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Reposition "Did this page help you?" box

I'm curious if there's any user here who was able to reposition/customize the Page Quality CTA buttons ("Did this page help you?")? I would appreciate it if you can share how you guys approached it? Thank you!

how to resolve time out issue from git hub while uploading large file into github for updating readme

Hi, I am trying to update the readme documentation through git hub actions. it is thrown an error while deploying **We're sorry, your upload request timed out. Please try again or split your file up into smaller chunks.** **Process completed with exit code 1** Please help me to resolve this issue.

Is it possible to change the contents of the landing page with some markdown and the rdme command line tool?

As per title, thanks

Property Names Camel Case

Hi guys, I developed an endpoint that request body xml. Then i set swagger settings Pascal Case ("PropertyName1") like below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root> <subRoot> <PropertyName1>string</PropertyName1> <PropertyName2>string</PropertyName2> </subRoot> </root> But when i push to readme, property names are camel case ("propertyName1"). How can i fix this problem ? <root> <subRoot> <propertyName1>string</propertyName1> <propertyName2>string</propertyName2> <subRoot> </root>

how to change the name of a response

<https://preview.readme.io/reference/findPetsByTags> like the example above, i want my response (200/404) to have meaning names such as "successful operation". Where can i change that?

Does minItems work?

maxItems works but minItems does not. Despite setting minItems to 1 in my spec for request body parameters I’m able to delete all items in the readme UI

Bug Fix - Dark Mode - 404 Page Wrong Logo

Love the Dark / Light Mode toggle. I noticed a that if you have a custom "On Dark Logo" for when Dark Mode is on, and then you go to a random URL that is non existent. The dark mode 404 page - Shows the wrong ( On Light ) Logo - Which would look much better if it was the right one.

Trouble Configuring Cloudflare Workers

I have had some issues trying to get the cloudflare connection working with ReadMe. <https://www.cloudflare.com/apps/readme-api-metrics> When you get to the step to do OAUTH with ReadMe a window pops open asking you to login with your ReadMe credentials, and the Auth window itself seems a bit glitchy. After trying to login it just spits out "Failed to fetch" - I have tried a few different browsers, and disabling the custom domain, but cant seem to get it to flow. Anyone had any luck setting this up recently?

Ability to pass in Avatar URL for users?

I would love to be able to pass in the avatar URL for our users inside the custom login JWT. It would help keep things looking constant across the dashboard and developer hub. Any thoughts on adding something like that?

How can I customize the Discussions CSS/Appearance?

Hey folks, I want to customize the CSS for the Discussions section, how can I do so? I don't see anything in the docs.