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Link color in dark mode

Currently, I can change the link color in the "Appearance" settings. But it only affects the link colors in light mode. I don't see a way to change the link color in the dark mode.

Is there a workaround for supporting "anyOf" in readme?

I am working to port over our docs and we use anyOf for an object type. Does readme support that structure? if not is there a workaround? Also I am noticing that nested references within components/schemas are not rendering correctly. eg: ``` Components: Schemas: schema1: title: "a" schema2: title: "b" variable1: ref: "#/components/schemas/schema1" schema2: title: "c" variable2: ref: "#/components/schemas/schema2" ``` Based on the above example, the API Reference does not render the details of nested schema from references, I,e schem2.variable1 is listed as an empty field and does not fully render the details of schema1 Is this expected behavior? Is there a way to help with this nesting issue? Our documentation has a lot of this type of nesting.

How to provide the OpenAPI specification to the customers?

Hi, we want to share the OpenAPI specification publicly with our customers. We see that there is a public link for it("view oas"), but this link is not permanent across API versions. Could you please advise us on how to achieve what we want? The feature is much needed because some developers still prefer to import the file in Postman.

Customing Tags in OAS

Pages are created when we specify `tags` in our OAS, but I wanted to add more information on this page, ideally a markdown. Is there a way for us to do this via CLI?

Expanding search limitations

Are there any plans to expand the search limitations on Algolia searches? I want to use collapsible sections in my guides, but can't because of the way the search ignores content wrapped in raw HTML. I know you can assign keywords for SEO metadata, but do those keywords also come up in search results within my product guides? I'd love to not have to choose between lots of scrolling and ensuring searches return the expected results.

Support for inline code highlight?

Would there be support for inline code highlight, such as <https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/extensions/inlinehilite/>

Configure changelog by API version

Hey there! Is it possible to configure a changelog by version? So if I'm looking at the v1 API docs and click on changelog, I see a set of changelogs specific to v1 but if I'm on v2 I only see the v2 changes in the log.

Numbered lists not displaying?

For some reason, numbered lists are no longer displaying on our page. They show in the editor as normal, but on the live site you can only see an indentation and no number.

Performance issues - How to pass Core Web Vitals

We'd like to move to ReadMe but have concerns about performance of the ReadMe platform and failing Core Web Vitals. This is important given we need to be able to drive organic search traffic to our documentation and will be more critical in March 2024 when Google replaces FID with Interaction to Next Paint (INP). Is this a known issue and are there any recommendations to be able to get a ReadMe powered site to pass Core Web Vitals? <https://docs.readme.com> fails and other sites known to use ReadMe have even poorer metrics ![](https://files.readme.io/7e63b6b-image.png)

When will ReadMe support AsyncAPI?

Our team (growing startup of ~30) wants to transition our full docs to <http://readme.io>, but we can't until you add AsyncAPI support. I've seen many other readme users ask for this feature as well - see other questions and other comments on multiple forums. This is a vital issue for us and a major pain point with ReadMe's current platform. Because you don't yet support AsyncAPI, we have to use bump.sh for our streaming API (<https://streaming.hume.ai/doc/streaming-api>), although we'd prefer to unify everything on ReadMe and have a single documentation site. **What will it take to convince your team to add AsyncAPI support to the product roadmap? When can we expect it to be added? ** If this isn't going to be a priority anytime in the near future, we may have to look into other docs products.