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Get OAS of specific version of API specification?

Hello, It says [here](https://docs.readme.com/reference/intro-to-the-readme-api#api-specification) that the "API Specification" endpoints can be used "to get, post, update, or delete the API specification that generates your API docs." But the only GET request I see for that endpoint is for the specification metadata. Am I missing something, or is it not currently possible to GET the OAS of a particular version of one's API spec from ReadMe via the API? Like, the JSON that got uploaded when creating a new version. Thank you. Zeke (Capable Health)

Automated deployment of additional information for OpenAPI schema

Hi, I have the problem that I want to deploy a lot of OpenAPI schemas to readme. However these are not just standard schemas, but I would like to add custom annotations in html or markdown to each of the routes. This works nicely if I do it manually, but I need to do this in an automated way and I did not find a way to do it. Is there already an API to do so? If not it would be awesome to add it! Maybe the nicest way to do it would be to accept an extension field in the API spec JSON which can contain html and another for markdown.

Dark mode support

We were thinking to migrate to Readme and because our previous system has dark mode support, we were thinking if this is planned. Developers staring at night on a bright documentation is something very unpleasant.

How to find Category ObjectId?

I want to update my documentation from local files. I'm using `npx rdme docs`, as specified in this recipe: https://docs.readme.com/recipes/sync-directory-of-files-via-cli However, it errors if I don't have the ObjectId of a pre-existing category for my project. I created a category in the readme UI but can't find the ObjectId anywhere on the UI. Where do I find the category ObjectId? Alternatively, how can I create a category using the API?

Any support for estimated read time / # of words style macro?

This is a nice feature I've seen on other sites "Estimated read time: X minutes" which is usually based off the number of words, and the adult average read time of 300 words per minute. Does readme support this? How can I get this type of feature added to my pages on a business plan account?

Community Discussion - External links open in the same browser tab

Hi, there I notice that within _this_ Community (at readme.com), external links open in the same browser tab. Example: https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/making-authenticated-requests/refreshing-an-access-token/ Previously - if I am not mistaken - external links would open in a new tab. That seems to make more sense. Cheers

Can't scroll down anymore in object example

Hi team, previously we were able to scroll down inside a big Response object, but since recently with no changes on our side we are not able to do it anymore are you aware of this issue ? Is there any plan to fix it ? thanks in advance, Mick

Is there a way to make it more clear when parameters have default values?

Currently, when viewing parameters, it's hard to tell at a glance which ones do and don't have default values. You can click the input element next to it and then select to use the default value if there is one, but I would prefer it if users could tell without clicking what a parameter's default value is.

Are there any plans for snippet support?

Unless I'm mistaken I can't find any official support for snippets, is there any support for this planned in the future? I can kind of get around the issue by using Variable Defaults, but obviously this isn't the intended use so I'd rather avoid if possible.