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Custom login: How should the logout feature be implemented?

We've implemented the custom login page (<https://docs.readme.com/docs/custom-login-page>) with JWT, everything works as expected, but the logout button shown in Readme.io does nothing. In the settings, we set the page users should be forwarded to, users are forwarded, but after opening Readme.io the session is still valid.

On the changelog page, is it possible to change the amount of content that shows?

How do I control how much is shown on the changelog summary page? Seems to awkwardly cut stuff off.

Show Image preview in Try It! response

We have an API endpoint that is documented in OpenAPI as returning an image: ```Text Example "responses": { "200": { "description": "Return an image.", "content": { "image/png": {} } } } ``` The response header is set to `content-type:image/png` but we see garbled binary data in the Response preview underneath the "Try It!" button. Is it possible to configure the Response preview so that the actual image will be shown?

Is there a way to filter endpoints by User role?

We have a OAS file with multiple endpoints , I was wondering if there is a way to display some of these endpoints by user role. Thanks in advance.

Not found because of proxy error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

copy curl command use in local terminal is valid

Email Unsubscribe button not working

Hi Readme team, The email unsubscribe button has not been working for me or my team. The link is in the format of: x-webdoc://D7FC5252-99XX-9999-X9XX-3CA0CADC324B/unsubscribeUrl Is there a way to remedy this? Thanks in advance, Branden

how can i update my rails api documentation automatically

I want to know if readme.io offers any support to update API documentation automatically in the form of gems or any information regarding it will be welcome Thanks

Is there a plan to support the null type in OAS 3.1?

One of the [changes from OpenAPI 3.0 to 3.1](https://www.openapis.org/blog/2021/02/16/migrating-from-openapi-3-0-to-3-1-0) was removing the `nullable` keyword in favor of allowing `type` to be an array, and having `null` as a type there. The places our schema uses this seem to render in the docs unexpectedly, as "nullstring" in the response detail view, and ""Unknown Type: null,string"" in the example response. `null` is not listed in the [docs as a supported data type](https://docs.readme.com/docs/openapi-compatibility-chart#data-types) - is that expected to be added as part of OAS 3.1 support?

Is there an image libarary—a way to view all the uploaded images in my project?

I want to be able to add an image on a page that functions like a button, where if i click it, it opens a specified topic. I can do this in an HTML macro, but only if I have the image elsewhere on the page, whose path I can identify in Raw text mode. It would be easier if there were a place where i could view a library of images in the project. Is this possible?

Reference page/section is returning 500 internal server

Hello ReadMe Community, Our reference section is inaccessible due to internal server error being returned by ReadMe. Do we have other Enterprise accounts experiencing the same?