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How do i enable Support forum feature in Readme?

How do i enable Support forum feature in Readme?


Is there a way to add comments using Readme's markdown?

I'd like to add a comment to a topic in readme that internal users will be able to see, but that will not get picked up and published, such as:


Landing Page

How can I create and preview my landing page.


Back to Top Button

Hello readme :)


Run Python code within docs

Can I have a try it button for python code. as it is built for API calls?


Access sitemap.xml file?

Does Readme.io maintain a sitemap.xml file for individual documentation sites? And if so, what is the URL to access for our site?


Endpoints experiencing difficulties

Hello, the API Reference have two endpoints displaying this message since yesterday: "This endpoint's documentation is currently experiencing difficulties and will be back online shortly.", and I've not found anything similar to resolve this issue. I need to know what kind of problem it is. Thanks!


Does your company integrate readme.io docs into your company website?

Hi, Are there any readme users who have integrated the docs into their own website? Would love to see examples.