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After updating OAS 2.0 to 3.0 , we are getting slug of null issue while updating readme.io through github? could you provide me the solution for this


Bug in rendering descriptions of Schema object that contain Reference Objects inside of allOf

There appears to be a bug in the way ReadMe is rendering descriptions of complex schemas that make use of allOf to combine multiple schema and reference objects.

Disable HTML URL Encoding of headers

Currently we have a token header that will contain a space
When this is added, the example request fills in that header space with an encoded %20 which breaks the sample request. This is the case with all of our docs, where none of the sample requests will work


Readme pages are not indexed by search engine.

We recently launched our website and discovered that none of our published articles are searchable by Google. This is because there is no sitemap available for readme pages, so Google won't index them. Our temporary solution is to manually create and update a sitemap.xml every time a new article is added, but this is very cumbersome.


Please add option to set light/dark theme to Same as System on iPhones when using Safari browser

Currently it is not possible to set theme to Same as System on iPhones when using Safari browser.


Are you planning to include Chat GPT capabilities to generate answers based on an existing documentation in Readme?

We have extensive product documentation on Readme and would love to learn how we can potentially use Chat GPT to generate answers for our customers and customer support agents.


Array property items with oneOf $ref lists supported?

I have a OpenAPI definition that renders as expected when using another openapi viewer called StopLight . I'm trying to load this yml file to our readme site and am encountering an issue with the UI not rendering correctly for array properties using oneOf with $ref's. The property in question is defined like the following:


How to add Headings in Table of contents from custom HTML in markdown

  1. I have created a new page in Guide.
  2. I used '/Custom HTML' block and added a h4 tag in the HTML.
  3. How can I get this heading to appear in 'Table of contents'

How to track search events?

Hi - i have implemented the Segment integration and I am surprised not to see search events being sent to segment.