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Additional options in curl command line

Hi, In the code sample section when using curl, I would need to use additional options in the command line. I could not find any place to tune the curl command line used. Is that configurable somewhere ? Kind regards,

Invalid IP address from interactive docs

Hi there! I just noticed that the requests generated by the "Try Me" button in our docs is generating a request to our backend, coming from the IP address `""`. That is, there is a space in front of your IP address, which should not be there. I'm imagining that this is a bug somewhere in your TCP stack, however since I can't intercept the raw IP packets it's hard to dig any deeper. We **are** using the cors proxy feature (that's on by default). Not hard to work around on my end, but could be fun to track down on yours!

Is it possible to show a page without navigation panel, header and footer?

I need to pull the pages (html) into an external product (load in IFRAME) and would like to get the page only without the navigation panel, header and footer...is it possible? I assume some sort of url paramter that turns these off ... Thx, David

Can someone show me a sample of how they are using the ChangeLog feature?

Hi all, Can someone explain the Changelog feature to me more in-depth? Meaning, how to explain to our users how to follow our feed? I think that is what it is supposed to do? Example: I'm putting the custom HTML/CSS widget at the top of each of our Changelogs with the changelog.js script in it and then I'm using them as "Release Notes" basically for each of our releases. This way, I get something like a mini TOC that builds when the ChangeLog feature is clicked on. ![Capture.PNG](https://files.readme.io/f01939f-Capture.PNG) However, the part that I'm missing is how do customer's "subscribe" to this? Is that how it is used?

200 sample response not showing in endpoint

I have a swagger 2.0 definition, which seems to get transformed to openapi 3 in readme. Within this definition, some endpoints show the 200 sample response at the right hand side of the page (below the call console), and some others don't show any sample response. I compared the paths between endpoints and they seem to be equal. The only difference between these endpoints is that one path/response points to a schema with required params, while the other pointed schema doesn't have required params (although, if I change that it doesn't seem to have an effect). Here is a definition for checking: https://flex-trial.readme.io/openapi/617b34c5fa41cb078f0f4bf1 This endpoint doesn't have sample response: https://flex-trial.readme.io/v2.0/reference/getconversations This one does: https://flex-trial.readme.io/v2.0/reference/getcontacts Is there any clue on why readme is not picking up the responses?

Support pages directly from OpenAPI spec

Many APIs use `info.description` field to describe the API context (such as introduction and getting started), but currently according to the [OpenAPI Compatibility Chart](🔗) it currently does nothing. It will be very nice if pages could be created automatically using this field. Is there a way to do that without having to write those pages manually?

Custom login: How should the logout feature be implemented?

We've implemented the custom login page (<https://docs.readme.com/docs/custom-login-page>) with JWT, everything works as expected, but the logout button shown in Readme.io does nothing. In the settings, we set the page users should be forwarded to, users are forwarded, but after opening Readme.io the session is still valid.

Option for more than 1 level of nesting in guides?

When writing guides, sometimes you want to have more than one level of nesting (as tree layout) Why is that not possible?

How to add custom page to navigation?

How do we add a custom page to the navigation? I see on [this page](https://docs.readme.com/docs/custom-page) that it lists the custom page in the nav but I have no idea how to acheive that.

Internal Documentation protection

I have used custom login to authenticate our end users from global landing page. Now I also have enabled protection for internal documentation with protection type as project members only. I want my end users post login to get redirected to internal documents/pages had they bookmarked those. However despite my IDP sends in this way <https://domain.readme.io/internalpage?auth_token=JWT> readme is still making user to relogin again. So my questions are as below. 1. if ProtectionType is project members only, are those pages visible only for teammates but not the end users? 2. if I change protection type to custom login, what custom login uri should I give? as I might have multiple internal pages to get redirected.