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Discussion Forum Moderation

We are considering enabling the Discussion feature. Does it have a way to moderate discussion posts before they appear publicly?

How do I enable 2 options with separate field examples like on this page?

<https://developers.circle.com/v0.9/reference/dda-transfers-create> [block:image] { "images": [ { "image": [ "https://i.imgur.com/CdwJjnn.png", null ] } ] } [/block] [block:image] { "images": [ { "image": [ "https://i.imgur.com/lWCFYeT.png", null ] } ] } [/block]

How do I insert an animated gif? it works fine in Google docs and Word.

I tried the Image button and then Upload an image, but nothing happens

Line endings in API body

Hi there, I'm trying to set up an integration for my company's readme documentation that will programmatically publish updates made in our internal tool. I've been able to leverage the Update Docs endpoint to almost satisfy the usage; the only issue is that I can't seem to find any way to encode line endings or line breaks into the body. So far I've tried "\\n" - doesn't parse as a new line at all, "%0A" or "&x0A" - both just rendered as plain text, and "<br />" - parses to a new line, but doesn't escape other styling from the previous line. Ex: ``` ## Here's a Header!<br />This text should be regular paragraph text but is styled as a header ``` Is there a different encoding I can use to transmit line endings? Is there a different way to programmatically publish these docs? Thanks

Example values and enumerations

Hello, how do I manually edit an API reference to include example values enumerations for a body parameter?

Error 1014 on CloudFlare...

I tried using custom domain feature, and got the error: Error 1014 Ray ID: 6ebf8bf82d33788b • 2022-03-14 19:51:54 UTC CNAME Cross-User Banned The recipe on documentation page did not help (that is disabling proxy did not work.) My page is on CloudFlare, and I do not want to switch. What to do?

File Attachments?

Is there a way to embed a file for downloading? - Im trying to attach data dictionaries that are easier to distribute in Excel - and I want to leave a link in there - but I still want to have it secured behind the login.

Download a csv or zip file

Is there a way to embed a download link in the documentation?

How to change position of "Did this page help you?" and make it sticky or fixed so it's always in the viewport?