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Not found because of proxy error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

copy curl command use in local terminal is valid

Example values and enumerations

Hello, how do I manually edit an API reference to include example values enumerations for a body parameter?

Getting "local issuer certificate" error

When I run the command to upload a new file (or even a simple command such as npx rdm version --key=), I get the following message: request to <https://dash.readme.com/api/v1/version/v2023.1.4> failed, reason: unable to get local issuer certificate. I saw some suggestions about turning off strict SSL checking, but that didn't work. Any ideas?

How do I download the used images?

I am taking over a Readme.io project at a company. I want to download the images that are currently used so I can add some visual cues (boxes and arrows) and reload them. Is this possible? Or must I just redo alllll the images and reload them?

How to remove a number from the URL

Our reference documentation now contains a number in the URL. For example, <https://dev.frontapp.com/reference/get_accounts-1> This has caused all our links to reference topics to break. My questions are why this might have happened and how we can remove the number from our reference topics.

Discussion Forum Moderation

We are considering enabling the Discussion feature. Does it have a way to moderate discussion posts before they appear publicly?

API Validation - should match against

I got the following error validating my API: ``` Validation failed. /components/schemas/WebhookPayload<WebhookQuoteCarriersQualified> has an invalid name. Component names should match against: /^[a-zA-Z0-9.-_]+$/ ``` The thing is, it does match. I tried this on regex101.com and it matches for every "flavor" that they offer: PCRE, PCRE2, ECMAScript, Python, Golang, Java 8, and .NET. My best guess is that it doesn't like the \<> characters, but again, the regex produces a match. What's going on here?

Error 1014 on CloudFlare

Hi, My name is seongjin at Bithumb Systems. I tried using custom domain, and got the error: Error 1014 Ray ID: 711488c05fbc12ea • 2022-05-26 06:43:01 UTC CNAME Cross-User Banned What should I check? Thanks


Is there a readme custom CSS variable for text areas? I believe when fields have raw json as an input the html is a textarea. I can update normal string/integer inputs with .rm-ParamInput and change the size and whatnot, but it doesn't change the param for raw json which is a textarea. is there an option for this?

Params values with a # character gets stripped out when clicking “Try it”

For example this param: ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2587348/121505541-34787200-c9e3-11eb-99d1-b7a79688cd6a.png) When clicking “Try it”, the network request will strip the `#` symbol and everything that comes after. **Expected result**: Resulting HTTP request contains the `username=some#thing` param (or eventually `username=some%23thing` **Actual result**: Resulting HTTP request contains the `username=some` param