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Collapse sidebar in editing mode?

Hi there! Are there plans to allow users to collapse the sidebar in editing mode? It takes up a large chunk of screen space, especially for users with lower resolutions and/or smaller laptop screens.

I am not able to see the complete request example sometimes? is this a bug? if yes, please resolve it ASAP?

after updating readme.io through github using OAS3.0.1 file. I am unable to see the complete request example in readme.io. Please help me to resolve this issue.

Unable to render endpoints that $ref a file that has already been $ref by another endpoint

We've recently started to use readme.io, and we've run into a problem. It seems that readme.io is unable to render endpoints that include a `parameters` section that `$ref` a file that has already been `$ref` before. When viewing pages for any endpoint that matches the above criteria, the page will show the error code `ERR-JUAMVC` with a message: "This reference guide is currently experiencing difficulties and will be back online shortly." A truncated version of our YML file: ```yaml '/users/{id}': put: parameters: $ref: common/users/uid.yml requestBody: required: true content: application/json: $ref: common/users/update.yml '/users/{id}/resources': post: parameters: $ref: common/users/uid.yml requestBody: content: application/json: $ref: common/users/create_resources.yml ``` In the case above, the file `common/users/uid.yml` is referenced inside two endpoints. The page for `PUT /users/{id}` renders successfully, but `POST /users/{id}/resources`fails to do so. We've tried to use `redocly` to render the same above YAML file and it works without issues, and `rdme openapi:validate` also returns no error. Could you help check what could be the cause of this issue?

Support for SDK Documentation

Are you planning to add support for other types of API? like SDK documentation?

Unable to upload images in markdown

Seems to be the same issue as <https://docs.readme.com/main/discuss/63f92bb42d5c42027e93b815>. Steps to reproduce: 1. edit a page 2. insert image block 3. click "choose file" and select image Details: - The image is a 30KB / 1000x294 PNG, so it should be within the given size limits - Browser JS console shows a `400` error when `POST`ing to `https://dash.readme.com/api/images/image-upload`. Inspecting the network response shows an error message `Image validation failed: user: Path 'user' is required.` Is there a workaround?

After updating OAS 2.0 to 3.0 , we are getting slug of null issue while updating readme.io through github? could you provide me the solution for this

build Unknown error (Cannot read property 'slug' of null). <https://docs.readme.com/main/reference> and include the following link to your API log:

Bug in rendering descriptions of Schema object that contain Reference Objects inside of allOf

There appears to be a bug in the way ReadMe is rendering descriptions of complex schemas that make use of `allOf` to combine multiple schema and reference objects. The behavior that I'm seeing is the description within the most nested object is being used instead of the description from the top-level object. Suppose your API spec is made up of two files, `sampleSpec.json` and `common.json`. Within those files you have the following sample schema objects defined: ``` # Within sampleSpec.json: "Party": { "title": "Party", "description": "Information about a party", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "common.json#/components/schemas/NameAddress" }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "phone": { "$ref": "common.json#/components/schemas/TelephoneNumber", "description": "Phone number" } } }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "entityType": { "$ref": "common.json#/components/schemas/EntityType" } "email": { "type": "string", "format": "email" } } } ], "type": "object" } # Within common.json: "NameAddress": { "title": "Name and Address", "description": "Individual or business name with address", "required": [ "name1" ], "allOf": [ { "properties": { "name1": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/String64", "description": "Name line 1" }, "name2": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/String64", "description": "Name line 2" } }, "type": "object" }, { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Address" } ], "type": "object" }, "Address": { "title": "Address", "description": "Postal address", "required": [ "line1", "city", "country" ], "properties": { "line1": { "type": "string", "description": "Address line 1" }, "line2": { "type": "string", "description": "Address line 2" }, "line3": { "type": "string", "description": "Address line 3" }, "city": { "type": "string", "description": "City" }, "state": { "type": "string", "description": "State or province" }, "postalCode": { "type": "string", "maxLength": 10, "description": "Postal code" }, "country": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Iso3166CountryCode" }, { "type": "string", "description": "Spelled-out country names -or- ISO 3166-2" } ], "description": "Country" } }, "type": "object" }, ``` When rendering the description for Party, I would expect to see _Information about a party_ However, ReadMe is rendering the text as _Postal address_. This is in conflict with ReadMe's docs @ <https://docs.readme.com/main/docs/openapi-compatibility-chart#reference-object>: _Prior to rendering your API documentation all $ref pointers are dereferenced. Additionally, as of OpenAPI 3.1, you can include summary and description fields in addition to the $ref pointer, which will override the summary and description fields of the referenced component. Everything else will be fully dereferenced._

Disable HTML URL Encoding of headers

Currently we have a token header that will contain a space When this is added, the example request fills in that header space with an encoded %20 which breaks the sample request. This is the case with all of our docs, where none of the sample requests will work Is there a way to disable HTML URL encoding for the "Try it" sample requests?

Readme pages are not indexed by search engine.

We recently launched our website and discovered that none of our published articles are searchable by Google. This is because there is no sitemap available for readme pages, so Google won't index them. Our temporary solution is to manually create and update a sitemap.xml every time a new article is added, but this is very cumbersome. Have you experienced the same problem? Is there a workaround for it?