for taking the lead on writing this week's Owlet Weekly Update!


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and happy Tuesday, folks! We spent the larger chunk of last week in a hackathon where lots of incredible work was done—much of which you'll see in this release! Major accessibility gains, new metrics sharing workflows, design improvements, and so much more. Details below! 🚀


We've been rolling out some new docs designs for a little while now—check out this page for the latest details on what's going on! Changes that are only applicable to the new docs design will be prefixed with a 🆕 emoji.

✨ New & Improved

  • You know that sinking feeling when you're on an infinitely long road with seemingly no end in sight? While, in a twisted sense, that could be a metaphor for life itself, that's also a metaphor for paginating through our API results. While our response headers provided helpful information about accessing what's immediately in front of you and what's immediately behind you, there wasn't much information on accessing the destination... until today! As of this release, we've extended our existing Link response header and added a new x-total-count header which should hopefully alleviate that sinking feeling. Check out our pagination docs for more info! 🛣
  • 🆕 As alluded to above, last week's hackathon yielded massive accessibility improvements across almost every aspect of the hub! Most of the changes are almost completely invisible in nature, but this release includes many contrast improvements and subtle changes to the markup to make pages easier to tab through and friendlier for screen readers. More to come on this front! 🎉
  • 🆕 We've made some performance improvements (as well as some tiny design improvements) to landing pages! They should be zippier during initial render and when navigating between other sections of your docs. 🏡
  • 🆕 This release includes a fancy new toggle in the API Reference section that makes it easy to securely share individual API logs with others, as well as some other small metrics UI improvements. 🤝

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • 🆕 Fixed an issue where links to API Reference pages that contained hash parameters were inadvertently redirecting. This was due to a false positive with some redirect logic we have in place to handle redirects from pages in the legacy reference section design to the newly redesigned reference section. Check out our migration guide for more information on ensuring your legacy links continue to work as expected! ⛓️
  • The login button was having a bit of trouble reading the room in very specific cases—in other words, showing up when it wasn't supposed to, and not appearing when it should. Thankfully, we've given it a bit of a pep talk and it should be appearing as expected. 🔐
  • 🆕 This release fixes an issue with our Markdown parser where it was basically impossible to write links that open in a new tab (like this one!). All you need is a standard HTML <a> tag with a target="_blank" attribute. 🔗
  • 🆕 If you're reading this on your phone, you're probably aware of this already... but this release includes responsiveness improvements in the Changelog! 📱
  • 🆕 Stability improvements for navigation between certain pages. 🧭
  • 🆕 Minor tweaks to robots.txt. 🤖

As always, thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and happy Leo season, friends! We come to you in this bold season of the Lion with bold upgrades to rdme and the Python Metrics SDKs, progress on our rollout of bold docs redesigns, and... a bunch of relatively small design tweaks and bug fixes across the board (that are nevertheless bold in spirit!). Details below! 🦁

📘Slight Delay In Publishing

This post is backdated to July 21st around 11:40am PDT, which is when this release went live. This post was published on July 23rd. Thanks for your patience, folks!

As mentioned above, our rollout of our new docs designs continues! You should be able to see a little message in your project dashboard that contains a link to preview the changes and a button to upgrade. We can't wait to see your upgraded docs! 🚀


We've been rolling out some new docs designs for a little while now—check out this page for the latest details on what's going on! Changes that are only applicable to the new docs design will be prefixed with a 🆕 emoji.

✨ New & Improved

  • 🆕 We've made a small adjustment to how our bundles (i.e. the general JavaScript and CSS assets that are included as part of your ReadMe docs experience ✨) are being served to better take advantage of our shared CDN—this will allow for better caching and zippier loading of your assets! 🍑
  • We recently shipped enormous improvements to our Python SDK for API Metrics! The SDK now includes functions that are specific to Django and Flask, which should make them easier to integrate and far more stable. 🐍
  • We also recently shipped v4 of rdme, AKA the official ReadMe CLI! Lots of improvements were included in this release including pre-upload OpenAPI file validation, smarter syncing of Markdown docs, and fewer bewildering error messages. And perhaps most importantly, it includes a new Owlbert! :owlbert:
  • 🆕 Here at ReadMe, we firmly believe that all table columns are created equal. But from time to time, we need to reckon with the fact that certain table columns require more space than others. This release makes it so table columns are more intelligently sized based on content. 🏓
  • 🆕 The API Reference now supports readOnly parameters in response schemas and writeOnly parameters in request schemas. ✍️

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • 🆕 Being able to see your API request history in the new docs is great, but you know what's even better? Being able to see all of your available API request history. This release includes a fix where certain users were unable to paginate through their request history. 📜
  • 🆕 Before this release, you could try and load a Custom Page written in HTML and 50% of the time, it would load 100% of the time. This release makes it so 100% of the time, your HTML-based custom pages load 100% of the time. 💯
  • 🆕 This fix brings back the copy-to-clipboard buttons for certain Markdown code samples in the reference section. We've missed you, old friend. 📋
  • 🆕 As of this release, we do a far better job of adhering to the link color you specify in the Theme Editor. 🌈
  • 🆕 Fixed an issue where links to search results for certain projects were broken. 🔗
  • 🆕 Design tweaks to better handle long response schema titles. 🤥
  • 🆕 Fixed a couple of edge cases for SSO login flows flows. 🔐

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

📘Delayed Release Notes

This tiny patch release went out on July 12th around ~12pm PDT, but the release notes were retroactively published on July 21st. Apologies for the delay in publishing folks!

Hello and welcome to another super tiny weekly update! We're spending the week at our offsite at Camp ReadMe (adorable team pictures and Owlbert graphics to follow!) so we didn't publish a full release. The only thing that went out this week was a tiny Custom OAuth Login redirect fix.

Thanks for reading this super short update and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and welcome to another Owlet Weekly Update! This week's release is slightly smaller but no less mighty. We're bringing you various bug fixes and improvements to keep up our rollout momentum. Read all the details below! 📚


We've been rolling out some new docs designs for a little while now—check out this page for the latest details on what's going on! Changes that are only applicable to the new docs design will be prefixed with a 🆕 emoji.

✨ New & Improved

  • 🆕 Good news for folks who want a little more interactivity in their lives! The path parameters in URLs at the top of API Reference pages are now clickable, and will direct you to the appropriate form input for that field. 👯

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • 🆕 Folks who were feeling shy about their reference changes and wanted to hide specific pages but still share them with certain people weren't able to. This release includes a fix that allows folks to share direct links to hidden reference pages so all your closest friends can see them. 🔗
  • 🆕 UI improvements to the Changelog page. See if you can spot them on this page! 🔎
  • 🆕 Some fixes for Suggested Edits to make sure users of all types of customers' docs are able to get their voice heard! 🎤
  • 🆕 Straightening out some quirkiness with response docs to ensure you can always view your properties! 😎
  • 🆕 Fixing an issue with redirecting hashed URLs, ensuring that you'll always receive the correct page content even if you're coming from a URL in the old format! 💡

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Naomi and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and welcome to another Owlet Weekly Update! This week we're shipping Simple Mode and support for response headers in the new reference designs, and we're continuing the momentum of our rollout! Get the details below! 📚


Now if you're living under a rock and haven't heard about the new docs designs we've been rolling out—check out this page to see all of the exciting changes coming your way! Changes that are only applicable to the new docs design will be prefixed with a 🆕emoji.

✨ New & Improved

  • 🆕 With this release, we're rolling out Simple Mode™ (disclaimer from our legal team: Simple Mode is not actually trademarked, Kanad is just trying to make it sound fancy)—an SDK powered by ReadMe's api package alongside a new API registry (which handles automatic versioning as your API and your API documentation evolves). What exactly does this mean for your users? Far more digestible and readable code samples, resulting in a faster time-to-first-call! 🚀
  • 🆕 The ability to search for endpoints in the endpoint quick navigation by HTTP method. 🔍
  • 🆕 A newly designed modal for displaying response headers in "Try It!" requests. 🧄

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • Fixed an issue where, in certain cases, logging in to the hub would not properly redirect to the page you were previously on. 🔁
  • Tiny fixes to code editors in the dashboard to make them easier to... edit code in. 📓
  • 🆕 Several UI improvements in the request history table. 🎨
  • 🆕 Various OpenAPI edge case improvements. 🚧
  • 🆕 Bringing back the Intercom integration. 💬

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!