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How to remove a number from the URL

Our reference documentation now contains a number in the URL. For example, <https://dev.frontapp.com/reference/get_accounts-1> This has caused all our links to reference topics to break. My questions are why this might have happened and how we can remove the number from our reference topics.

API Reference Results JSON Documentation

I can't find documentation on how to present different types in the JSON results I know how to present String and Number type `{"this_is_string": "", "this_is_number": 1}` But I want to know how to present different date formats(date-time, YYYY-MM-DD), Integers, Double, Float, etc. Is there any documentation for this?

Editor widget issues

Hey, I've been trialling the product and I noticed that all the widgets in the editor (image, table, etc.) don't seem to work - they are greyed out and just "bounce" when I click on them. I've seen there is a current issue with the Cloudflare API, could that be causing the issues? Related to this - when the widgets are working correctly, should I be able to upload images directly in the editor or do I need to host on an external URL (which I think I need to when editing with Markdown only)?

What's the markdown for a code block that displays the language type?

What is the markdown required to emulate what you get when using the Code Sample widget? I found [your documentation](https://rdmd.readme.io/docs/code-blocks) on how to write the markdown for a tabbed code block with a title in each tab, but I don't need two interactive tabs, just the visual look of two tabs so that the language type is displayed in tab A. In other words, exactly what you get when you use the widget. I tried viewing an existing page in raw mode, but the language specification seems to be bundled in with the code sample. ``` [block:code] { "codes": [ { "code": "{\n \"result\": [\n {\n \"order_id\": 488,\n \"status\": \"active\",\n \"user\": \"\",\n \"sell\": {\n \"type\": \"ERC721\",\n \"data\": {\n \"id\": \"\",\n \"token_address\": \"\",\n \"quantity\": \"1\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"name\": \"\",\n \"image_url\": \"\",\n \"collection\": {\n \"name\": \"Gods Unchained\",\n \"icon_url\": null\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"buy\": {\n \"type\": \"ETH\",\n \"data\": {\n \"decimals\": 18,\n \"quantity\": \"1200000000000000\"\n }\n },\n \"fees\": [\n {\n \"type\": \"royalty\",\n \"address\": \"\",\n \"amount\": \"200000000000000\",\n \"token\": {\n \"type\": \"ETH/ERC20\",\n \"data\": {\n \"decimals\": 18,\n \"contract_address\": \"\"\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n \"amount_sold\": null,\n \"expiration_timestamp\": \"2120-08-25T04:00:00Z\",\n \"timestamp\": \"2021-08-25T04:33:19.85441Z\",\n \"updated_timestamp\": \"2021-08-25T04:33:19.85441Z\"\n }\n ],\n \"cursor\": \"...\",\n \"remaining\": 0\n}", "language": "javascript" } ] } [/block] ```

How do you add an image using the new community discussions editor?

I cannot see a way to add an image to help explain my problem.... <https://v.usetapes.com/yLjdvMHiiJ>

How do I disable proxy-enabled from backend.

I need to disable proxy-enabled flag. How do I do that from the backend config?. When I was trying the "try it " feature, it was appending tryme.io in the request url. Since my API is already set to return cors headers , I need to disable it.

Is it possible to pass a list of objects to choose from to a field in readme?

It'd be nice to give my users a dropdown selector for ID instead of forcing them to copy paste from our service. I could pass a big list of values to README when the customer logs in, and that could populate the dropdowns.

Can we link the two different contents on the same URL page?

Can we link the two different contents on the same URL page with each other?

Different alt text with the image widget?

The image widget uses the same text for the caption of a figure and for the alt text of the image. However, you might want different text, because these items have different audiences. You might use a brief description for the caption and a more detailed description for the alt text. I know I can specify alt text via "plain" markdown: ``` ![This is alt text](https://example.com/path/to/image.png) ``` But then I lose the benefits of the image widget. Is there any way to do it?

We only want to show the OAuth2 section in the Header and not show the apikey

We have 2 types under the SecuritySchemes node. One of them is oauth2 while the other one is apikey. Is there a way to make the apikey not visible in the API Reference page