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Is there a plan to support the null type in OAS 3.1?

One of the [changes from OpenAPI 3.0 to 3.1](https://www.openapis.org/blog/2021/02/16/migrating-from-openapi-3-0-to-3-1-0) was removing the `nullable` keyword in favor of allowing `type` to be an array, and having `null` as a type there. The places our schema uses this seem to render in the docs unexpectedly, as "nullstring" in the response detail view, and ""Unknown Type: null,string"" in the example response. `null` is not listed in the [docs as a supported data type](https://docs.readme.com/docs/openapi-compatibility-chart#data-types) - is that expected to be added as part of OAS 3.1 support?

Error 1014 on CloudFlare...

I tried using custom domain feature, and got the error: Error 1014 Ray ID: 6ebf8bf82d33788b • 2022-03-14 19:51:54 UTC CNAME Cross-User Banned The recipe on documentation page did not help (that is disabling proxy did not work.) My page is on CloudFlare, and I do not want to switch. What to do?

How to remove "Did this page help you?"?

Is there a way to remove "Did this page help you?"?

Can I use MDX in Readme?

Is it possible to use MDX in Readme docs? I am on the free plan so not sure how to try this myself. I'm specifically interested in whether I can import a React component from another library to display in my conceptual documentation.

Testing XML endpoints using API Explorer

Live testing of API endpoints using the API Explorer(API Reference Page) basically supports RESTful endpoints, is there a way to test XML endpoints? Thanks

Can you add breadcrumbs

In product guides, are there auto-generated structure-based breadcrumbs that can be added? Or would they have to be written manually?

I have multiple environments for a given api

I have multiple environments for a given api with different endpoints. For the logged on user, I am pre populating an apikey via custom login JWT. But I want to pre-populate a different apikey per environment that user has selected. For ex: apikey : dev key when user selected <https://dev.org/api1> apikey: test key when user selected <https://test.org/api1> How can I update and show the right api key per environment, I can pass all the right apikeys per environment in my jwt token (post login)

Do you support AsyncApi Spec

Do you support AsyncApi Spec?