Admins can now collapse the My Developers panel to view documentation alongside the data.

When looking at data in My Developers for a specific endpoint, it can be helpful to view the documentation for that endpoint to provide additional context. In ReadMe Refactored we now have a way to collapse the My Developers panel, showing the data and the documentation side by side.

Refactored Some improvements are only available once your project has been upgraded.

New Features & Improvements

  • Admin Panel: Add help button to more easily contact our support team Refactored
  • Changelog: Highlight Changelog pages containing invalid MDX Refactored
  • API Reference: OAS files that are YAML can now be synced for Refactored projects Refactored

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Search: Removed unnecessary API calls during search Refactored
  • Recipes: Fixed recipe embeds in the Guides section Refactored
  • Recipes: Fixed directly linking to a specific Recipe Refactored
  • Sidebar: Fixed an issue preventing pages from being moved between levels of nesting Refactored
  • Reusable Content: Fixed an issue where reuseable content wasn’t being rendered in the reference section
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where we were showing incorrect validation errors Refactored
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where content inside of Style tags was getting parsed as Markdown
  • Sidebar: Fixed an issue where collapsing or expanding a section in the sidebar would lose scroll position
  • Editor: Fixed padding around Glossary items in the editor
  • Sidebar: Improve performance of long sidebar pages Refactored
  • Sidebar: Fixed hidden pages incorrectly showing up when nested at the max level Refactored
  • Editor: Fixed an issue inserting HTML into table cells in Markdown
  • API Designer: Disabling the API Designer will correctly disable editing the server URL and security schemes Refactored

ReadMe’s API Designer UI

Customers who have migrated to ReadMe Refactored now have access to the new API Designer. The new API Designer is easier to use, and outputs OAS files that can automatically sync to your GitHub repo.

Refactored Some improvements are only available once your project has been upgraded.

New Features & Improvements

  • Editor: The sidebar has be rewritten with significant improvements to performance
  • Editor: Improved performance on projects with a large number of pages in the "What’s next" block and [ page selector
  • Owlbot: Improved performance when typing
  • API Reference: Added support for maxItems and minItems

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where code blocks content would overlap with line numbers
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where users couldn’t save MDX components Refactored
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the changelogs would sometimes crash Refactored
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where deleting the last Reusable Content could cause the page to crash Refactored
  • Editor: Fixed an issue with adding Recipes to a page Refactored
  • Docs: Fixed an issue where empty states would appear momentarily while loading Refactored
  • ReadMe Refactored: Fixed a potential display issue with the welcome modal Refactored
  • SEO: Fixed an issue in Enterprise projects where the incorrect robots.txt file was being used
  • Suggested Edits: Fixed an issue where Suggested Edits would crash on a page with Reusable Content Refactored
  • Admins: Fixed an issue where some projects were unable to be bookmarked
ReadMe’s project list page with bookmarks

You can now bookmark projects. They'll stay pinned to the top of your project list page for as long as you'd like. :)

Refactored Some improvements are only available once your project has been upgraded.

New Features & Improvements

  • My Developers: My Developers will now automatically filter to the currently viewed endpoint page Refactored
  • My Requests: Added a filter to the API keys menu
  • API Reference: Improved OpenAPI definition upload performance Refactored
  • Git Connection: It now takes one less click to sync a repository Refactored
  • Owlbot AI: Improved Owlbot’s ability to answer questions about APIs with large API definitions

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • My Developers: Fixed an issue where not all docs content would be accessible in split view mode Refactored
  • My Developers: Fixed an issue with Try It requests not showing request body data Refactored
  • My Requests: Fixed an issue where the page would crash
  • Docs: Fixed an issue with iframes not rendering
  • Docs: Fixed an issue where pages could crash if navigation data was in a bad state
  • Docs: Fixed an issue with the previous page link skipping over endpoint pages with no Markdown content
  • Docs: Fixed an issue with SSR Refactored
  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the inline editor in Safari not working
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where some Reusable Content blocks would cause the page to crash
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where titles in new components like <Accordion /> were not being indexed Refactored
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where Reusable Content would be loaded as plain jsx nodes Refactored
  • ReadMe API: Fixed an issue where pages nested 2 levels deep could be orphaned when moving them
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the setup state would show as complete, when it was in fact not complete
  • API Metrics: Fixed an issue where tooltips in graphs could render outside the viewport
  • Landing Page: Fixed an issue with landing pages not loading Refactored
  • Admin Dashboard: Fixed an issue with navigating to child projects
  • Discussions: Fixed an issue where creating empty posts could cause the page to crash
  • Owlbot AI: Fixed an issue with URLs generated by Owlbot
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where selecting a response example would not automatically close the example menu
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where webhook pages could be skipped in the project navigation
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue with rendering parameters if certain OAS extensions were used Refactored
  • Custom Login: Fixed an issue with custom login display
Copilot UI for interacting with an installed extension

All of our Owlbot customers will now be able to configure a Copilot extension that interacts with their documentation. By setting up your own Copilot extension, your users will be able to install it directly in their IDE so they can ask questions right where they are working.

Refactored Some improvements are only available once your project has been upgraded.

New Features & Improvements

  • Custom Variables: Add a link to setting custom variables in Personalized Docs Refactored
  • MDX: Improved the editing experience for mdx in the editor Refactored
  • Documentation: Improved clearing cache after updating content resulting in changes showing up much quicker to end users Refactored
  • Accessibility: Accessibility fixes to search, what’s next, and landing page
  • Accessibility: Accessibility fixes to the Getting Started, Authentication, and My Request pages
  • Auth: New users verifying their emails for the SAML login flow will be properly redirected back to the original page
  • Personalized Docs: Add support for setting up Personalized Docs with AWS
  • Documentation Metrics: Added link to Documentation Metrics in Refactored projects Refactored
  • MDX: UI improvements to how we surface pages with MDX error in Refactored projects Refactored

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • API Reference: Properly support nullable: false in the Reference section
  • Recipes: Fixed for recipes containing specific markdown characters Refactored
  • API Reference: Fixed an error when uploading OAS failed due to a missing category error Refactored
  • Realtime: Fixed issue where our generated Getting Started & Authentication pages appeared in incorrect places in the sidebar Refactored
  • SEO: Fixed issue where nested pages weren’t appearing in the sitemap
  • Documentation/Editor: Fixed scroll position being incorrect when switching between View and Edit mode on some pages Refactored
  • Versions: Fixed renaming versions on Refactored projects Refactored
  • Documentation: Fixed issue where pages with long slugs would 404 in Refactored projects Refactored
  • Suggested Edits: Fixed issue where pages with a missing excerpt were unable to have suggested edits
  • Security: XSRF cookies should now have the secure attribute
  • Owlbot: Fixed UI issues when question wrapped to multiple lines

Over the past year, we’ve been reimagining, reinventing and refactoring every single part of ReadMe. And now, it’s here! New updates include a new editing UI, MDX components, syncing with GitHub, My Developers, and more. Read our blog and docs for more details.

New Editing UI

Sync with GitHub

It’s now easier to see changes as you make them with Site Navigation, Appearance, Custom CSS, and more appearing as you edit. And now you can sync content changes, including Guides, OAS files, References, Recipes, and Custom Pages with GitHub.

MDX & New Editor Blocks

We've added support for MDX and new editor components, including columns, tabs, accordions, and Mermaid. Read the docs

Refactored Some improvements are only available once your project has been upgraded.

New Features & Improvements

  • My Developers: The new My Developers helps you learn how developers interact with your API and reach out to them if they get stuck. Refactored
  • Page History: Changes in page history now show the difference between each change, instead of comparing to what’s live Refactored

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue with our webhook testing flow
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue with fresh data not appearing right away after setting up
  • Custom HTML: Fixed an issue where footer HTML wasn’t appearing in all pages
  • Editor: Fixed an issue with performance when working with a large amount of pages
  • Accessibility: Fixed various accessibility issues with missing labels and color contrast
  • Admin Menu: Fixed an issue with icon consistency

ReadMe project list page ui

We’ve redesigned the project list page. Completely rebuilt for improved performance, information density, and with direct links to docs, settings, and your dashboard.


  • API Reference: Removed a confusing tooltip for outdated request history items
  • API Reference: Deprecated icons moved to the right for visual alignment
  • API Reference: Copy has been updated to replace authorization with credentials in a few places for accuracy

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where switching API keys would not persist between pages
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the webhooks configuration page could jump around while typing
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where webhooks URLs weren’t being validated properly
  • Discussions: Fixed an issue where CAPTCHA was not displaying properly for some Enterprise projects
  • Manage Plan: Fixed a typo for Recipies


  • Performance: Improved page load times for projects with lots of custom CSS/HTML/JS
  • API Reference: Improved response header text wrapping
  • Staging: Improved search indexing reliability

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Staging: Fixed an issue where the page could crash in production when navigating to a page that’s been moved in staging
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where Try It could cause the page to crash with when JWT has been misconfigured
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where the response UI could not accommodate a large number of examples
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where API key selection wasn’t persisting across endpoints
  • API Reference: Removed a confusing tooltip in the request history table
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where webhooks parameter headers were rendering incorrectly
  • Export: Fixed an issue when exporting projects with special unicode characters not being displayed properly
  • Discussions: Fixed an issue where Markdown wasn’t rendering in the Discussions list
  • Reusable Content: Fixed an issue where the emoji dropdown would not be fully visible

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where generating the page description with AI was failing
  • Auth: Fixed an issue where projects couldn’t be switched from SAML back to using a ReadMe login
  • Versions: Fixed an issue where projects with a large number of versions couldn’t unpublish them
  • Versions: Fixed an issue where certain versions weren’t appearing in the project dashboard
  • Recipes: Fixed an issue where Recipes didn’t have the correct meta tags
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where $refs that were null crashed the page
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue with deleting an object field from the manual API editor
  • PDF Generation: Fixed an issue where nested content wasn’t included in the generated PDF
  • Docs: Updates to our icon library


  • SSO: Added OpenID Connect as an option for end users
  • Developer Dashboard: My Requests can now show Try It requests while logged out
  • Developer Dashboard: Opening an expired shared request now loads the page with expiration info in the response
  • Developer Dashboard: Added x-documentation-url header info to response details
  • Global Landing Page: If a description is not provided, we now use the project description for improved SEO
  • API Reference: Added webhook icon to the sidebar to make it easier to tell which endpoints are webhooks
  • Editor: Improved support for writing longer descriptions

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Search: Fixed an issue where project name letter casing was not being updated
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue with a non-loading graph in My Requests
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where request history wasn’t being preserved when server variables are changed
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where Slack notifications weren’t working or displaying the correct icons
  • Doc Metrics: Fixed an issue where the graphs would not load
  • Navigation: Fixed an issue where the dropdown navigation menu would briefly display the incorrect page
  • Navigation: Fixed an issue where adding a ? to the URL on Changelog and Reference pages would prevent the page from loading
  • SSO: Fixed an issue where group mappings could stop working
  • Global Landing Page: Improved performance by removing an unnecessary redirect
  • Owlbot AI: Fixed an issue where CSV exports would be formatted incorrectly
  • Manual Editor: Fixed an issue where creating new pages would fail
  • PDF Export: Fixed an issue where PDFs weren’t being generated sometimes
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where enum objects with default values were selected, even when defaults were not enabled
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where errors would be shown on embeds URLs before a URL is entered
  • Editor: Fixed an error when saving Reusable Content
  • Enterprise: Fixed an issue where project passwords were not editable from the Group dashboard
screenshot of API Gateway instructions

Setting up your Developer Dashboard with AWS API Gateway is easier than before. Get API keys in your docs and understand your API customers, by setting up within your AWS Console. Find the new setup steps from your Admin Dashboard → My Developers → Set Up API Keys and select the API Gateway tab.


  • Landing Page: Added support for OpenGraph images
  • API Reference: minLength and maxLength are now better surfaced in the UI
  • SSO: SAML verification codes are now easier to spot in your emails
  • Custom Domains: Some projects will see a new custom domains setup page

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • SSO: Fixed an issue with an empty safelist and authentication errors
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where JSX comments would cause the page to crash
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where back-to-back Reusable Content blocks could fail to render
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where files could be mixed up on upload
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where base URLs in the request code is not persisted on refresh
  • API Reference: Fixed a recent regression where parameter inputs weren’t reset between endpoint pages
  • Suggested Edits: Fixed an issue where non-merged Suggested Edits would update the last updated timestamp
  • Inviting Users: Fixed an issue where inviting users could sometimes fail
  • Docs: Fixed an issue where you couldn’t navigate to a parent page if it was an endpoint