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How to track search events?

Hi - i have implemented the Segment integration and I am surprised not to see search events being sent to segment. Unless I missed something or I am the only one interested in such data, I was wondering if there was a plan to add such events to the segment integration. I am interested in sending search events to destinations: - [AnyTrack attribution platform](https://anytrack.io) - [Hubspot](https://hubspot.com)

Bug in rendering descriptions of Schema object that contain Reference Objects inside of allOf

There appears to be a bug in the way ReadMe is rendering descriptions of complex schemas that make use of `allOf` to combine multiple schema and reference objects. The behavior that I'm seeing is the description within the most nested object is being used instead of the description from the top-level object. Suppose your API spec is made up of two files, `sampleSpec.json` and `common.json`. Within those files you have the following sample schema objects defined: ``` # Within sampleSpec.json: "Party": { "title": "Party", "description": "Information about a party", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "common.json#/components/schemas/NameAddress" }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "phone": { "$ref": "common.json#/components/schemas/TelephoneNumber", "description": "Phone number" } } }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "entityType": { "$ref": "common.json#/components/schemas/EntityType" } "email": { "type": "string", "format": "email" } } } ], "type": "object" } # Within common.json: "NameAddress": { "title": "Name and Address", "description": "Individual or business name with address", "required": [ "name1" ], "allOf": [ { "properties": { "name1": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/String64", "description": "Name line 1" }, "name2": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/String64", "description": "Name line 2" } }, "type": "object" }, { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Address" } ], "type": "object" }, "Address": { "title": "Address", "description": "Postal address", "required": [ "line1", "city", "country" ], "properties": { "line1": { "type": "string", "description": "Address line 1" }, "line2": { "type": "string", "description": "Address line 2" }, "line3": { "type": "string", "description": "Address line 3" }, "city": { "type": "string", "description": "City" }, "state": { "type": "string", "description": "State or province" }, "postalCode": { "type": "string", "maxLength": 10, "description": "Postal code" }, "country": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Iso3166CountryCode" }, { "type": "string", "description": "Spelled-out country names -or- ISO 3166-2" } ], "description": "Country" } }, "type": "object" }, ``` When rendering the description for Party, I would expect to see _Information about a party_ However, ReadMe is rendering the text as _Postal address_. This is in conflict with ReadMe's docs @ <https://docs.readme.com/main/docs/openapi-compatibility-chart#reference-object>: _Prior to rendering your API documentation all $ref pointers are dereferenced. Additionally, as of OpenAPI 3.1, you can include summary and description fields in addition to the $ref pointer, which will override the summary and description fields of the referenced component. Everything else will be fully dereferenced._

Is it possible to change the contents of the landing page with some markdown and the rdme command line tool?

As per title, thanks

How can I configure the project to always show subpages in the sidebar?

Currently, if a user opens the docs generated by readme.com all the pages are collapsed in the sidebar and the user needs to expand the pages to see the subpages. Is there any way to expand all sidebar pages/categories and see all subpages in the sidebar by default?

Setting to access to API-reference.

can I setting to some users can edit and modify some endpoints del API-Reference? example: [email protected] can only edit and modify order's option of API-Reference and [email protected] can only edit and modify cards' option of API-reference.

Search not working (but i have a suspicion)

Hey there! Happy new customer here! I am currently setting up our developer portal. So everything is set to "Admin only"-visibility. If i try to use the search; nothing shows up. Will this work once i have everything public? or is there an underlying issue? Greetings!

Discriminator doesn't seem to be recognized

Hello, we have the following section in our openapi definition file: ``` ... requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/UserCredentialRequest" - $ref: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/RefreshTokenRequest" - $ref: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/AuthorizationCodeRequest" discriminator: propertyName: grant_type mapping: password: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/UserCredentialRequest" refresh_token: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/RefreshTokenRequest" authorization_code: "./components/auth.yml#/schemas/AuthorizationCodeRequest" ... ``` Somehow, the request body is not rendered in the UI, this is what we see: <https://pasteboard.co/toDL5B2pvcA0.png> Is it a bug or are we doing something wrong? The same exact openapi definition works with \[redocly](<https://redocly.com/>) without any changes.

redirects to third-party website

Can I provide redirects to third-party websites in ReadMe pages?

Production Rollback

Hi, Could you please help me with couple of question? 1.Once the changes are promoted to production from staging is there any way we can rollback those changes? 2.At the moment we are unable to promote changes to production for a single page and instead need to promote all the changes(of all pages) in one go so is there any way here as well we can optimize it to promote the required changes only instead of promoting all at a single time. Thanks

Can't Register in https://portal.pushologies.com/register

Dear Team. I'm a new user and try to register but {<https://portal.pushologies.com/register}> with email([email protected]) and the new password, It's shown an error: User does not exist. How can I register? Thanks & Regards Anuj Kr. Vaish