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how to resolve time out issue from git hub while uploading large file into github for updating readme

Hi, I am trying to update the readme documentation through git hub actions. it is thrown an error while deploying **We're sorry, your upload request timed out. Please try again or split your file up into smaller chunks.** **Process completed with exit code 1** Please help me to resolve this issue.

Documentation Offline due to Infinite Redirect

When I visit the home page of my docs I get a "too many redirects" error. It seems to be trying to reach `/reference` but gets stuck in an infinite loop. We are using a custom domain but that was set up years ago and has been working fine until this week. In the Readme settings it says that the DNS is still set up correctly. I presume something has changed on the Readme side which has caused an infinite redirection loop? How do we get back online?

Reposition "Did this page help you?" box

I'm curious if there's any user here who was able to reposition/customize the Page Quality CTA buttons ("Did this page help you?")? I would appreciate it if you can share how you guys approached it? Thank you!

How to add a code in discussion?

Hello everyone, please, I need to understand how to add a piece of code in a post, as if I want to add a code in this post.

Link to Pages

On beta version it's not working as decribed at the regular version. When adding brackets (\[]) it's not offering pages. Is there a different way on the beta version?

Custom design CSS to accomodate (full size window view) for desktops?

Hello! I was wondering if we had any control over how much space is utilised when the window is expanded full size while viewing docs on a deskitop or large monitor?

API Conventions for /api-specification

**GET /api-specification** returns a collection instead of single api and there is no **GET /api-specification/{id}** call. I would expect an **/api-specifications** endpoint to exist and return a collection Would ReadMe be open to adopting the following? **GET /api-specifications** **POST /api-specification** **GET /api-specification/{id}** **DELETE/api-specification/{id}** **PUT /api-specification/{id}** Ref Google's api design guide <https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/>

3rd Sub page

How do I add a 3rd sub page?

Manually added "What's next" pages do not get title updates.

Typically, if when editing a document through the dashboard, I do not modify the "What's next" field at the very bottom, then when viewing the article, I will have two links: one to the previous page, and one to the next page. These links are described with the current titles of the pages they link to. That's great. However, if I manually add a page, e.g. I am editing page A, which has subpage A.1, but I want to link to page B in the same category, then I encounter difficulties when I change the title of page B. Then, if I change page B to be titled C, the "What's next" section in page A contains a link called "B" pointing to page C. Could the titles of these links be kept up to date with the titles of the pages?