And more...

Additional Markdown features of the ReadMe platform implementation.

We've also built a lot of great features right in to the ReadMe app, which work on top of our markdown engine to give your developers a best-in-class documentation experience. These features aren't all baked in to the new engine itself, but they're worth mentioning nonetheless!

Data Replacement

User Variables

If you've set up JWT logins and user variables in your ReadMe project, you can use the included user variable. So if you're logged in to and have a name variable set, then this...

Hi, my name is **{}**!

...should expand to this: “Hi, my name is {}!”

Glossary Terms

Did you know you can define various technical terms for your ReadMe project? Using our glossary feature, these terms can be used anywhere in your Markdown! Just use the built in Glossary component:

Both **<Glossary>exogenous</Glossary>** and **<Glossary>endogenous</Glossary>** are long words.

Which expands to: “Both exogenous and endogenous are long words.”

Emoji Shortcodes

You can use GitHub-style emoji short codes (feat. Owlbert!)

:sparkles: :owlbert-reading:

This expands out to: “✨ :owlbert-reading:

Generative Semantics

Known Issues

  • Variable and glossary term expansions are rendered even when they've been manually escaped by the author.