
  • Auth: Allow end users to request access from the protected page screen

๐Ÿ› Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert):

  • SEO: Improve UX for generating an SEO description with AI
  • SEO: Fixed blank title tags in some server-rendered HTML
  • Recipes: Fixed layout issue with Recipes endpoint picker
  • Recipes: Fixed issue where Recipe code overlapped with line numbers on initial load
  • Signup: Fixed issue where validation errors during signup prevented progressing
  • API Reference: Fixed issue causing default values for enums to be displayed twice
  • API Reference: Fixed issues for callbacks with additionalProperties displaying incorrectly


  • API Reference: More descriptive variable name in api code samples
  • API Reference: Display min/max values for parameters more prominently
  • API Reference: Improved styling of parameter objects with multiple levels of nesting
  • Guides: Strip style tags when generating metadata for SEO
  • Project Dashboard: Make searching for users by email case insensitive
  • Developer Dashboard: Improved Demo experience if project doesnโ€™t have any recent API logs

๐Ÿ› Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert):

  • Auth: Fixed issue where updating end user SSO configuration incorrectly modified redirect URI
  • Guides: Fixed issue where pages with empty HTML blocks caused page to error
  • Variables: Fixed issue where variables were sometimes being saved in correctly in the editor
  • API Reference: Fixed issue where certain Try It responses would cause page to error
  • API Reference: Polymorphic objects with custom keywords will render correctly


  • Billing: Added billing details UI, so you can see the total amount of your invoices, next payment, and more!
  • Favicons: We now convert SVG icons for broader browser support on upload
  • API Explorer: Parameter inputs are now hidden when custom code samples are defined in your OAS file
  • SDK: Generated SDK code is a little more personal

๐Ÿ› Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert):

  • Recipes: Fixed an issue where users couldnโ€™t remove emojis from a Recipe
  • Billing: Fixed an issue where trial project navigation wasnโ€™t working
  • Billing: Fixed an issue where the next invoice would show the incorrect date
  • Billing: Fixed an issue where add-on UI would show costs to the 4th decimal
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the spend breakdown would show the incorrect amount
  • API Explorer: Fixed an issue where authentication was not persisting across projects with the same domain
  • Dashboard: Fixed an issue with SVG uploads not working
  • Navigation: Fixed an issue with custom links not properly navigating users
  • Integrations: Updated Google Analytics copy for clarity

Over the past few weeks, we've rolled out improvements to our billing flow, including annual billing and supporting additional ways to pay. Customers who switch to one of the new annual plans will receive a discount on the monthly rate. In addition to paying via credit card, we now support payments via ACH as well as cards that require Enhanced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).


  • Recipes: Added class names for components in Recipes for use with Custom CSS
  • Security: Warning when deleting a project with a custom domain to remove CNAME in DNS provider

๐Ÿ› Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert):

  • Recipes: Fixed menu overflow for projects with a lot of API Endpoints
  • Recipes: Fixed error that occurred when reordering specific Recipes
  • API Reference: Fixed setting the browser page title when navigating within the reference section
  • API Reference: Fixed bug with redirect not persisting from the "Authenticate" button on the API Getting Started page
  • API Reference: Fixed issue where certain browsers were missing styles in select components
  • Discussion: Show suspected spam posts a captcha to prevent false positives
  • Documentation: Fixed issue where the table of contents would be shown after navigating even when disabled
  • Documentation: Fixed issue where non-teammates were able to view hidden versions
  • Search: Fixed issue where project filters in search werenโ€™t showing up until after a search was started
  • Staging: Fixed issue where Group Viewers logged in via SAML were unable to view staging
  • Editor: Fixed issue where focus was being lost when adding embedded content
ReadMe UI with emoji autocomplete

Weโ€™ve switched over to native system emoji set for a more consistent experience. Emojis in our editor and recipes were previously using a different set of characters (native unicode and Twemoji). And now we also support even more emoji (Emoji 14.0), and aliases to make it easier to find emoji when searching.


  • Owlbot AI: Now using GPT-4o; for faster responses
  • Admin Dashboard: Manage Plan page now shows upcoming plan changes
  • Search: Minor improvements to search network performance
  • PDF Export: Customers on the Business tier can now export PDFs

๐Ÿ› Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert):

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where duplicate dividers were shown in the API Reference editor
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where duplicating synced endpoint pages would fail
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where menus werenโ€™t accessible on active pages
  • API Reference: enums formatted as int32 now renders as a select element instead of text input
  • API Reference: Fixed a regression with menu sizes for the language selector
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where optional parameter values were being set with the default handling option was enabled
  • Search: Fixed an issue where long titles in search were not completely visible
  • Changelog: Fixed an issue where variables werenโ€™t being rendered in RSS feeds
  • Recipes: Fixed an issue where emojis werenโ€™t being displayed
  • Enterprise: Fixed an issue where the global landing page would crash with Owlbot and private projects
  • Custom CSS: Fixed an issue where .rm-Header-bottom wasnโ€™t applying to the correct element
  • Custom CSS: Added .rm-SearchModal-empty classes for easier customization of search UI

Over the past few weeks, weโ€™ve been working on new options to customize your API References. As we've added more options we decided the page to set that up needed a refresh! Go to Appearance โ†’ API Reference to see the settings:

  • Show Request History UI to view past Try It and actual API requests
  • Automatically populate parameter inputs with default values
  • Edit the request body with JSON
  • Expand response schemas by default
  • Expand the first 200 response example by default
  • Make use of ReadMeโ€™s SDK generator for code examples in 20 languages


  • Search/Reusable Content: Content on a page from a Reusable Content block will now be indexed by search
  • API Reference: Add a toggle to mask or show API Key

๐Ÿ› Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert):

  • Search: Donโ€™t show empty pages in search results
  • a11y: Better maintain screen reader location when closing the search modal
  • Editor Sidebar: UI Improvements for spacing and consistency while editing Category titles
  • Editor: Fix list items being unnecessarily escaped from within headers
  • Transfer Ownership: Fix transferring ownership on projects without active plans
  • API Reference: Fix situations where the browser back button wouldn't take you to the correct page
  • API Reference: Fixes for generated Swift code samples
  • API Reference: Fix the height of request code samples being too small on pages with long responses
  • API Reference: More even spacing between parameter sections
  • API: Fix body_html response in the Get Doc endpoint being returned as Markdown
  • UI: Fix some icons in buttons appearing too close to the button label
  • Staging: Fix links to preview suggested edits while on staging
  • Staging: More reliably clear cache on staging promotion


  • Editor: Emoji search is improved by including aliases
  • Enterprise: Teammates should now be able to view non-public versions
  • Custom CSS/JS: Added rm-MobileFlyout-item, making it easier to customize mobile links

๐Ÿ› Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Search: Empty pages will no longer appear in search results
  • Redirects: Fixed an issue where redirects could sometimes lead to blank pages
  • Docs: Fixed an issue where login links werenโ€™t appearing on some projects
  • Changelog: Fixed an issue where changelogs couldn't be saved in Safari
  • Changelog: Removed Reusable Content from Changlogs (itโ€™s not workingโ€ฆyet!)
  • End User Management: Updated copy on the new user access settings for clarification
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where boolean params could appear as empty strings in request code
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where navigating to the My Requests page from the Authentication page could 404
  • API Reference: Temporarily removed the Share Request feature
  • Accessibility: Fixed an issue where the jump to button wasnโ€™t jumping to the content on Guides pages

Weโ€™ve added quality of life improvements to the My Requests page as well as My Developers. End users in your documentation will now be able to filter the requests they are viewing by custom date ranges. In addition, both admins and end users will be able to search for a specific log by its Request ID.

Other Improvements

  • API Reference: Added Node.js as an option for custom code samples
  • API Reference: Improvements to showing top level examples in endpoints with Array types
  • Custom CSS: Added class names to the documentation version dropdown to allow for easier CSS customization

๐Ÿ› Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • UI: Fixed some scrollbars appearing light against dark content
  • API Reference: Fixed issues with reset to default in API reference not always appearing when it should
  • Editor: Fixed creating links for projects with only one enterprise project
  • Accessibility: Added aria-live to search results
  • Accessibility: Added aria-hidden=true to icons in navigation that shouldnโ€™t be read by screen readers
  • Reusable Content: Headers in reusable content will now show up in the table of contents
  • Dashboard: Improved validation for setting configuring custom login
  • Changelog: Fixed issue with removing type of a Changelog post after it had been created
  • Editor: Added a tooltip when linking pages in the editor to allow seeing the entire title
  • API Reference: More consistent padding and margin in the parameter table in the reference section

Weโ€™ve added the ability to pair request examples with their respective responses when using the code-samples extension and the new correspondingExample key. A new tab UI will render on endpoints with these examples to make them more discoverable. Example OAS snippet:

              summary: An example of a cat
                name: Meredith Grey
                petType: cat
                color: white
                gender: female
                breed: Scottish Fold
    - name: Cat
      language: curl
      code: "curl --request POST \n     --url \n        \    --header 'content-type: application/json' \n     --data '\n{\n  \"type\": \"cat\"\n}\n'"
      # corresponding example value needs to match example name
      correspondingExample: Cat

๐Ÿชถ Other Improvements

  • Sidebar: Subtle Increase to the indentation of nested sidebar items
  • Docs: Updated copy icon throughout the docs
  • Discussions: Improvements to spam prevention
  • Custom Pages: Refactored to match the guides and reference editing experience

๐Ÿ› Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Login: Fixed an issue where users using passwordless login were unable to create a new password
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where the page could crash when timestamps for a request were invalid
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where lists in parameter descriptions had a different font-size than the rest of the description
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where parameters rendering <select multiple /> would render poorly in dark mode
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where the table of contents was missing from reference pages
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where the request example menu could go missing
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue preventing users from deleting API definitions
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where Try It would fail to use the correct authorization data in successive calls
  • Docs: Fixed an issue where the page would crash when opening a blank page and the first nested page is an external link
  • Developer Dashboard: Disabled API key dropdown if thereโ€™s only a single key
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where inspecting a log would cause the reference page to crash
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where users were unable to link to "Getting Started" or "Authentication" pages from the whatโ€™s next UI
  • Enterprise: Fixed an issue on some projects where landing pages werenโ€™t showing the full set of navigation links
  • Enterprise: Fixed several issues where permissions werenโ€™t being applied properly when using the "set all" action
  • Enterprise: Fixed an issue granting access to docs when assigning permissions to users who havenโ€™t yet created accounts
  • Staging: Fixed an issue where you wouldnโ€™t be able to access a staging page if you had previously viewed the page while logged out
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where creating article links would move the cursor to the top of the page
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where creating links could cause subsequent text to appear backwards and in a different color
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where pages nested 3 levels deep werenโ€™t appearing in the link menu
  • Import Docs: Fixed an issue where importing docs that were previously exported would fail
  • Reusable Content: Fixed an issue where sorting alphabetically was ignoring letter casing
  • Reusable Content: Fixed an issue inserting reusable content when searching with only numbers
  • SEO: Fixed an issue where some pages were not being indexed

๐Ÿ› Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Reusable Content: Fixed UI issue with blocks having long names
  • Reusable Content: Fixed issues concerning blocks with names starting with a number
  • Reusable Content: Fixed pagination issues for projects with a large number of content blocks
  • Variables: Improved support for longer variable names
  • SEO: Added a setting to use page SEO metadata as the title HTML tag
  • Translations: Improved search reliability for projects using many languages
  • API Reference: Improved setting and removing default values
  • Developer Dashboard: Added more explanatory tooltips and revised empty states
  • Suggested Edits: Prevented edge cases that allowed crawling for suggested edits routes
  • Guides: Include all nested pages when forking a version
  • Search: Fixed issues with losing focus on the search box in Windows when using the keyboard
  • Discussions: Improved spam prevention in discussion forums
  • Editor: Fixed unexpected behavior when inserting links
  • Guides: Fixed incorrect "Whatโ€™s Next" link at the end of the guides section