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PR into preview?

Is it possible to have a PR auto-generate a preview app in Readme? I know merging can automatically make updates to the site, but I'd love a way to preview a change before it hits production.

oneOf rendered as pulldown in API Reference, but Selection Doesn't Update Displayed Schema

In my OAS 3.0 spec, I have a number of oneOf's specified. They render in Readme.com as pulldowns, with the first object defined in the oneOf block selected, and its schema displayed. When a different selection is made in the pulldown, I would expect that the pulldown updates its value, and the schema for the previous selection is replaced by the schema for the new selection. However, this is not occurring. What is the expected behavior when a new selection is made in a pulldown? If the pulldown is supposed to update and the schema for the new selection is supposed to replace the old selection's schema in the display, is there an example spec I can review to see what I may be missing in my spec? Thanks!

Discussion API

Is there a way to post questions to the community discussions forum via the readme api?

Editor woes

It appears that legacy editor no longer saves content correctly (or sometimes at all) Then new editor freezes when trying to change the type of a code block. Did you bother testing any of this?

Unable to upload images in markdown

Seems to be the same issue as <https://docs.readme.com/main/discuss/63f92bb42d5c42027e93b815>. Steps to reproduce: 1. edit a page 2. insert image block 3. click "choose file" and select image Details: - The image is a 30KB / 1000x294 PNG, so it should be within the given size limits - Browser JS console shows a `400` error when `POST`ing to `https://dash.readme.com/api/images/image-upload`. Inspecting the network response shows an error message `Image validation failed: user: Path 'user' is required.` Is there a workaround?

What is the best practice for using Changelog for releases?

There seems to be no way to categorize changes. Categories could include functional areas or types of changes. Tags would be another great way to include ways for people to search specific areas of interest.

Not found because of proxy error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

copy curl command use in local terminal is valid

Array property items with oneOf $ref lists supported?

I have a OpenAPI definition that renders as expected when using another openapi viewer called StopLight . I'm trying to load this yml file to our readme site and am encountering an issue with the UI not rendering correctly for array properties using oneOf with $ref's. The property in question is defined like the following: `. configuration_options: type: array description: List of configuration options to present to users when they configure your adapter. The values the user entered for these configuration options will included in the payload send to your webhook_url when your adapter is invoked. items: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/StringConfigurationOption" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/RegExConfigurationOption" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/PasswordConfigurationOption"` The UI that is generated for this property does not render the item references correctly. It renders the array portion ok, offering the Add button with a panel for each valid schema allowed for the configuration_options array, but it does not correctly render the shape of each of these schemas if you click to add one. It renders the description but does not display the shape of the ref'ed schema. It simply shows an "Add Field" panel that allows the user to add a key/value rather than the actual defined schema properties. Below is an abbreviated sample of what the StringConfigurationOption looks like (and it's abstract parent): `AbstractConfigurationOption: type: object description: A single UI component that the user will utilize to enter any configuration values that your adapter will require to function. properties: name: type: string description: The name of the configuration option that will be passed to your webhook. example: client_code label: type: string description: The name of the option that will be displayed to the user. ` `StringConfigurationOption: title: StringConfigurationOption type: object description: A UI component that accepts string user input. allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AbstractConfigurationOption" - type: object properties: config_type: type: string enum: [ string ]`