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Swagger schema validation failed

trying to import a URL and got this error: ``` Swagger schema validation failed. Data does not match any schemas from 'anyOf' at #/definitions/ResponseListWebhookAction/properties/data/items Array items are not unique (indexes 0 and 22) at #/definitions/ResponseListWebhookAction/properties/data/items/enum Expected type array but found type object at #/definitions/ResponseListWebhookAction/properties/data/items JSON_OBJECT_VALIDATION_FAILED ``` File URL is https://app.harness.io/gateway/pipeline/api/swagger.json

POST requests add base64 on multipart/form-data when file is referenced in the payload

Recently users have been complaining that some of the examples from the documentation are not working. Previously when a file was attached to the payload (multipart/form-data), it was attached the following way: curl -X POST "https://api.emysound.com/api/v1/Tracks" -H "accept: application/json" -F "file=@do_not_go.wav;type=audio/x-wav" Since latest updates, it attaches it the following way: curl --request POST \ --url https://api.emysound.com/api/v1/Tracks \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \ --form MediaType=Audio \ --form 'file=data:audio/x-wav;name=do_not_go.wav;base64 <ENTIRE BASE 64 OF THE FILE> The difference is in the file form: Previous: --form "file=@do_not_go.wav;type=audio/x-wav" Right now: --form "file=data:audio/x-wav;name=do_not_go.wav;base64 <ENTIRE BASE 64 OF THE FILE>" Notice how it attaches base64 on the entire file which triggers errors on the server side since no base64 payload is expected, rather path to the file. Is there any way to enable back previous behavior?

Enable site login

I wonder is it possible to enable some sort of authentication to the site that is generated by readme? I would like to hide the api information from public user and only show it to some internall group.

Quick way to create bookmarks / anchors?

In a page of the Guides section, if I want to create a navigational link that jumps to a bookmark or anchor in the same page, is there any quick way to do this other than writing one or more HTML blocks? For example, if I add an HTML block I can use a href="#bookmark" target="_self" and then later on in the page I can have another HTML block with a name="bookmark". This seems to work ok, it but it seems like a lot of extra work and in the rendered page, the styling of the HTML text doesn't match the default styling of other text on the page created using markdown. I've checked a markdown syntax guide, but I don't see anything about anchors/bookmarks. Thanks in advance for any guidance or suggestions. :)

Support for Discriminator

Hi there, so we're working hard to port our API spec (currently in redoc) to ReadMe (to make use of the new API reference section). However, I can't find any information on whether or not you allow the discriminator in the request body? We have a situation that depending on a given parameter selected, the user needs to send different fields. In redocly they have a cool drop-down menu that you select and then the required fields are displayed depending on what you have selected. Is there something similar in ReadMe? Cheers, Dom

One POST route but multiple object parameter options

We have an API that can take different JSON params depending on the stage/step of the current process: input 1 { "id": "aa66454", "stepNumber": 1, "customParams": { "UUID": "string==", "SN": "string1234", "policy": "P1234" } } input 2 { "id": "aa66454", "stepNumber": 1, "customParams": { "challenge": "ABCD1234", "sessionID": "abcd" } } These are two different parameters but it's the same POST route. We have not figured out a way to make this work.

Import GitHub readme file to Readme

Hi Community, As the title suggests I am trying to import my github readme file to ReadMe without manually doing the work, also can they be synced? so if I make any changes in Git can they be reflected in ReadMe ?

Looking for an easy way to insert an image into a list (ol or ul) without breaking the list in html

I am using a numbered list for describing a step by step procedure, and I need to include an image, for example in step 2, like this: 1. Step 1 2. Step 2 image in step 2 3. Step 3 How can I do this in the "Guide" part of Readme?. The GUI seems to allows to include images either before or after a list. Thank you.

How to pass Authorization key from JWT to header in manual API setup

While I can pass the variable in the documentation by using <<variableName>>. I'm having issues implementing this in the header parameter, for API setup

Control code block size

Is there any way to control the size of a code block and force it to wrap the code with in it? I have a JSON code example that's making the code block too wide for my page.