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How to show endpoint name as api title

I coded my endpoints with Name on c# and operationId set with "Example Name" on swagger.json [HttpGet("test/{test}", Name="Example Name")] But when i updated my documentation, still my endpoint shows with route test/{test} on the page.

How do I enable anonymous access to my help pages?

I am planning to login some customers for advanced features (API-related), but I don't want people to have to log in at all just to see the guides.

Propagate changes through versions

If I have a page with version 1.0 and then a forked page with version 1.1 that has the same content of v1.0, is it possible to propagate changes made to the 1.0 version to the 1.1 version automatically?

Pass JWT/API Key in request body via POST for Custom Login

In the <https://docs.readme.com/main/docs/custom-login-page> example, we're shown an example of passing the JWT through the URL when redirecting back to a project's docs page. Is there support for passing this data through a POST request body? Or any other ways outside of including the token in the URL params?

How to remove auto generated examples

Hi, we are using an OpenAPI schema to create our API reference on Readme. We find that the auto generated language examples often confuse our users or put them on the wrong track (we'd prefer developers use our own SDK). Is there a way to completely disable the auto generated examples when using an imported OAS, or at least limit the languages that are displayed? Alternately, is it possible to provide our own examples instead?

How do search results if mutliple versions?

I am unclear on how search results work if there are multiple versions in a project. From an enterprise standpoint, you can search from any project and it searches across multiple projects, some with multiple public versions. If search term is found in more than one version of the same project, what are the expected results? For example, we have v1, v2, and v3. v2 is the main (default) version. How do Search results behave in the following scenarios? - Search term is found only in v1. - Search term found in v1, v2, and v3.

Can I programmatically embed recipes?

Our company currently syncs the content of our ReadMe docs from a Git repository using the `rdme` client. Is there a way to embed our recipes in our markdown files programmatically so developers do not have to go into the readme UI to add recipes? Doc: <https://docs.readme.com/main/docs/recipes#embed-into-relevant-endpoints>

Try It Out Not Working With Multiple Security Schemes

My OpenApi spec has multiple security schemes (see the example below). When viewing my API documentation, I can only see the first scheme. How do I select which one should be used in my ReadMe documentation? ``` securitySchemes: apigee_security: type: apiKey name: x-orgid in: header bearer: type: apiKey name: Authorization in: header ```

Including a page, footer, etc. in other pages.

Hi. It seems like readme does not support 'including' a page, header, footer, etc. in other pages. (as in other tools like jekyll - <https://jekyllrb.com/docs/includes/>) However, it would be much easier if we could handle any recurring parts in similar roles of pages - for instance, common 'if you have further questions' section in FAQ sibling pages - in 'include' fashion. Is there a plan to support a function like this, or is there any well-known or officially-guided workaround to do this? Thank you.

Is there a way to link from one glossary definition to another?

For example, I have a term that really should point the user to another term, such as "User" and "User ID". If I use the "<<glossaryterm>> within a glossary definition, the reference does not work. At the very least I'd like to be able to write "See Also: <<glossaryterm>>" and have that link to the other glossary. Additionally, I'd like to be able to display my entire glossary to the user as a page. Is that possible?