ReadMe now renders OAS file info in the Getting Started page! You can enable the Getting Started page from your dashboard: API Reference → Developer Dashboard → Getting Started.

🪶 Other Improvements

  • Developer Dashboard: You’ll now be notified when making an export that exceeds our limits (it’s 1 million rows).
  • Accessibility: We’ve made some subtle changes to our API Reference and navigation UI to increase contrast to a minimum of APCA Lc60.

🐛 Bugs Eaten (by Owlbert)

  • Developer Dashboard: Fixed an issue with Getting Started and Authentication pages being deleted if the example endpoint is removed from the OAS file.
  • Translations: Added more robust retry logic for reading content from translated pages, so that they can reliably appear in search results.
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue with the manual API editor and the mixed type option not playing nicely with our SDK generator.
  • API Reference: Fixed an issue where you couldn’t save changes in the manual API editor.

It's been a while since we've updated — we've been busy behind the scenes! And now the year might be winding down, but we’re not. We’re ending 2023 with a bang, having rolled out several updates recently, with a few things still left to share 👀

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, though — here are the new features you can start using today:

Developer Dashboard 📊

Our latest feature announcement is the Developer Dashboard, which includes a veritable buffet of features:

  • Automatically surfacing API keys for logged-in users
  • Admin visibility into all of their developers’ API request history
  • Easy access to API request logs, so developers can troubleshoot issues and view API usage for their API keys
  • …and even more tools, all aimed at helping ReadMe users create the best developer experience possible 🏅

You can read more about Developer Dashboard here and check out the documentation for it here.

ReadMe Micro 🧱

We created ReadMe Micro to solve the problem of teams with hundreds (or thousands) of internal APIs and no easy way to organize or document them. Think of Micro as a developer hub for your engineering team: one centralized place to discover, organize, and share all your company’s internal APIs. Getting started is easy:

  1. Select the repositories in your GitHub organization or Bitbucket workspace with the OpenAPI files you want documented
  2. Connect those repositories with Micro, so it can auto-generate your new API Reference
  3. Add some finishing touches — code samples, or a Markdown file with more information or helpful tips about the repository

Preview versions of your docs are generated for every PR and the continuous deployment includes built-in linting and validation, so you can catch errors before they make it to the final documentation.

There’s a lot more Micro can do, too — ranging from automatically updating documentation and creating a changelog, to searching and filtering docs by name, tags, or time synced.

You can read more about Micro here and check out the documentation for it here.

Owlbot AI 🤖

Last but not least, we’ve also rolled out Owlbot AI, a new way to improve your developer experience across your docs. Owlbot AI is trained on your documentation using the power of GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 Turbo. It goes a step further than keywords by “reading” the information in your developer hub and generating an answer based on that information, and then linking to the pages that the information was pulled from.

You can read more about Owlbot AI here and check out the documentation for it here.

In Other ReadMe News… 🗞️

We’ll have a booth at both GitHub Universe and AWS Re:Invent this year, so come find us to say hello! We love talking to our users. We’re also hosting a San Francisco meetup at Thriller Social Club on November 8th — you can RSVP here if you want to join us. Our last meetup in NYC was a blast and we’re looking forward to hosting more.

That’s all the news for this round — I’ll see you again in a few weeks for the next set of updates. Thanks for reading and being a part of the ReadMe community!

— Miche and the ReadMe team


What is the Owlet Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Update—an owlet-sized update (posted to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello folks! If you're one of our loyal readers, you've probably seen our lack of activity on this feed and assumed that we've stopped shipping product updates. While I see you and I hear you, I'm happy to report that your sentiments are totally wrong and that we have been in fact quite busy on several fronts, including product updates — so much so that our trusty Changelog fell through the cracks. Apologies for that! But we're back with lots of exciting updates, which I'll dive into below 📼

That's a Wrap on Mixtape, Vol. 3 ✅

Last month, we celebrated all things API-related at the third volume of ReadMe’s API Mixtape in San Francisco. It was an evening designed for all who write, manage, market, and sell APIs. Speakers from 1Password, Twilio, and more shared their perspectives, and famed illusionist, Brett Schneider, concluded the event with a magical presentation full of surprises 🪄

Even if you couldn't join us live, we recorded the entire event and you can watch all of the sessions — including the magic show — here!

Product Announcements You Won’t Want to Miss 🚀

We also took API Mixtape as an opportunity to unveil two new features and a brand new product that are live now, or coming very soon, to your ReadMe dashboard and hub 🎉

  • 📊 Developer Dashboard: Surface API keys and API request history data for your developers, and stay on top of your API's performance with the new My Developers page. You can learn more about the new experience here and watch the demo from API Mixtape below:
  • 🔓 ReadMe Micro: Introducing a new solution for engineering teams looking to better organize and maintain their internal or microservice APIs. Sync the repos where your internal or microservice APIs are stored, and ReadMe Micro will organize and auto-generate documentation for them! As a ReadMe customer, sign up to start using ReadMe Micro for free until August 1st here and check out the demo from API Mixtape below:
  • 🦉 Owlbot AI: Owlbot AI is a new chatbot that lives in your developer hub. Trained on your documentation using the power of OpenAI, developers can ask Owlbot questions about your product and get a response instantly. It’s your docs, made better and more powerful. Sign up for the waitlist so that you can be one of the first to enable Owlbot AI in your docs (we've already started rolling this out!) and watch a demo of Owlbot AI below:

That's "owl" for now, folks! As always, thanks for being a part of the ReadMe community.

—Kanad and the ReadMe team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Update—an owlet-sized update (posted to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Happy Rihanna Pisces season folks! We're cooking up more resources in partnership with our friends at AWS and totally revamping the experience of suggesting an edit. Oh and did I mention that we're rolling out the biggest improvements to the dashboard sidebar since the beginning of ReadMe? Lots of exciting stuff, y'all — onward! ♓

  • New Sidebar & Page Controls Experience (Beta) 🍫 API documentation encompasses far more than just writing it. It also requires a good bit of organization — everything from managing categories, pages, and subpages to maintaining versions, keeping content and visuals up-to-date, and more. That’s why we’ve fully redesigned the sidebar and page navigation in the dashboard to make creating, editing, and organizing pages in your Guides and API Reference even easier! If you’d like to join the beta and get early access to this new experience, you can sign up here. And be sure to check out our docs for full details on the experience.

  • More AWS Resources 🤝 since announcing our partnership with AWS last fall, we've hosted a couple webinars and recently published a video that walks through the process of setting up the Amazon API Gateway integrations end-to-end. If you missed any of this and want to learn more about how AWS and ReadMe are thinking about developer experience, check out our webinar recap! And tune in to our walkthrough video below (or if you prefer a written walkthrough, check out this post on the AWS blog) if you want to get started with the integrations.

That's "owl" for now, folks! As always, thanks for being a part of the ReadMe community.

—Owlbert and the ReadMe team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Update—an owlet-sized update (posted to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Whew, January really flew by there, didn't it? We've stayed busy this last month, bringing two exciting features to our Enterprise customers and a bunch of little quality-of-life improvements across several aspects of ReadMe. Oh, and the occasional livestream or two. More below! 🌱

  • Dark mode for Enterprise 🌚 we've been talking non-stop about dark mode in the last few Owlet Updates, and for good reason — it's been one of our most requested features for years! Well we're proud to announce that the dark mode toggle is now available for all ReadMe plans. Check out our docs to get it set up for your developer hub!

  • ReadMe API improvements 🧱 this month included a variety of improvements and fixes for users of the ReadMe API. We've added a few new parameters (categorySlug and parentDocSlug), which should make it easier to sync Markdown files at scale via our Docs API. We also fixed a gnarly bug where API reference pages were occasionally getting shuffled around on subsequent re-syncs.
  • Other little big details ✨ nothing specific to call out here, but we also shipped little quality-of-life improvements to some of the features you probably use on a daily basis: translations 🌐, search 🔍, and authentication 🔑 (and likely a few others that I didn't mention).
  • Amazon API Gateway integrations (and a couple livestreams!) 🤝 since announcing our partnership with AWS, we've released a couple of integrations: 1) one to keep your Amazon API Gateway configuration in sync with your ReadMe docs, and 2) one to deploy the Personalized Docs Webhook to AWS Lambda. We're also hosting a few chats with the Amazon team — we had one last week and we have one coming up in a few weeks (that I'm going to be a part of)! We'll be diving deeper into the integrations we’ve built and answering all of your burning questions about how to create the best DX possible. You can read more about the event and register to attend here. Even if you can’t attend live, make sure to register so that you get a link to the recording after the event!

That's "owl" for now, folks! As always, thanks for being a part of the ReadMe community.

—Kanad and the ReadMe team :owlbert:


What is the Owlet Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Update—an owlet-sized update (posted to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and Happy New Year to all! Welcome to our first update of 2023, recapping all the December goodness. We've had a lot of folks out for the holidays, but that didn't stop us from shipping several exciting updates last month, particularly on the rdme front. More below! 🎁

  • Global Landing Page Improvements 🌍 with November's knowledge base revamp, you may have noticed our beautiful new global landing page (courtesy of Tony)! We want to make sure everyone can create a beautiful global landing page for their Enterprise Group with ease. We've shipped lots of little improvements on this front, including revamped Theme Editor settings, improved dark mode support and improved mobile-friendless. If you want to upgrade to the new global landing page, get in touch with your PXM!

  • New OpenAPI tools in rdme 🛠️ in the last few weeks, we shipped a slew of rdme releases. The highlights include a couple new commands to help you manage your OpenAPI definition: openapi:inspect and openapi:convert. The former performs a thorough analysis of your definition to help you understand what aspects of the OpenAPI Specification that your file utilizes, while the latter converts Swagger and Postman definitions to OpenAPI. Oh, and rdme also automatically handles GitHub blob URLs now!

That's "owl" for now, folks! Excited for what's to come in 2023 👀

—Kanad and the ReadMe team


What is the Owlet Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Update—an owlet-sized update (posted to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and welcome to a special World Cup-themed November edition of the Owlet Update! How is this Changelog post World Cup-themed, you might ask? Well due to the ongoing global recession and the rising cost of World Cup sponsorships, all we could afford was a single soccer ball emoji at the end of this paragraph. The last month brought many exciting developments, including kicking off the dark mode rollout, even more ways to personalize your developer experience, and much more. Details below! ⚽

  • Dark mode toggles for all 🌚 chances are, either you or somebody you know has strong opinions (perhaps overly so) about whether docs should be in dark or light mode. Well your developer hub no longer has to pick a side! If your project doesn't use custom CSS (hang tight CSS wizards, it's just around the corner for y'all!), you now have the ability to add a dark mode toggle to your developer hub. Check out the overview doc for info on how to enable dark mode and how to write custom CSS properly.

  • A revamped ReadMe knowledge base :owlbert-books: unless you exclusively read the Changelog and nothing else (and if you do, please email me so I can send you a fruit basket), you may have noticed some changes in our docs! We have a sleek new global landing page and we've completely overhauled our content structure to better reflect how we think about ReadMe. We're still ironing out a few kinks so if you notice anything out of place or any broken links, feel free to suggest an edit or contact us.

  • Support for importing Postman Collections 📬 now if you import a Postman Collection into ReadMe via any of our API definition import methods (file upload, CLI, GitHub Actions, etc.), we'll handle it the same way that we handle any ol' OpenAPI or Swagger definition and render it in your API Reference. Get the details on how this all works in our docs.
  • That's an Aka-mighty fine developer hub 💙 it was also Thanksgiving in the U.S. this past week, so we've been extra thankful for our amazing customers, including Akamai! Before ReadMe, they struggled to create a unified experience across their docs — now, they have a hub that works better for internal and external users alike. Read their story here.

That's "owl" for now, folks! As always, thanks for being a part of the ReadMe community.

—Kanad and the ReadMe team


What is the Owlet Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Update—an owlet-sized update (posted to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and welcome to a Libra/Scorpio/Halloween/Spooky/Fall/Autumn/Leaves/Apple/PSL-themed Owlet Update! This last month was busy here at ReadMe, with some exciting developer hub design updates, a new GitHub partnership and a couple major open-source project releases. More below! ♎ ♏ 🎃 👻 🍁 🍂 🍎 ☕

  • Dark Mode Preview 🌚 For several months now, we've been doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work on Dark Mode — coming soon to a developer hub near you! While there's still a bit of work left before it's ready for a wider release, you can now check out a preview of this in the ReadMe docs (a.k.a. the docs you're currently reading). Try the little ☀️ / 🌙 toggle in the top-right corner of the page 👀
Dork—I mean—Dark mode, coming soon to a developer hub near you!

Dark mode, coming soon to a developer hub near you!

  • [email protected] 🌊 Version 🎱 of rdme (ReadMe's official command-line interface and GitHub Action) features a brand new onboarding experience for setting up a GitHub Actions workflow (see a demo below!), as well as an improved login experience and a handy reducer tool (useful for debugging problematic paths or tags in your OpenAPI definition). Oh, and as part of this launch, we're officially a GitHub Technology Partner! Check out the announcement on our blog to learn more about this massive release.
  • [email protected] 🚀 We'll have more to say soon, but version 5.0 of the api SDK is now out! It leverages a new approach to generating a beautiful SDK client for your OpenAPI definition, complete with types, parameter descriptions, and an improved response pattern. TypeScript, JavaScript, CommonJS, ES Modules, you name it! Check out our brand new docs to learn more.
  • All of your validation errors at once 💥 Now when uploading an OpenAPI definition to ReadMe (or when validating a definition with rdme openapi:validate), you'll get all of your validation errors in one go, as opposed to the previous dance of fixing an error, revalidating, seeing another error, fixing that, and so on.
  • Refreshed Changelog Icons 🎨 You may have noticed the icons on our Changelog (like the green ➕ at the top of this page) look a little different! And you'd be correct.

That's "owl" for now, folks! As always, thanks for being a part of the ReadMe community.

—Kanad and the ReadMe team


What is the Owlet Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Update—an owlet-sized update (posted to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello folks, welcome to our new monthly format for the Owlet Update! This edition covers our exciting product updates from the last 6 weeks or so, and going forward we’ll be publishing on a monthly cadence. Lots of exciting updates to share since we last wrote: lots of new features (of both the big and small variety) and a new partnership. Read on below, and stay tuned for the next edition soon! :owlbert-reading:

  • New ways to personalize your docs 🚀 Behind every API call is a unique developer, so why should every one of them have the same experience in your developer hub? That's why we rolled out Personalized Docs, a brand-new way to surface custom data (like API keys) for your users. If you navigate to your project dashboard, you'll find a brand new page to help you set up the Personalized Docs Webhook. Want to learn more? Check out the docs and the announcement on our blog!

A demo of the Personalized Docs dashboard

  • A new staging experience 🎭 By now you might be aware of Staging, an Enterprise environment that enables greater control around how your team previews and publishes changes. In the last month, we've rolled out a completely new Staging experience in the dashboard. Administrators now have far more flexibility and visibility around how changes are published. Check out our blog post and our docs to get the details.

A demo of the brand new staging experience

That's "owl" for now, folks! As always, thanks for being a part of the ReadMe community.

—Kanad and the ReadMe team


What is the Owlet Update?

Thanks for tuning in to another edition of our Owlet Update—an owlet-sized update (posted to the ReadMe Changelog) on the product updates we're shipping here at ReadMe. We'd love to hear what you think of these updates at [email protected]!

Hello and welcome to another update, folks! We have a bit of a programming update to share and a little performance improvement to call out. More below!

  • This week, we shipped a performance improvement to our hubs that should significantly reduce the amount of HTML being sent on initial page loads, particularly for projects that contain lots of large pages. 🚀

Hope you're staying safe and healthy! Thanks for being a part of the ReadMe community, folks.

—Kanad and the ReadMe team


Programming Note

Going forward, we'll be focusing our updates on major product features and improvements. We'll have one final update near the end of August September and then every update going forward will be on a monthly basis. Appreciate you tuning in!