Hello and welcome to another Owlet Weekly Update, y'all! Gemini season is around the corner and the energy is absolutely overwhelming for all of us here at ReadMe—not only because we have lots of birthdays coming up, but because we're also kicking off the beta period of our new designs*! But the fun doesn't stop there—we're also shipping several performance and design-related updates. Details on everything below! ♊

✨ New & Improved

  • As mentioned above, we're entering the first phase of our beta period for our new documentation design! You may have already noticed the new digs on our site for several weeks now—but starting today, all newly created ReadMe projects will feature the new design! And these improvements aren't just cosmetic y'all—this is a complete rewrite of our web application from the ground up that gives your users a faster, lighter, and more secure experience when using your docs. Oh, and did I mention that it's far more mobile-friendly? We'll have lots more to say soon, but if you're interested in joining the beta program, contact us at [email protected]! 🆕🎊🦉
  • We've been hard at work at some major infrastructure upgrades for API Metrics (hello Clickhouse!) and the first fruits of this labor are included in this release. The API Metrics Dashboard got a huge performance bump and now loads your API usage information far faster (upwards of a gajillion times, under certain conditions)! 📈
  • Rejoice, my cURL-ing crew—we cleaned up our cURL code snippets by way of making JSON data more readable. You can see this behavior in action in our docs—try inserting sample data into the form and observe how the cURL code snippet changes! 🥌

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • This one is for my short screen kings that administer lots of Enterprise child projects: we fixed an issue with our "Manage Projects For Group" modal that made it difficult to view and manage all your projects and screens with smaller heights. This release makes it so you can now navigate through this modal comfortably. 👑
  • Good news if you're viewing a discussion forum post and the back button on your web browser is broken for some inexplicable reason—we've added a back button for you! 🔙
  • Fixed authentication issues for certain project administrators that were trying (and failing) to make changes to their recipes. 🧑‍🍳

As always, thanks for tuning in and for being a part of the ReadMe community!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:

* I read this article and the astrologer mentioned that Gemini season means that it's time to "shake off that heaviness", which is exactly what we're doing in terms of our new JavaScript bundle splitting strategy.


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Another week, another release! We're still hard at work on several huge design and performance improvements (which you can see the fruits of in the documentation you're currently reading!), but in the short-term, this release includes lots of improvements on the Enterprise, mobile, and search fronts. Details below! 🍍

✨ New & Improved

  • This release includes a big improvement for Enterprise parent-child routing. You're no longer confined to a project subdomain (which is unique across all of ReadMe—meaning that all of the good subdomains, like kanad, are already taken) and can now specify your own child project paths! Get the details on this in our docs. 👪
  • This release includes several improvements on the SAML front—including ADFS support! 🔐

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • The Enterprise Staging dashboard would error out and load a blank page under certain circumstances. Under other circumstances, projects with the staging feature enabled weren't routing to the correct place. This release frees us of all of these circumstances! 📟
  • For those of you that scroll through API reference documentation on your phone, this release includes some fixes for mobile navigation so your experience is less of a doom-scroll and more of a... joy-scroll. 📜
  • Increased the spinniness of our certain compass icons in the Enterprise dashboard by... infinity! Also other small style tweaks in the dashboard. 🧭
  • The search modal no longer shows HTTP methods for search results that aren't endpoints. Hooray for non-misleading search results! 🔍
  • Small style fixes in the subheader. 🎨

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and happy Star Wars Day folks! What better way to celebrate such an iconic franchise than with... a huge refresh of our icon set? We're also full-steam ahead on some big polish and design updates to the entire documentation experience (which, again, you can preview in the docs that you're currently reading)! This release also includes some big improvements to audit logs, the ability to select your TLS protocol, and more. Details below! 🌟

✨ New & Improved

  • As mentioned above, we gave our icons throughout the product a huge refresh! As Tony, our designer*, puts it: these new icons are simpler, easier to see on smaller screens, and 1000% cuter. Even though this refresh was done as part of our upcoming redesign of our entire product, the new icon set will be rolling out to all existing projects today. Check out the before and after below! 🎨
  • Major improvements to audit logs just shipped as part of this release! Going forward, audit logs will contain far more comprehensive information about the content being changed. 📝
  • This release includes the ability to specify the TLS protocol for your site. Networking protocol nerds—this one's for you! 🌐
  • Improved sidebar scroll offset configuration—see your Custom JavaScript settings in the dashboard for more info. 📜
  • Improved guidance in the dashboard for single Enterprise projects, which we shipped last week! 👪
  • Instant cache invalidation for even more routes. 🌤️

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • Certain code blocks in the API Reference were missing copy-to-clipboard buttons—thankfully, this release brings those back! 📋
  • Small CSS class tweaks on project landing pages. 💄

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

*We need more of you, come work with us!

Hello and happy Tuesday! We're still adding prolific amounts of polish to our newly redesigned site navigation and API Reference section (which you can preview in the docs you're reading in this exact moment!), but that didn't stop us from shipping lots of improvements for our Enterprise customers and for the existing API Reference. Details below! 💄

✨ New & Improved

  • This release includes a big improvement to how we render response examples in the API Reference—particularly if you're having writer's block! If you don't have the time nor willpower to document a response example (we get it, times are tough), we'll fluff out the response section of your docs with some helpful info on the HTTP response code. Check out an example here! ℹ️
  • Good news for fans of Enterprise projects and/or family—this release includes a couple big improvements to the Enterprise parent/child projects! Enterprise projects with a single child can now automatically redirect without the need for a child subdomain in the URL (get in touch with your CSM to set this up!), and you can now edit the subdomain for parent projects. 👪
  • As much as we believe that your experience in ReadMe documentation is enhanced when you're logged in, sometimes it might be nice to... you know... have the ability to log out. Thankfully, we've made it easier for projects with custom identity providers to configure a URL for logging out. 🔐
  • We're taking Global Landing Page personalization to a whole new level—you now have access to the current logged-in user's name via the Liquid template variables! 🌍
  • With the coming of the Spring and Taurus seasons, the winds of change are all too palpable. It is in this spirit that you can now rotate out your project API key. 🌬️

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • You'll be happy to hear this, particularly if your dad invented Toaster Strudel: we shipped a lot of small improvements to our JavaScript Fetch and node-fetch code snippets. Better handling of URL-encoded body payloads, query string parameters, and response bodies. You go, Glen Coco! 💁‍♀️
  • Search indexing fixes for Enterprise projects using a staging environment. 🔍
  • Minor fixes to the SAML Authentication workflow. 👥

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:

P.S. We're hiring! We'd love to work with you, particularly if your current employer goes public with policies that don't exactly prioritize your well-being 🤝


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and welcome to another weekly update! We remain focused on some big, internal changes to our reference section, following our preview release on our own docs last week. This release brings a bit of polish on that front, as well as some under the hood touch ups. We also shipped some big Single Sign-On (SSO) upgrades. More below! 🔑


Delay in Publishing This Update

This post was published on April 27th, but we're back-dating it to April 20th since that's when the changes in this post were released. Apologies for the delay in publishing, folks!

If you're an Enterprise customer here at ReadMe, you know by now that we support a lot of different identity providers. Well as of this release, we officially support multiple identity providers in our SAML integrations for our Enterprise customers! 👥


Our Enterprise customers, deciding which identity provider to link to ReadMe

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Rafe and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:

If you're looking for ways to help out with the ongoing situation in the Minneapolis area, please check out these resources.


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and welcome to another weekly update! We're still heads down on some big changes to our reference section, which we'll hopefully have some more news about very soon! Unfortunately we had some downtime a few days ago which prevented us from doing our planned release, so we don't have any updates to share this week. Apologies for the delayed communication, folks—but we'll be back next week with more news to share!

If you're looking for ways to help out with the ongoing situation in the Minneapolis area, please check out these resources.

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad, Owlbert, and the rest of the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and happy Tuesday, friends! This week, we're coming to you with another somewhat underwhelming update as we work on some bigger redesigns to our reference section. We have two more preview sessions if you want to check out what we've been cooking up! 🧑‍🍳

In the meantime, we did make a couple of small improvements to our current API Reference section. Details below! 🏄‍♂️

  • We've done some spring cleaning with our OpenAPI extensions! You can now nest all your ReadMe-specific extensions under a new object with the key x-readme. But don't worry, it's fully compatible with our previous format. Check out the details in our docs! 🧹
  • Better handling for allOf in response schemas. 🌈

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and welcome to another weekly update! If you're dialed into all things ReadMe, you'll know that we officially launched ReadMe Recipes last week 🎊 we've been subtly teasing it for months here in the Owlet Weekly Update and we couldn't be more excited that it's finally out in the wild! Be sure to check out our latest blog post to see the incredible stuff that our customers are already whipping up with ReadMe Recipes. 🧑‍🍳

As an avid reader of the ReadMe Changelog, you'll also know that we've been cooking up some big redesigns for the API Reference. Happy to report that we've been making great progress and that we've been hosting sneak peek events with some of the masterminds behind this initiative! You can sign up for one of the upcoming sessions here 👀

As for this release, we're still continuing to keep things on the lighter (but nevertheless substantial) side as we continue to work on these bigger initiatives behind the scenes. This week, we're shipping improvements to api and a few tiny fixes in the Enterprise dashboard. More below! 🥗

  • Remember api? The Node.js SDK that's custom-tailored to your API? Well we just shipped v3.0, making it easier than ever to peel back the layers and access the sweet fruits of your API response. In other words, API responses are automatically parsed based on content type! For an example of this, check out the Node (simple) code samples in our API reference docs. 🍌
  • This release addresses an issue where users were having trouble accessing certain sections of the Enterprise dashboard related to custom login and user management. 🔐

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our _Owlet Weekly Update**—an _owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and happy Tuesday, folks! As you probably know by now, we're ringing in Aries season (a very special time of the year for the ReadMe Team) with some hard work on bigger redesigns. We'll have some more news to share soon, but in the meantime, we're shipping a smaller release with fixes related to discriminators and search indexing. More below! ♈

Stay tuned for more info on our upcoming redesigns!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every week to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

This hotfix is for yesterday's release and applies to Enterprise customers sending in User Data with their Custom Login.

It ensures that access to the Enterprise Group is not automatically granted if the allowedProjects variable is being used.


Enterprise Customers with Staging

Please deploy this hot fix from the Staging tab in your Enterprise Group. Updates from ReadMe, including hot fixes, will not reach your Production environment until you deploy.