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Multiple API Definitions


Making a redirect take effect?

What more needs to be done to make a redirect take effect, beyond deploying the updated group redirect list? (I am using the Enterprise version, so we have a group.) I ask because the "source" page is still loaded if I use the original URL, even in an incognito/private window, which shouldn't have anything cached. Do I need to delete the original page?

Chrome left side navigation missing

Recently, when using Chrome, the left had side navigation is missing all the information that was there. the left side slide out but is blank.


Internal Documentation protection

I have used custom login to authenticate our end users from global landing page. Now I also have enabled protection for internal documentation with protection type as project members only.

How to add NodeJS code examples

Trying to add NodeJS code examples, and there are no option. So had to select JS as type. But in that way, I'm not being able to write any instruction on how to install the package. Same for Python, Java and other languages. There should be way to explicitly say, how the dev is going to include/install the package into their system.

Auto generated code examples along with given examples code in suggestion

If any code example is added then the auto generated codes are grouped under the three dots (more option).


Link to Pages

On beta version it's not working as decribed at the regular version.


Changlog Content is not rendering.

for some reason the content has stopped rendering.


3rd Sub page

How do I add a 3rd sub page?

Deleting a version

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