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Using the ReadMe Explorer for Private APIs

Hi, We are planning to use ReadMe for our API Documentation and API Explorer. Our API's are private in nature. IP Address is needed for someone to access the API as they are whitelisted in our Route53/Cloudflate. We have following questions 1. Does all the calls from the API Reference (API Explorer) go through the proxy server (try.readme.io) ? 2. Does the above scenario work where we can whitelist ReadMe.io server IP on our end and only the ReadMe users can access the API Explorer? 3. What things does ReadMe takeup on preventing DDOS attacks etc?. Any Rate Limiting , maximum number of users who can access the Api explorer at the same time ? Would love to have references to documentation if this is covered already.

Endpoints experiencing difficulties

Hello, the API Reference have two endpoints displaying this message since yesterday: "This endpoint's documentation is currently experiencing difficulties and will be back online shortly.", and I've not found anything similar to resolve this issue. I need to know what kind of problem it is. Thanks!

Is it possible to vendor an offline version of docs?

Our application links out to our readme.com documentation, and we'd like to be able to serve the docs locally in case there is no active internet connection. Is this possible with readme?

Are you planning to include Chat GPT capabilities to generate answers based on an existing documentation in Readme?

We have extensive product documentation on Readme and would love to learn how we can potentially use Chat GPT to generate answers for our customers and customer support agents.

Bulleted lists in a table cell

Hello, when I place a bulleted list in a table cell, it saves as a random display of italic sentences and \*. Is this a bug?

OAuth2 bearer token with apiKey in JWT token??

I have an API Reference that is imported via a swagger.json file using OpenAPI 3.0.1. I see that the full securityScheme object type is not supported: <https://docs.readme.com/docs/openapi-compatibility-chart#security-scheme-object> The documentation says to just use the JWT flow, which I have working in general, but I can not figure out how to get the apiKey I send through in the JWT token to generate as part of the api reference "try it" section like in this example: <https://docs.readme.com/docs/passing-data-to-jwt#oauth-and-api-key-authentication> Here is an example of one of my tokens. I would expect that if my api was setup properly, this apiKey would show up in the section where you can run the example requests, but it does not. ``` <https://jwt.ms/#id_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiVGVzdCBOYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiOiJub3JlcGx5QG5vcmVwbHkuY29tIiwiYXBpS2V5IjoidGVzdGluZzEyMyIsImlhdCI6MTY1MDk4NDQxNH0.GnoCOgEZp8vxrGy9XP407ugup0n8kq8i6f10Nl85Nas> ``` I'm missing something here, and I'm hoping someone can shed some light for me. Thanks!

Support for Discriminator

Hi there, so we're working hard to port our API spec (currently in redoc) to ReadMe (to make use of the new API reference section). However, I can't find any information on whether or not you allow the discriminator in the request body? We have a situation that depending on a given parameter selected, the user needs to send different fields. In redocly they have a cool drop-down menu that you select and then the required fields are displayed depending on what you have selected. Is there something similar in ReadMe? Cheers, Dom

allOf inheritance

Hi, it seems like when returning an array, and the associated schema is inherited with `allOf` the object is not properly displayed when you click on the "Response" to see how it looks. Strangely, it works with non array. example below: responses: 200: description: OK - List of advertiser objects content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/advertiser' advertiser: allOf: # Combines the basicAdvertiser and the advertiser model - $ref: '#/components/schemas/basicAdvertiser' - type: object