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Discriminator doesn't seem to be recognized

Hello, we have the following section in our openapi definition file: ``` ... requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/UserCredentialRequest" - $ref: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/RefreshTokenRequest" - $ref: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/AuthorizationCodeRequest" discriminator: propertyName: grant_type mapping: password: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/UserCredentialRequest" refresh_token: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/RefreshTokenRequest" authorization_code: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/AuthorizationCodeRequest" ... ``` Somehow, the request body is not rendered in the UI, this is what we see: <https://pasteboard.co/toDL5B2pvcA0.png> Is it a bug or are we doing something wrong? The same exact openapi definition works with \[redocly](<https://redocly.com/>) without any changes.

Left menu items - ordering

What is the logic used to order the openapi tags in the rendered page? Is there a way to influence the order of the pages in the left menu? I read this: <https://docs.readme.com/main/docs/openapi-categories-pages-subpages#tags> - but I still don't understand how is the order of the menu in the left defined. Let's say I have the following tags in my `openapi.yaml`: ``` tags: - name: Page1 - name: Page2 - name: Page3 ``` What I want is, to have menu items in the left pane of the docs page ordered in the same order as I specified in my `openapi.yaml` file. Currently the order is not preserved and I can't understand what algorithm is used to detect the order.

How to fill the Example / Response fields in JSON format for the following information? ENUM / String / Boolean

![](https://files.readme.io/dec3ec3-image.png) How to Fill in the Example / Response fields in JSON format for the model, age, and gender information, following the structure below, base in the image ```Text json { "model": "Example", // string "age": 30, // number "gender": "Male" | "Female" // string Need ENUM } ``` # EXAMPLE ? ## RESULTS ?

Site Navigation with versions

We have 2 versions of our product, with correlating documentation. One of them has API Reference and the other does not. I want show API Reference in the Top Navigation bar on Version 1, but not on Version 2. How do I do that? When I remove the API Reference link on dash.readme.com/project/\<project_name>/v1.0/usability, it is also removed from dash.readme.com/project/\<project_name>/v2.0/usability. I would expect separate behavior, since the version number is in the URL.

any api call rate limit

any api call rate limit on the readme apis Lilke 500 request in a min. ?

Try It Out Not Working With Multiple Security Schemes

My OpenApi spec has multiple security schemes (see the example below). When viewing my API documentation, I can only see the first scheme. How do I select which one should be used in my ReadMe documentation? ``` securitySchemes: apigee_security: type: apiKey name: x-orgid in: header bearer: type: apiKey name: Authorization in: header ```

while uploading a json multipart file in API endpoint causing an exception , Failed to parse multipart servlet request

I have added a parameter as File in body params and content-type:[multipart/form-data], on click on Try it , it is giving me Failed to parse multipart servlet request ``` ``` ``` ```

Would be great to also draw graphs with a tool like mermaid

Sometimes its necessary to draw a graph in documentation, so it would be great if you could provide something like <https://mermaid.js.org/intro/>

Rendered code is not working well when using multipart/form-data

Hello I face an issue when using multipart/form-data and object in body. Here is snapshot of current openapi 3.0 ![](https://files.readme.io/f430275-image.png) The problem is with `initials` and its content: `alignment` and` y` In documentation generated code looks like this: ![](https://files.readme.io/9957dc7-image.png) In shell generated, we can see `--form alignment=hello --form y=10` Whereas i would expect `--form initials[alignment]=hello --form initials[y]=10` When using `application/json` instead of `multipart/form-data `is works very well, so i'm assuming this is a generation code problem related to `multipart/form-data`. Within the same endpoint i'm also upload a file so i need to keep `multipart/form-data` You can see our public doc here: <https://developers.yousign.com/reference/post-signature_requests-signaturerequestid-documents> Could you help me one this one, or tell me when this will be fixed ? Thanks

Looking for recommendations for automatic Python API (docstring) to readme.io markdown pages

We host our API documentation on readme (see here: <https://docs.edgeimpulse.com/reference>). While we use the OpenAPI integration for our REST API, we are also working on generating and hosting Python API documentation for our Python SDK. At the moment, I have been learning and tinkering with sphinx and pydoc-markdown for markdown generation. Neither seems to provide the output required for readme without modifications to their code or some custom add-ons. Does anyone have any recommendations on tools that can read Python docstrings to produce good API documentation hosted on readme?