Is there a way to define custom headers/parameters to be shared across all endpoints/paths in a given JSON?
I have a use case in hand where I have some custom headers that should be shared across all the described endpoint paths in a given JSON.
any api call rate limit
any api call rate limit on the readme apis Lilke 500 request in a min. ?
Is there a way to add a read only user?
We would like some users to have read only access, but without knowing the password of the site. Is this possible?
Try It Out Not Working With Multiple Security Schemes
My OpenApi spec has multiple security schemes (see the example below). When viewing my API documentation, I can only see the first scheme. How do I select which one should be used in my ReadMe documentation?
Getting error "type must be array" while uploading Swagger file
while uploading a json multipart file in API endpoint causing an exception , Failed to parse multipart servlet request
I have added a parameter as File in body params and content-type:[multipart/form-data], on click on Try it , it is giving me Failed to parse multipart servlet request
Is there a way to allow people to subscribe to Changelog updates?
It would be great if people could elect to receive an email or sms when a change is pushed.
Would be great to also draw graphs with a tool like mermaid
Sometimes its necessary to draw a graph in documentation, so it would be great if you could provide something like https://mermaid.js.org/intro/
Does it support LaTex or any other math visualisation?
I was trying to figure out how to embed/type Latex. Most markdown readers/editors allow for Latex. However, this does not seem to be the case.
AsyncAPI support
does readme support AsyncAPI specification ?