Integration procedure of readme
Hi all
How to add open form in my Website
Bug with displaying OpenAPI oneOf options
I am uploading an OpenAPI specification to the UI that has oneOf options:
Short linking text
Does ReadMe track device usage?
We're trying to track the percentage of users (if any) are viewing our ReadMe site on mobile and tablet devices. Does ReadMe track this or do I need to look to a Google Analytics integration?
Landing page: HTML/JS support and preview
Integration to other systems
Hello, friends!
Can I install a playground for my API in my doc?
Is it possible to set it up so that readers can send requests to my API and receive results?
How do I get around case sensitivity for glossary terms?
Firstly, I'm confused by your conflicting instructions. On the glossary management page in my account (/v1.0/glossary-definitions), the page description reads:
Collapsable Sections without HTML
I've been trying to edit our docs so readers can expand and collapse individual section but not having much luck. I know how to do it with HTML but then readme won't render any of the markdown within the section because it looks like HTML. Anyone know how to accomplish this?