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Error Submitting form

When I update a Guide page, I get a message that says error submitting form. This happens after entering text and clicking the Save to Staging button. The page that I am working on is quite large with many tables. Do you have any ideas why I am getting this error and what I can do?

Does it support LaTex or any other math visualisation?

I was trying to figure out how to embed/type Latex. Most markdown readers/editors allow for Latex. However, this does not seem to be the case. Any idea if this is possible yet?

Can Recipes be programmatically added?

If I wanted to add a recipe programmatically, is there a way to do that?

How can I enable the AI Search?

Hi all, I recently spotter the "AI search" button here. Is this a feature I can use in my projects?

SDK Mobile Documentation

I can't find a document about sdk mobile documentation. How can I import sdk documentation from Github? Is it possible?

In our api we have a requirement like if there is no object set than need to pass empty array in payload.

Like i need to pass payload like this way for questions and nestedquestions need to pass empty array. { "attri": [ { "key": "First Name", "value": "Kk" }, { "key": "Last Name", "value": "Ppp" }, { "key": "Email", "value": "[email protected]" } ], "questions": \[], "nestedQuestions": \[], "seatNumber": null, "eventTicketingId": null, "eventKey": null }

Let your customers register on readme

Hi fellow API developers We just recently started to document all our API stuff on readme, and I wonder if there is a way for my clients to register as a developer on my readme portal? As I would like to have a way of reaching out to them with news, updates etc. Is this possible in readme?

Hide Updated over xx ago

Hi there! Is there a way to hide this page update history? Say you have a page that's not frequently updated and it says 'Updated over 1 year ago' is not really that useful outside of actual documentation or specs.

Support for inline code highlight?

Would there be support for inline code highlight, such as <https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/extensions/inlinehilite/>

Collapse sidebar in editing mode?

Hi there! Are there plans to allow users to collapse the sidebar in editing mode? It takes up a large chunk of screen space, especially for users with lower resolutions and/or smaller laptop screens.