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503/520 errors when attempting to upload openapi schema - "your upload request timed out"

We are attempting to upload schema -- it had worked earlier but is now giving errors. Cannot tell if this is user error, or server errors

Have attempted using curl as well as rdme cli tool

(3.10.5) [huvr] npx --yes rdme openapi $SWAGGER_SCHEMA_FILE --key=$README_API_KEY --id=$README_API_DEFINITION_ID
โœ” Validating API definition located at xx_path_xx/schema.yaml... done! โœ…
โœ” Staging your API definition for upload... done! ๐Ÿš€
โœ– Updating your API docs in ReadMe...

We're sorry, your upload request timed out. Please try again or split your file up into smaller chunks.

$ curl \ 
      "--request"  "PUT" \
      "--url"      "https://dash.readme.com/api/v1/api-specification/${README_API_DEFINITION_ID}" \
      "--user"     "${README_API_KEY}:" \
      "--header"   "Accept: application/json"\
      "--header"   "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"\
      "--form"     "spec=@${SWAGGER_SCHEMA_FILE}" \
HTTP/2 520

Attempted creating a new file,

$ npx --yes rdme openapi $SWAGGER_SCHEMA_FILE --key=$README_API_KEY
โœ” Would you like to use an existing project version or create a new one? ยท update
โœ” Select your desired version ยท 3
โœ” Validating API definition located at xx_path_xx/schema.yaml... done! โœ…
โœ” Staging your API definition for upload... done! ๐Ÿš€
โœ” Would you like to update an existing OAS file or create a new one? ยท create
โœ– Creating your API docs in ReadMe...

We're sorry, your upload request timed out. Please try again or split your file up into smaller chunks.

this^ DOES appear to work, even though it gave an error message

curl \
      "--request"  "GET" \
      "--url"      "https://dash.readme.com/api/v1/api-specification/" \
      "--user"     "${README_API_KEY}:" \
      "--header"   "Accept: application/json"
[{ "source":"cli", ... }]  <--- has newly created spec

file is ~400K:

-rw-r--r--  1 xx_user_xx  staff   421K Aug 23 16:18 xx_path_xx/schema.yaml
  • any guidance on "split your file up into smaller chunks"?
  • is there a "status" page for readme.com?