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Help me! restore deleted devices

Hi ! I have accidently deleted the wrong page and I really don't any way to restore it. Can you please assist?

UUID of API Reference Pages

Hi! The help for the "Retrieve an entry from the API Registry" for the required UUID property API states: > An API Registry UUID. This can be found by navigating to your API Reference page and viewing code snippets for Node with the api library. What does this mean? Do we navigate to the page in the Editing UI? In the external facing page? Is there more information in the doc about "viewing code snippets for Node with the api library"? I do find "\_id" in the page source for the API reference page in question, but it returns a 404 when I use that as the UUID. Thanks for any insight you can provide!

How to add one more tab to subheading

I am trying to add one entry on sub heading next to guides , api reference , etc.

Manage Content as Code (CaC) - Readme Terraform Provider

Our team is heavily reliant on Terraform for Infrastructure as Code. We wanted to be able to manage our Readme documentation in a similar Content-as-Code fashion within our pipelines but there wasn't an easy way to do that. We spent some dev cycles on building a proper TF provider for Readme that enables managing guides, API references, categories, images and so on. We have recently published it to the public domain and welcome feature contributions from the greater Readme community. [Readme Terraform Provider](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/LiveOakLabs/readme/latest/docs)

Can I get parent's category name or slug when calling 'getdoc' API?

Hi, I want to get parent's category name or slug when calling 'getdoc' API. <https://docs.readme.com/main/reference/getdoc> But, I can only see ids like '64ce3233....' in response and I do not know how to handle them.

Must slugs be unique across both doc: and ref: domains?

If we have a Guide topic with a slug of slug-name, can we also have an API reference topic name slug-name (exactly the same)? So in linking, both (doc:slug-name) and (ref:slug-name) would exist. Or must a slug be unique across both the doc: and ref: domains? Thank you!

Markdown links do not render `[example][1]\n[1]: http://example`

Standard links as supported by Github, Pandok, CommonMark and most other markdown tools don't seem to work in Readme.com, even if the documentation says \["The engine also supports all standard markdown constructs"][1] \[1]: <https://docs.readme.com/rdmd/docs/syntax-extensions#standard-markdown> For example from the following 3 links, none will render: ```Text Markdown Here are 3 styles of links that do not render: [example1][1], [example2][] and [example3][]. [1]\: http://example.com [example2]\: http://example.com [example3]\: http://example.com "link to example.com" ``` This style of links if far superior as it doesn't clutter the text with long links. What is the syntax to keep the link text and the URL separated in Readme.com markdown syntax? CommonMark relevant spec paragraph: <https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#link-reference-definition>

Send multipart form data is form data rather than body data

Hello, Does anyone know how to setup an API Reference using the manual editor so that multipart/form-data generates a CURL statement similar to the following when a user is trying it out from the docs: curl -v --request POST --url [https://api.example.com/1.0/documents](https://api-dev.fusebank.io/1.0/documents) --header 'accept: multipart/form-data' --header "Authorization:$TOKEN" --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F some_id=50dc5d68-fd81-457b-b3e4-ffe87969ce6a -F another_id=50dc5d68-fd81-457b-b3e4-ffe87969ce6a -F document_type=PHOTO -F [email protected] Thanks, James

Multiple cosmetic issues with embedded video display

Hi, we're having troubles with embedded video in <https://docs.cast.ai/docs> Our welcome page has a video, and we're noticing few issues. iPhone/Chrome: video is missing a preview picture, mostly rendering a dark screen with play button. Macbook/Safari/4k screen: preview is rendered as mostly black screen with small thumbnail in it. Macbook/Chrome there's a weird autoplay behavior, to reproduce: 1. open docs.cast.ai 2. navigate away, e.g. click on "About the read only agent" 3. Click on "Getting started" again 4. Video starts playing automatically

SDK Mobile Documentation

I can't find a document about sdk mobile documentation. How can I import sdk documentation from Github? Is it possible?