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Looking for recommendations for automatic Python API (docstring) to readme.io markdown pages

We host our API documentation on readme (see here: <https://docs.edgeimpulse.com/reference>). While we use the OpenAPI integration for our REST API, we are also working on generating and hosting Python API documentation for our Python SDK. At the moment, I have been learning and tinkering with sphinx and pydoc-markdown for markdown generation. Neither seems to provide the output required for readme without modifications to their code or some custom add-ons. Does anyone have any recommendations on tools that can read Python docstrings to produce good API documentation hosted on readme?

Endpoint not found when testing the Personalized Docs Webhook

Hi, I am trying to set the Personalized Docs Webhook for my application. I added enpoint and served it with ngrok. I tested that endpoint through the Postman and it's giving me correct result. It's working. Here is the CURL: curl --location --request POST '<https://8407-85-114-46-238.eu.ngrok.io/webhook>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "email": "test" }' But when I test it in the 3. step of Personalized Docs I am getting: Endpoint not found! Did you forget the path in your server URL (e.g., /webhook)? With Network response: 400 status code and json response {type: "not-found"} Can you provide me more information about why am I getting this response?

How can I configure the project to always show subpages in the sidebar?

Currently, if a user opens the docs generated by readme.com all the pages are collapsed in the sidebar and the user needs to expand the pages to see the subpages. Is there any way to expand all sidebar pages/categories and see all subpages in the sidebar by default?

Custom javascript button

Is it possible to add a custom javascript button on the left or upper menu? I have a widget that I want to be executed when somebody clicks on the menu item.

Synced OpenAPI definition examples not imported to UI properly

The examples import perfectly and when you go to the top right for an API and click examples it runs, but one of the fields in the main UI when a user can try out the API and fill out the fields will not populate. Usually the examples are accurate and populate so that the user can try it without having to click on the top right examples request button. I'd add photos if possible, but seems like the forum is only text.

custom verifyWebhook

readmeio SDK is not supported in Golang. Can I create my own method that will verify the readme signature? I can take it from request and then compare to my readme secret taken from env variable I suppose. But which hashing algorithm should I use to compare these values? I added a feature request for supporting the Golang... I am not sure if this is something that will be implemented in the near future but If not - I would like a way to do this.

startup accont: How toexpose my project to a limited external people

Hi All, I have a startup account and would like to keep my project private. But, I want to share my project with 20 external users. What is the best option to achieve it? Thanks, Manish

default language sample bug

I am currently using your ReadMe service and have encountered a bug. My documentation is auto-generated via Swagger, and my language-sample configuration appears as follows: "x-readme": { "samples-languages": ["python", "curl", "node", "ruby", "php"], } Since Python is listed first, followed by Curl, I expect Python to be the default language. However, there are instances (especially when using the Firefox browser) where the system defaults to Curl when switching from one endpoint to another. Could you please explain why this happens? I want Python to be the default selection."

https to http

Is there a way to change protocol of base url from default https to http?

Bug: Wrong robots.txt format

### The current format is ``` Disallow: /edit/ Disallow: /login Disallow: /reference-edit/ Disallow: /logout Sitemap: /sitemap.xml ``` ## The correct format should be: the full url/domain should be declared ``` Disallow: /edit/ Disallow: /login Disallow: /reference-edit/ Disallow: /logout Sitemap: https://readme.com/sitemap.xml ```