Hey folks! We have a shortened week here at ReadMe due to the Thanksgiving holiday, so there isn't a release this week for me to make obscure pop culture references about. Fortunately, we do have a Thanksgiving-themed picture of Owlbert to share! Is he dressed as a turkey or a brown peacock? Most likely the former—but you decide!


Really glad we didn't commission a picture of Owlbert dressed as a colonizer.

Thanks as always for being a part of the ReadMe community. Have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend!

—Kanad and the ReadMe team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every Tuesday to the ReadMe Changelog) where we provide an overview of the product updates that went out as part of our new Tuesday release cycle. As we refine our format and process for providing these updates, we'd love to hear what you think at [email protected]!

Another week, another set of release notes dedicated to LeBron James! This week we come to you with search improvements, design tweaks, and response examples for days.


✨ New & Improved

  • We’re continuing our homage to LeBron James and the example he sets and bringing response examples in the API Explorer to everyone! Previously, you needed to define examples via the example or examples keywords, but now we’re taking it a step further—for any OpenAPI operation that contains a response schema definition, we use those schemas to generate an example response with placeholder data. This even brought response examples to our docs—check it out!
  • We’ve added little color customizer in the Enterprise project appearance theme settings to make it a little easier to set your project theme color (used for accent colors in the Search modal, as well as other minor places). 🧑‍🎨
  • A few little performance improvements and coats of polish in the dashboard. 💅

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • Our search indexes have had issues with Changelog posts (like these!) for a bit now—sorry, y’all. This release includes some fixes which should bring Changelog posts into your search results over the next few days. 🔍
  • Minor filtering fixes in the API Metrics Dashboard. 📈
  • A few padding adjustments on Changelog posts and Custom Pages. 📏
  • Small touchups to our footer banners. 👣

And lastly, this release (along with most of the releases for the last few months, honestly) includes some work on a soon-to-be-released feature that will really elevate the experience of learning how to use an API. In fact, if you’ve looked at our docs recently, you may have noticed a new section in the navigation bar! We’ll have much more to say in the coming weeks, but if you’re interested in trying it out in your documentation, get in touch. 👀

As always, stay safe, keep voting constantly regardless of what the law dictates (just kidding, please follow your local election laws), and thanks for being a part of the ReadMe community!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:

(also huge thanks to Naomi for taking over for the last couple weeks!)


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every Tuesday to the ReadMe Changelog) where we provide an overview of the product updates that went out as part of our new Tuesday release cycle. As we refine our format and process for providing these updates, we'd love to hear what you think at [email protected]!

Happy Tuesday, and welcome back to another Owlet Weekly Update! We’ve got some big news this week in the form of a hot new feature. Don't worry, it’s definitely the most important thing that’s happened in the last seven days. Read on to learn all about it, as well as a few other things we’ve been up to!

✨ New & Improved

  • One of the major projects we've been working on for a while now rolled out this week. That right, folks, staging is here! Staging is our coolest new feature for customers on our Enterprise plan who want more control over how and when their content goes live. This way, folks can make all the changes they want within a project, affecting things like content, appearance, or project settings, and they'll be immediately viewable to site admins. Once everything looks good, changes can be deployed and become visible on the actual documentation site. Indeed, customers on our Enterprise plan are now able to delete entire chunks of their site, save, and fix it without any actual impact on their docs. (Ok technically this might be true but don't try this. Really.) Check out this blog post for more info on what to do if you're interested in enabling this feature. 🌟

  • Also as a part of the staging release, we've given Enterprise customers more control over when they upgrade to the latest version of ReadMe. For those customers with staging, they can choose when to jump to the latest version. The only constraint is that they won't be able to make updates to their site until they do so, to ensure compatibility going forward! 🐼

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • Folks can now use target=_blank in their Markdown to set a link to open in new tab:

    <a href="doc:getting-started" target="_blank">Getting Started</a>
  • A small security fix to make hackers’ jobs harder! 🧑‍💻

  • Straightening out our margins to make our changelog posts even prettier. ✨

That's all for this week, folks! As always, stay safe, continue to exercise your voting rights in any upcoming runoff races and beyond, and thanks for being a part of the ReadMe community!


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every Tuesday to the ReadMe Changelog) where we provide an overview of the product updates that went out as part of our new Tuesday release cycle. As we refine our format and process for providing these updates, we'd love to hear what you think at [email protected]!

Hello and happy November, folks! Last week we had a whirlwind of a fall offsite. It couldn't have gotten off to a better start, with a livestream of our Owlbert artist Paul Cox drawing a Halloween Owlbert and an I Voted Owlbert. Read on for what else we did in this release, as well as a reminder for something you have hopefully already done today to start this week off just as well as the last! :owlbert-thinking:

✨ New & Improved

  • We made some architectural changes to the backend of the API Explorer that reduced its bundle size by 11%. Don't worry if that doesn't mean anything to you. Best case scenario, your super vision notices that some pages load slightly faster! 😎
  • There was an issue with the discussion post form where it was getting a bit too squished. We've stretched it out to give your thoughts room to breathe! 💬

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • We updated our syntax highlighter to include support for TOML, now the prettiest printed new language on our block. 🌴
  • For our Enterprise customers, we fixed an issue in the audit log where category id was showing up undefined. 🌅
  • Our SAML flow was having some issues where new users invited to join Enterprise projects received emails inviting them to create ReadMe accounts, rather than sign in through SAML. We've fixed this so new users should have no problems getting access to their projects! 🔓

In case you haven't heard, today's the last day to vote. Go do that! And finally, thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community.

—Naomi and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every Tuesday to the ReadMe Changelog) where we provide an overview of the product updates that went out as part of our new Tuesday release cycle. As we refine our format and process for providing these updates, we'd love to hear what you think at [email protected]!

Happy Tuesday Thursday folks! Apologies for the delay on this week’s release—we’ve been spending the week huddled on Zoom for our fall offsite (check out Greg’s Twitter recap of our summer offsite here)! Fortunately, we’ve still been busy—this release includes some great design and performance updates as well as even more refreshed code samples. Details below! :owlbert-reading:

✨ New & Improved

  • We’re keeping the “get our JavaScript code samples with the times” energy going from last week and taking it from the server to the browser! This week, we’re finally saying goodbye to XMLHttpRequest in favor of the more widely used Fetch API. See it in action in our API reference by clicking the JavaScript tab above the code samples. 🚂
  • A couple eagle-eyed folks noticed that Markdown list elements were ever so slightly different in color than the rest of the text on a page. While we all love a little pop of color from time to time, this wasn’t the time nor place. This release includes a couple touch-ups on that front. 🖌️
  • We've included some performance optimizations in this release that should help with the initial load times on your project dashboard—with more optimizations to come soon. 🚀
  • The trusty Save button in the dashboard got a nice little refresh! Check it out and let us know what you think. 🎨

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • We had enterprise customers that were running into issues where an Auth0 SAML connection would apply to one enterprise group of projects, but not any of their other project groups. If you’ve ever seen an ad on TV for a $5 footlong only to walk into a Subway that does not in fact honor that deal, you can understand how painful this can be. While we have no control over your local Subway deals, we’ve included some fixes to apply a single SAML connection across all of your project groups. 🥪
  • There was an issue within the API Explorer for the last week or so where certain text input fields would lose focus, meaning you’d have to click back into the field after entering each individual character. Great news if you’re an Architect in the Bad Place in need of inspiration, but bad news for everyone else. Fortunately, this release includes a fix for the rest of us. 🌤️
  • A couple of small security fixes to further prevent hackers from hackity-hacking into the mainframe. 🧑‍💻
  • Some minor circular reference handling fixes in the API Explorer. 🔄

Thanks again for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community! Go vote! 🗳️

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every Tuesday to the ReadMe Changelog) where we provide an overview of the product updates that went out as part of our new Tuesday release cycle. As we refine our format and process for providing these updates, we'd love to hear what you think at [email protected]!

Hello and welcome to another edition of the Owlet Weekly Update! Major thanks to our sponsor this week—teenagers! In honor of the teens, we finally get with the times and add node-fetch support to our API Explorer. Read on for this and all of the other #hip features and improvements that were shipped in this release! 🛹


Better recharge those Juuls, kids.

✨ New & Improved

  • As many of you vape-loving, Node.js-using teens out there are aware, the request module is sooooo last year and was officially deprecated this past February. Despite all the time that has passed, the Node.js code samples in the API Explorer still used request… until now! With this major release (version 🎱 of the API Explorer, for those keeping score), we’re finally boarding the node-fetch train. Toot toot! 🚂
  • This release also contains some big improvements to our GitHub Integration. Now, the workflow validates your OpenAPI/Swagger file prior to upload, takes advantage of our wonderful new(ish) API error messages (long overdue, sorry folks!), and includes some new debug logging options which should make troubleshooting a breeze. 🍂
  • As with everything we do here at ReadMe, we're always striving to make our API Explorer as inclusive as possible. Well as of this release, the API Explorer officially supports HTTP headers of all shapes and sizes—in other words, it now preserves casing! See here for a demo. 🔠
  • Have you tried out the api code samples in your reference section yet? Well there’s no better time than the present—this release includes even more improvements on that front. 🚀
  • Good news for documentation that contains a subtle shoutout to ReadMe in the footer—we’ve made a few design tweaks to make the shoutout a little bit more elegant and subtle. 🎨

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • Some of you were seeing a completely baffling “duplicate key error” message when trying to update your API specification via a PUT request. Major apologies if this caused you to completely question your sense of reality. While I can only partially assure you that this is real life, I can say with confidence that this release includes a much clearer error message (and in case you’re wondering—yes, the error contains a poem). 🖋️
  • As mentioned last week, we made some navigational improvements to our knowledge base! This release includes some housekeeping to make sure that our documentation links are up-to-date. (And if you see any broken links, please let us know!) 🔗
  • Minor bug fixes for projects that downgrade (or upgrade, depending on perspective) to ReadMe Free. 📈
  • Other general stability improvements to the API Explorer. 🔧

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every Tuesday to the ReadMe Changelog) where we provide an overview of the product updates that went out as part of our new Tuesday release cycle. As we refine our format and process for providing these updates, we'd love to hear what you think at [email protected]!

Welcome to another Owlet Weekly Update! I'm going to state the obvious here folks—we all learn best when we learn by example. And there's no better example right now than this week’s Owlet Person of the Week (which is totally a thing, trust me)—American men’s basketball player LeBron James! In honor of Mr. James and the example he sets for all of us, we’ve added response examples to the API Explorer. Read onward for details on this and so much more! 🏀



✨ New & Improved

  • As alluded to above, we now support defining response examples via the example keyword. What does this mean? You can now create sample API responses that your users can preview before they even hit the “Try It” button! This makes it even easier for your users to know what to expect from your API. See it in action here! 👀
  • If you’ve ever brought your OpenAPI/Swagger file into ReadMe, you’ll know that we have a variety of extensions available so you can customize your reference guides to your liking. These properties used to apply to your entire reference section, but why paint with such a broad brush? With this release, you can now specify options at the operation level. Hooray for smaller brushes! 🖌️
  • We just made some changes to our knowledge base to make it easier to navigate. Let us know what you think! 🧭

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • What’s a pull request on GitHub without the angry “any update?” comments? Well, ReadMe’s version of pull requests (which most of you know as Suggested Edits) were temporarily unable to load the comments section. Great in theory for preventing abuse, bad in reality for actually conversing with the person that submitted the suggested edit. For better or worse, this release brings the comments section back. 💨
  • Did you know that API Metrics uses your OpenAPI definition to help you understand your usage better? For example, when viewing your most popular API endpoints, we group certain URLs together if they share path parameters! With this release, the dashboard will offer some suggestions so you can make the most of your metrics. 📈
  • All response examples deserve to be treated fairly… including those that are passed via $ref! Now, we properly render response examples regardless of how they’re referenced. 🔄

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community (and congratulations again to LeBron James on winning Owlet Person of the Week)!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every Tuesday to the ReadMe Changelog) where we provide an overview of the product updates that went out as part of our new Tuesday release cycle. As we refine our format and process for providing these updates, we'd love to hear what you think at [email protected]!

Hello and happy October, friends! Thanks for tuning into another Owlet Weekly Update. We still have a lot of folks out and a lot of bigger initiatives that we're working on (stay tuned 👀), but in the meantime—we've got great news for fans of analytics, color, and Migos. Details below! 🎃


(Team Cardi, for the record)

✨ New & Improved

  • We’ve enhanced our Segment integration to support custom domain proxies—meaning you’ll be able to proxy all your tracking events through your domain. 🌐

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • Much like with the tech industry as a whole, a few customers noticed a little lack of color in their code samples lately. Well while we’re still a part of the fight for a more diverse and inclusive tech industry, (check out our blog post on our interview process and our careers page—QTBIPOC encouraged to apply!) this release includes a fix to our syntax highlighter. Hooray for color! 🌈
  • “Offset!” -Offset (also us, adjusting the margins of our new table of contents to better align with the first line of content). 🎨
  • Authentication fixes for enterprise projects that use both ReadMe and SAML login flows. 🔐
  • “Patched” up the vertical alignment on the PATCH badge. 🏴‍☠️
  • Small scrollbar fixes in the dashboard. 🖱️

Once again, thanks for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:

Happy Tuesday, folks! We have a lot of folks out this week (but don't worry, we'll wake them up when September ends!) so this update is a bit on the shorter side. Nevertheless, lots of little fixes for our grammar nerds and our legacy users—details below! 👇🏽


These references are only going to get more obscure. Sorry.

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • For those of you ReadMe community members that still exist in the Dark Ages (in other words, you’re still on the legacy version of our platform), you may have noticed issues reordering documentation pages. Thankfully, this release includes a fix for that! Sorry for making the Dark Ages even darker, folks. (If you want to enter the Age of Enlightenment, check out our FAQ on upgrading to our current platform—it’s completely free and our amazing support team makes it super easy to do!) 🏰
  • Our image uploader was briefly having trouble loading on legacy projects and in a handful of other places. Should be resolved now—upload responsibly, kids! 🖼
  • Some of you may have been completely baffled by the errors you were seeing when creating a new project. This release should quell the bafflement. 💭
  • Another week, another discovery of some atrocious typos by our copy queen Shinae. 🤓
  • Fixes to some category syncing issues when uploading OpenAPI files. 🔄
  • Patches to a couple of tiny design regressions. 🎨
  • Small security fixes. 🔐

Thanks, as always, for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community!

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every Tuesday to the ReadMe Changelog) where we provide an overview of the product updates that went out as part of our new Tuesday release cycle. As we refine our format and process for providing these updates, we'd love to hear what you think at [email protected]!

Hello hello, welcome to yet another Owlet Weekly Update! This week's fixes were focused on security and reliability, including to the the API Explorer, the Page History feature, and more. Details below! :owlbert-thinking:



✨ New & Improved

  • Everything’s bigger in Texas—including our limits on how many custom pages you can add to a project. As of this release, at least. Disclaimer: these changes also apply to our non-Texan customers as well. 🤠
  • Minor stability improvements when pulling up Page History in the dashboard. ⏳

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • If you’ve ever merged a Suggested Edit into your ReadMe documentation, you may have noticed that the Page History would incorrectly attribute the changes to the creator of the page, rather than the person that merged the Suggested Edit. Well this isn’t Drake’s discography! With this release, content updates are properly credited. 📝
  • Like dates (the fruit), our dates (the UI component) didn’t quite sit right with everyone. So, we decided to metaphorically go with an apple and… okay I’ve lost the metaphor here, but what I’m trying to say is… all date and date-time inputs in the API Explorer are string inputs rather than date and date-time picker components. Sorry if your browser was allergic. 🍎
  • We released a Ruby SDK for API Metrics a few weeks ago, and with that came some onboarding docs that had some glaring typos—which don’t exactly inspire confidence during an onboarding experience. Thanks to Ruben, who wrote in pointing those out! This release includes some spelling improvements which should hopefully put your mind at ease. 😌
  • Looks like some of you kids had a little too much fun… because this release includes a few additional guardrails for our previously mentioned API endpoint for applying for a job with us. Be sure to try it out if you haven’t already done so! 💙
  • For those of you that exist on a plane of chaos, our API Explorer is now operating on your level. In other words, our API Explorer file uploader now has support for file names that contain parentheses. 📡
  • We did it folks. We’re officially 100% secure now! Just kidding (probably). But this release includes a lot of little security fixes that get us reeeeaaal close. 🔐
  • Super tiny fixes to the setup and deployment workflow for Custom OAuth Login. 🚀
  • Better support for cyclical references in the API Explorer. 🔁

It's National Voter Registration Day, so don't forget to register to vote! Thanks again for reading and for being a part of the ReadMe community,

—Kanad and the ReadMe Team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Weekly Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Weekly Update—an owlet-sized update (posted every Tuesday to the ReadMe Changelog) where we provide an overview of the product updates that went out as part of our new Tuesday release cycle. As we refine our format and process for providing these updates, we'd love to hear what you think at [email protected]!