Try It Out Not Working With Multiple Security Schemes
My OpenApi spec has multiple security schemes (see the example below). When viewing my API documentation, I can only see the first scheme. How do I select which one should be used in my ReadMe documentation?
Getting error "type must be array" while uploading Swagger file
while uploading a json multipart file in API endpoint causing an exception , Failed to parse multipart servlet request
I have added a parameter as File in body params and content-type:[multipart/form-data], on click on Try it , it is giving me Failed to parse multipart servlet request
Is there a way to allow people to subscribe to Changelog updates?
It would be great if people could elect to receive an email or sms when a change is pushed.
Would be great to also draw graphs with a tool like mermaid
Sometimes its necessary to draw a graph in documentation, so it would be great if you could provide something like https://mermaid.js.org/intro/
Does it support LaTex or any other math visualisation?
I was trying to figure out how to embed/type Latex. Most markdown readers/editors allow for Latex. However, this does not seem to be the case.
AsyncAPI support
does readme support AsyncAPI specification ?
Rendered code is not working well for a nullable object
Rendered code is not working well when using multipart/form-data
Changelogs via Slack?
The doc says there is slack integration for Suggested Edits and Discussions. Is there any support for changelogs?