The Getting Started page shows developers how to use your API as quickly as possible. Sometimes, you want to start with a slightly more complicated request, so the Getting Started page now includes all parameters and headers that make up the request.

🪶 Other Improvements

  • Reusable Content: Added the ability to search the page usage list
  • API Reference: APIs using custom code samples will no longer show auto-generated samples
  • Documentation: We’ve refactored some of our documentation login pages; they may look a little different, but you should see no change in functionality

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the Getting Started or Authentication pages could be in a broken state when the endpoints used on those pages are deleted
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where API keys menu on the My Requests page wasn’t working
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where duplicated query parameters would appear when replaying requests
  • Documentation: Fixed an issue where users couldn't log in via passwordless login
  • Documentation: Fixed an issue where the Jump To menu weren’t showing endpoints nested 2 levels deep
  • Enterprise: Fixed an issue where selecting a deprecated version in some enterprise projects would load a blank page
  • Variables: Fixed an issue where project admins could edit group-level variables
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where server variables were incorrectly marked as invalid
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where resetting server variables without a default would show undefined
  • Custom Page: Fixed an issue where custom JS would load twice when custom pages were used as an error page
  • Editor: Fixed a bug when bolding text in list items
  • Translations: Fixed an issue where users couldn’t save after removing a language

For users with lots of reusable content, you’ll now be able to search and sort by name or last edited.

🪶 Other Improvements

  • CLI: Added an error message when conflicting flags are used
  • Developer Dashboard: You should see faster load times when viewing a request log
  • Sign Up / Log In: ✨New and improved✨

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where you couldn’t add pages nested pages to “What’s Next”
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where you could lose access to a Guides page if it was moved to References if you didn’t have a Reference section
  • Landing Page: Fixed an issue where external links on the Landing Page were taking users to a blank page
  • Enterprise: Fixed an issue where Group Viewers were unable to search on the Global Landing Page
  • Enterprise: Fixed an issue where color scheme setting wasn’t being respected properly
  • Enterprise: Fixed an issue where metadata tags weren’t including the title and description from project settings
  • CLI: Fixed an issue where you couldn’t update a version without also renaming it
  • Custom Pages: Fixed an issue where navigating to a custom page would 404 when switching versions
  • Email: Fixed an issue where logos weren’t appearing in sign up emails
  • Recipes: Fixed an issue where Recipe link colors could be too low contrast to see
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where Markdown in parameter descriptions weren’t rendering properly
  • Docs: Fixed an issue where previous buttons weren’t working on child pages with an empty parent page
  • Quick Start: Fixed a typo on step 2

ReadMe now supports webhooks documented in your OAS 3.1 files. Try it out with an example webhooks specs.

ReadMe Labs

We’ve added ReadMe Labs in the dashboard so you can enable experimental features—just GraphQL for now. You can find it under configuration settings, which we’ve reorganized to make your settings easier to find.

🪶 Other Improvements

  • Developer Dashboard & Doc Metrics: Show/hide column preferences persist across browser session
  • Developer Dashboard: Increase requests per page from 20 to 30 rows
  • Reusable Content: Added support for renaming reusable content blocks
  • Docs: Deprecated banner now spans the full-width of the page
  • Docs: Refactored mobile page navigation to support more interactions and additional levels of nesting
  • Enterprise: Improvements made for more reliable PDF generation
  • Editor: Improvements made to sidebar performance—especially ones with a large amount of categories and pages
  • Suggested Edits: Added notifications to our Slack integration when an anonymous user makes a suggested edits
  • API Reference: Response schema examples can now expand by default instead of in a modal (this can be changed in your Reference configuration)
  • Search: HTML tables are now indexed

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where you couldn’t edit Iframe URLs
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where extra characters were being added to image links when viewing in the editor
  • Enterprise: Updated copy to clarify password access behavior
  • Developer Dashboard & Doc Metrics: Fixed an issue where exports could crash the page in Safari and Firefox
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where long API Keys in the Authentication page were being truncated after clicking "Show API Key"
  • Owlbot: Fixed an issue where Owlbot wouldn’t reveal its source if there were only one
  • Admin Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the ReadMe rating UI was not accessible

You can now add an additional level of nesting in your Guides and API Reference section for more flexibility in how you structure your content.

🪶 Other Improvements

  • Reuseable Content: Add link to manage reuseable content from within the editor
  • API Reference: Improve how we handle null values in enums from the OAS file
  • Guides/API Reference: Improve consistency in navigation between the Guides and the Reference section
  • Guides/API Reference: Automatically redirect after slug is changed on nested pages
  • Darkmode: All plans now have access to chose between setting Dark/Light/Auto as the default theme

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Owlbot AI: Fixed link colors in Owlbot not being high enough contrast on some projects
  • Owlbot AI: Fixed Owlbot date picker showing up in the dashboard even if project didn't have it enabled
  • Owlbot AI: Fixed Owlbot's tone to be more neutral by default
  • Owlbot AI: Fix Owlbot's wording when it uses the API Reference to write code
  • Routing: Fixed consistency navigating to and from 404 pages
  • Login/Signup: Fixed page titles for Login and Signup pages
  • SAML: Fixed issue with some SAML users unable to perform certain actions
  • Performance: Improved performance in Enterprise dashboard
  • Custom Javascript: Move some scripts to load from ReadMe's CDN instead of a third party

We’ve added Reusable Content! You can create blocks in the editor via the command menu /. You can reuse any combination of blocks you already have in the editor across guides and reference pages. Read more

🪶 Other Improvements

  • Developer Dashboard: Try It requests will populate with user emails if the user is logged in without any configuration required
  • Editor: Callout headings are now h2 tags for improved accessibility
  • Editor: Reordering pages are now faster and more reliable
  • SAML: Added an optional redirect URL on log out
  • Owlbot AI: Updated AI model for more detailed responses and larger prompts (via GPT-4 Turbo)

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where webhook URL couldn’t be removed
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue with deleting custom variables rendering incorrect variables key names
  • Editor: Updated outdated copy when adding your first first API
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where reordering pages updated the timestamps of all pages
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where you couldn’t save changes to pages after navigating from staging
  • SEO: Fixed meta info not appearing when sharing links to Twitter
  • Search: Fixed an issue where deleted endpoint pages weren’t being removed from search results
  • Search: Fixed an issue where reindexing would fail if a project contained orphaned pages
  • Enterprise: Fixed an issue with some projects not inheriting custom CSS from their parent
  • Enterprise: Fixed an issue where changing a user role would change roles for multiple users
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where Try It requests were not working
  • Login: Fixed an issue where admin logins on password protected pages weren’t redirecting to the correct page

We've added API access to ask Owlbot AI questions programatically to our Enterprise plan. This enables customers to embed Owlbot functionality directly within their product or wherever else information from documentation could be useful. View documentation on how to make a call here.

Generate SEO Metadata Description With AI

When editing SEO metadata you can automatically generate a short description of the page with AI.

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Auth: Fixed issue where SAML End Users weren't getting updated permissions
  • Slack Integraiton: Improved reliability of Slack notifications delivering
  • Owlbot AI: Improve performance and reliability of Owlbot AI exports
  • Developer Dashboard: Better communicate expiration of log URLs
  • Documentation: Fixed issues with navigating from 404 pages with the back button
  • SEO: Sitemap URL will now always be absolute in robots.txt
  • SEO: Fix showing the sitemap in robots.txt for enterprise projects
  • SEO: Only show entry in sitemap if the page has content
  • Editor: Fix issue where the editor toolbar wouldn't always appear in the Changelog
  • Favicon: Always show the uploaded favicon at /favicon.ico

We've added the ability to customize how Owlbot responds to questions it is asked. You can tweak the tone it uses, the length of responses, prevent it from using specific words in the response (such as competitors), and set your own default response when it doesn't know an answer.

SEO Improvements

Customers now have more control over specific SEO settings in their documentation. You can now edit metadata keywords for pages, disable robots.txt on a per project basis, and add a noindex tag to specific pages.

🪶 Other Improvements

  • GraphQL Beta: Adds instructions for providing auth via a custom webhook directly in the product
  • Developer Dashboard: Add a new slack group for users looking to get started and ask questions. Come say hi!

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Recipes: Fix copy code button
  • Project Export: Fix export for versions with specific semver formats
  • Owlbot: Fix jumpiness when typing in the documentation
  • Owlbot: Fix issue saving logs of questions asked

We’ve added more options to customize your changelog—including date, author, and layout.

Owlbot AI Data Export

Customers using Owlbot can now export data. We’ve also added options filter and set custom date ranges to the admin dashboard.

🪶 Other Improvements

  • Owlbot AI: Now re-indexes more often (hourly).
  • SEO: Added an option to include/exclude projects from your robots.txt file.
  • SEO: Added an option to include keywords to pages.

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Editor: Images with captions now have cursor: pointer set, like all other images.
  • Editor: Images in lists no longer prevent the page from saving.
  • Dark Mode: Fixed an issue with dark mode on glossary UI.
  • Navigation: Fixed the browser’s back function not taking you back on 404 pages.
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where request body was not being displayed when sending formData.
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where end-user API Keys weren’t appearing on Authentication pages.
  • Login: Added missing validation to login fields.
  • Suggested Edits: Fixed an issue where suggested edits would crash when typing [
  • Search: Custom pages appear in search results more reliably.

ReadMe added the ability for users to view all of their API calls directly in the reference section. We brought all of the filters and graphs from the My Developers page in the admin dashboard into the documentation. Users can user this to easily see how they are using an API and debug any issues they might have. Learn more about this and related features here:

🪶 Other Improvements

  • API Reference: API Keys in the reference section are now sorted by most recently used.

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Owlbot AI: Continued fixing indexing issues including better handling of special characters and large OAS files.
  • Owlbot AI: Fixes issues with using keyboard shortcuts with Owlbot and improves a11y support.
  • My Requests: Fix link to view all requests from the endpoint page appearing even if the feature is disabled.
  • Auth: Fixed removing a teammate sometimes not correctly updating permissions for users already logged into the hub.

Your users can choose the log in to your docs via a link in their email, or by signing up with an email and password. ReadMe will now remember their login preference when logging in!

🪶 Other Improvements

  • Owlbot AI: Owlbot now splits up embeddings into blocks—which means it does a better job handling pages with lots of content.
  • Accessibility: We’ve made accessibility improvements to our code snippets, Owlbot AI, and the sidebar.

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Owlbot AI: Fixed an issue where you couldn’t use the keyboard to navigate after focusing in Owlbot.
  • Owlbot AI: Fixed an issue where Owlbot was unable to process requests using more powerful GPT models, when needed for additional context.
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where users could navigate to a broken page from an endpoint’s Recent Requests.
  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue where API requests weren't reliably populating in the docs.
  • Suggested Edits: Fixed an issue where the page would crash when selecting text on a suggested edit.
  • Dashboard: Fixed an issue with settings not being saved.
  • Custom Pages: Fixed a potential security issue with custom pages.
  • Login Page: Fixed an issue where 1-click login emails would show a warning banner in Gmail.