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How can we render a multipart request correctly?

Today we have the following request: ```curl curl --request POST \ --url http://{host} \ --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \ --form ' service={ "id": "svc12345", "sourceType": "my-alerting-solution", "sourceInstance": "my-company", "name": "my-service", "description": "The one and only service with 110% uptime", "data": { "number_of_incidents": "2", "monitoring_dashboard": "https://my-company.my-alerting-solution.com/my-service" } };type=application/json' --form 'bom=@<file>' ``` But when we see it on Readme it's rendered like this: ![](https://files.readme.io/50eb4c7-Screenshot_2022-10-14_at_12.22.50.png) Is there a way to render it like this and not as a form: ![](https://files.readme.io/0efe8e6-Screenshot_2022-10-14_at_12.25.19.png) Thanks

How do we upload images in discussions

I'd like to add an image here but dont' see a way to do it without having to add a link (want to be able to drag/upload from local) ![](<>)

Allow Viewer to download openAPI spec and/or custom postman collection

Is there a way to add a button to download the openAPI spec that is generating the docs?

Rdme docs sync without version

Hi readme team, I have been syncing docs from a Github repo to our Readme project. We have a set of markdown files which have headers containing category IDs. The sync happens via the following Github action ``` - name: Github Action (API sync) uses: readmeio/[email protected] env: README_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.README_API_KEY }} with: rdme: docs temp --key="$README_API_KEY" --version=v5.2-unstable ``` It would greatly help us if we could remove the version tag (i.e. `--version=v5.2-unstable`) in the Github Action. After all, the category ids are version specific. Is there any way that we could perform this sync without specifying version? Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like in the past the action could run without the tag, albeit that it created extra files rather than updating existing ones. Even this would be very helpful for us. Thanks in advance

Changing the alt text of images

Hi there! I have some questions about alt text in ReadMe docs. **Background** I was inspecting our ReadMe docs in dev tools and noticed that the alt text for our images are all numbers. Here's an example to clarify what I mean: \<img src="<https://files.readme.io/e9b47be-element_compare_to.png>" **alt="585"** title="element_compare_to.png" class="" align="" caption="" height="auto" width="auto" loading="lazy"> When I searched for "alt text images" in the ReadMe docs, I found this post - <https://docs.readme.com/discuss/618c4415962803001689666c> - which made me think I could update in the raw text version of the page. Unfortunately, when I toggled the raw text setting on, I couldn't figure out how to add the suggested Markdown to provide a more helpful alt tag. **My questions** 1. Is it possible to change the alt text for images in ReadMe? 2. If yes, how can I go about doing this? Thanks in advance! Molly

Do you support AsyncApi Spec

Do you support AsyncApi Spec?

How to add a code in discussion?

Hello everyone, please, I need to understand how to add a piece of code in a post, as if I want to add a code in this post.

readme.io create incorrect JSON structure

JSON incorrect structure through README.IO------------------------------------------- { "person": { "kyc_data": \[ { "value": { "type": "ppn", "number": "123456", "nationality": "UA" }, "key": "identity_document" }, { "value": { "city": "Irpin", "state": "", "county": "", "Holmyvägen, 16": "Sadova", "country": "UA", "postal_code": "", "unit_number": "", "building_name": "", "building_number": "1" }, "key": "residential_address" } JSON correct structure--------------------------------------------------- "person": { "kyc_data": [ { "key": "identity_document", "value": { "type": "ppn", "number": "789789", "nationality": "BE" } }, { "key": "residential_address", "value": { "city": "Vienna", "state": null, "county": null, "street": "Main Street", "country": "BE", "postal_code": null, "unit_number": null, "building_name": null, "building_number": "1" } } ], '

How to add Multiple Section in Change log?

For ex: I have two products, say Product A and Product B. In changelog, i don't say any option to create separate section for Product A and B. Is there a way to add multiple sections in change log?