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How do i enable Support forum feature in Readme?

How do i enable Support forum feature in Readme?

What kind of validation is run on spec upload?

I'm getting this validation error: ``` The spec you uploaded has validation errors that must be addressed. Here's what we found: Validation failed. /paths/authentication-settings/saml-metadata-upload/put has a file parameter, so it must consume multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded ``` I tried validating my spec against the json schema for swagger 2 from here : https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/schemas/v2.0/schema.json and it validated successfully. So my question is what extra validation does readme.com does on swagger spec?

Can you change the "password" help text in "Try It" to something else?

We require an **email address** and **API token** to authenticate against and use our API. With ReadMe's "Try It" functionality, users are prompted to enter a **username** and **password** to try out our API from within ReadMe. Is there a way for us to change this text so users are not confused? [block:image] { "images": [ { "image": [ null, null ] } ] } [/block]

Embedding a video with chapters

Hello, I would like to be able to split the videos we are uploading to the pltform to chapters just like on Youtube and Vimeo. Is that possible? If not, is this a feature that is planned? It's highly needed Thanks Lea

How do I redirect Readme pages to an external site?

Hi, We're looking to redirect our pages to another docs site. How do I set this up and can we do page to page redirects? Or, can redirection only be done to the readme homepage where we're publishing our docs to? If I can get some info about this, it would be helpful. Thanks!

How do I disable proxy-enabled from backend.

I need to disable proxy-enabled flag. How do I do that from the backend config?. When I was trying the "try it " feature, it was appending tryme.io in the request url. Since my API is already set to return cors headers , I need to disable it.

Send multipart form data is form data rather than body data

Hello, Does anyone know how to setup an API Reference using the manual editor so that multipart/form-data generates a CURL statement similar to the following when a user is trying it out from the docs: curl -v --request POST --url [https://api.example.com/1.0/documents](https://api-dev.fusebank.io/1.0/documents) --header 'accept: multipart/form-data' --header "Authorization:$TOKEN" --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F some_id=50dc5d68-fd81-457b-b3e4-ffe87969ce6a -F another_id=50dc5d68-fd81-457b-b3e4-ffe87969ce6a -F document_type=PHOTO -F [email protected] Thanks, James

Support for Multiple server urls in OAS

Our API is deployed to multiple production environments (UK and US) and we also have a staging environment, do you have any plans to support multiple server URLs and what is the timescale for this?

Bug with displaying OpenAPI oneOf options

I am uploading an OpenAPI specification to the UI that has oneOf options: ``` CompanyInfoField: oneOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/company_name" - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/industry" company_name: type: object description: The name of the company owning the domain industry: type: object description: 'Example: technology' ``` The intended encoding of the schema above (which is correct in Redoc and Swagger) is a list of the oneOf options: ``` [ "company_name", "industry" ] ``` However, in the readme.io UI, it interprets it as a key-value pair. The UI also does not display a list or dropdown of the oneOf options - instead it presents a box for "New Key" and a box for "New Value", even though the options (like company_name) do not have sub-properties in the OpenAPI specification. ``` [ { "newKey": "xxxx" } ] ``` I'm also encountering issues with a second oneOf schema for OpenAPI: ``` DomainSource: oneOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/portfolio" - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/url_list" portfolio: required: - portfolio_id type: object properties: portfolio_id: type: string description: Portfolio UUID ``` The expected encoding of the above example is (which is correct in Swagger and Redoc): ``` "portfolio": { "portfolio_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } ``` However, in the readme.io UI, the encoding is instead just the following, which appears under a dropdown under "Option 1". In addition to "Option 1" not rendering the `portfolio` name at all, "Option 1" also changes the intended encoding by erasing the `portfolio` part of the schema (and just encoding the schema under it) ``` "portfolio_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ```

Using the ReadMe Explorer for Private APIs

Hi, We are planning to use ReadMe for our API Documentation and API Explorer. Our API's are private in nature. IP Address is needed for someone to access the API as they are whitelisted in our Route53/Cloudflate. We have following questions 1. Does all the calls from the API Reference (API Explorer) go through the proxy server (try.readme.io) ? 2. Does the above scenario work where we can whitelist ReadMe.io server IP on our end and only the ReadMe users can access the API Explorer? 3. What things does ReadMe takeup on preventing DDOS attacks etc?. Any Rate Limiting , maximum number of users who can access the Api explorer at the same time ? Would love to have references to documentation if this is covered already.