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How do I change the project privacy?

It looks like our project has been setup with the privacy of "Project Admins Only". How do I change this to" Site-wide Password"? I am a project Admin but I see no options anywhere to do this.

How can I edit the parameters' input valudation values?

Within the API reference, under body params, I want to edit (or add to) the input validation information. How? For example, how do I edit these weird min and max values? [block:image] { "images": [ { "image": [ "https://files.readme.io/bfa02de-image.png", null, null ], "border": true } ] } [/block]

AsyncAPI specs

Can you please provide some guidance about how to handle documentation for websocket events? Do you plan to support AsyncAPI specs? Thanks very much!

Can we limit who can ask questions on public docs?

Ideally, we would want only logged in users to be able to ask questions in our discussions in our public docs. Is this possible? In other words, if we change the protection type of our docs from 'Project Members Only' to 'Public Docs', would we be able to limit who can ask questions in the discussions to only those that are logged in?

how to download a readme file frm this site after making one?

how to export?


I'm curious if there's a way to implement a template in Readme? The use case is that I create a content in which that content can just be reference to different pages. Illustration: ``` <template id="contact-us">Contact Us</template> Guide: How To Write Writing is.... Need more help? <template/> Guide: How to Run Running is... Need more help? <template/> ``` In this way I will not copy-paste "Contact Us" content whenever I need it. And if I need to update Contact Us i will just update the source.

Django Rest Framework (DRF)

Hi, excited to try readme. Do you have any tips to auto generate openAPI specs from api endpoints in django rest framework?

Does not see any changes for readme.io after uploading a changed file

I have uploaded a openAPI file a couple hours ago, then upload it again after some changes, but I can not see any changes. Do I miss any steps?

I want to show some docs for only logged In users only?

I want to show some docs for only logged In users only and hide it for non-logged In users.How can i do this?

How can I find the reciept ( vs oayment made by us )

How can I find the reciept ( vs oayment made by us )