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Can we link the two different contents on the same URL page?

Can we link the two different contents on the same URL page with each other?

Bug with displaying OpenAPI oneOf options

I am uploading an OpenAPI specification to the UI that has oneOf options: ``` CompanyInfoField: oneOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/company_name" - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/industry" company_name: type: object description: The name of the company owning the domain industry: type: object description: 'Example: technology' ``` The intended encoding of the schema above (which is correct in Redoc and Swagger) is a list of the oneOf options: ``` [ "company_name", "industry" ] ``` However, in the readme.io UI, it interprets it as a key-value pair. The UI also does not display a list or dropdown of the oneOf options - instead it presents a box for "New Key" and a box for "New Value", even though the options (like company_name) do not have sub-properties in the OpenAPI specification. ``` [ { "newKey": "xxxx" } ] ``` I'm also encountering issues with a second oneOf schema for OpenAPI: ``` DomainSource: oneOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/portfolio" - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/url_list" portfolio: required: - portfolio_id type: object properties: portfolio_id: type: string description: Portfolio UUID ``` The expected encoding of the above example is (which is correct in Swagger and Redoc): ``` "portfolio": { "portfolio_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } ``` However, in the readme.io UI, the encoding is instead just the following, which appears under a dropdown under "Option 1". In addition to "Option 1" not rendering the `portfolio` name at all, "Option 1" also changes the intended encoding by erasing the `portfolio` part of the schema (and just encoding the schema under it) ``` "portfolio_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ```

Has anyone integrated ReadMe with Survey applications?

We're about to push some UX updates on our global landing page as well as some CSS to make things like the Page Quality feedback component more prominent. We'd like to do some kind of UX survey to measure user sentiment on the changes. Has anyone done anything like this? I know that we could get a list of users visiting the site, but I'd love to be able to pop up a CTA within ReadMe that would take folks there while they are viewing the docs

Need help on accessing Bearer token with out API_KEY from JWT.

Hi I am working on Read me integration with a custom login hook. My requirement is to redirect from the readme portal to our custom login page and once the login is completed. I will load ReadMe with authentication. We have Login API which contains tokens to access. When I went through the reference. It was expecting some API KEY in JWT Token. But my requirement is client will provide me Access token in the api response and they are expecting to redirect with that access token and paste it in header. Is there any way to accomplish this requirement?

Filtering "Contacts - Custom Fields Values"

Hi everyone! I'm trying to use API of Active Campaign to get all the "Contacts - Custom Fields Values" but regarding that, the only way to filter for now is by "fieldedid" or "value" of the custom fields, it's impossible for me to do it. Do you know whether there is a way like in"Contacts" to filter by creation or update date? Kind Regards, Daniel

allOf inheritance

Hi, it seems like when returning an array, and the associated schema is inherited with `allOf` the object is not properly displayed when you click on the "Response" to see how it looks. Strangely, it works with non array. example below: responses: 200: description: OK - List of advertiser objects content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/advertiser' advertiser: allOf: # Combines the basicAdvertiser and the advertiser model - $ref: '#/components/schemas/basicAdvertiser' - type: object