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Can i see the new editor

Can i see the new editor

Exclude a project from search?

Is there a way, with an Enterprise project group, to exclude a certain project from being included in site-wide search? Or is my only option to remove that project from the group?

Projects in Custom global landing page

Hi, I am trying to build my own global landing page and hence I want to understand parentProject and childProject structure. Can you please share a link where the Keys of the above objects and its structure is documented?

Viewing API Call metrics by API key not working?

In the metrics view, I see an option to view API calls by users, either by entering their email or their API Key. When I entered the API key I see a user sending, nothing shows up in the API calls graph, though I can see that they're using that key in the request headers. Is this a bug on readme's system or is there something I'm doing wrong? It would be very helpful to view calls by API Key given that many of our users arent logged in with email addresses.

When trying to edit category through command, getting error 'unable to get local issuer certificate'

When trying to edit category through command, getting error Command: rdme openapi --key=$README_API_KEY --id=$CATEGORY_ID Error: request to <https://dash.readme.com/api/v1/api-registry> failed, reason: unable to get local issuer certificate

Auto generated code examples along with given examples code in suggestion

If any code example is added then the auto generated codes are grouped under the three dots (more option). So if I want to keep both auto generated and the my own custom code examples in the plain sight and not buried under the three dots then what should be done, if there is any way. Thanks in advance.

Booleans getting Stringified

Hey folks. We encountered an issue maybe a week ago where our Boolean parameters started turning into Strings in the auto generated code, but only when we pick a value from the dropdown. Default value ![](https://files.readme.io/0c123a8-image.png) Value selected from the dropdown ![](https://files.readme.io/57718d3-image.png) Has this been reported before? Is there a fix for it?

Required enums for optional object always prefill body request.

Hi team. I have swagger 2.0 file <https://prod.truv.com/swagger.json> with one of the definitions like this (excerpt schema): ```json JSON { "definitions": { "EmployerCreate": { "type": "object", "properties": { "company_name": { "description": "Company name", "type": "string", "example": "Facebook Demo" }, "account": { "description": "Bank account info. Used for Direct deposit switching and Paycheck linked lending", "required": [ "account_number", "account_type", "routing_number", "bank_name", "deposit_type" ], "type": "object", "properties": { "account_number": { "description": "Account number", "type": "string", "example": "16002600" }, "account_type": { "description": "\nAccount type:\n\n* `checking` - Checking account,\n* `savings` - Savings account\n\n", "type": "string", "enum": [ "checking", "savings" ], "example": "checking" }, "routing_number": { "description": "Routing number", "type": "string", "example": "123456789" }, "bank_name": { "description": "Bank name", "type": "string", "example": "TD Bank" }, "deposit_type": { "description": "\nDeposit type:\n\n* `entire` - Entire paycheck,\n* `percent` - Percentage of the paycheck,\n* `amount` - Fixed amount from the paycheck\n\n", "type": "string", "enum": [ "entire", "percent", "amount" ], "example": "percent" }, "deposit_value": { "description": "Deposit value", "type": "string", "example": "50.00" } } } } } } } ``` My issue is that when I add this object in the list of object on the page <https://docs.truv.com/reference/orders_create> field "account" always added in the request example. E.g.: ``` curl --request POST \ --url https://prod.truv.com/v1/orders/ \ --header 'X-Access-Client-Id: xxx' \ --header 'X-Access-Secret: sandbox-xxx' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "employers": [ { "account": { "account_type": "checking", "deposit_type": "entire" } } ] } ``` Which is wrong for our logic. Seems like required enums account_type and deposit_type is the case of the behavior. They are truly required when object account is provided. But the account object itself is optional for most of our cases. Any tips on how to suppress auto-adding of the account object? Desired result is: ``` curl --request POST \ --url https://prod.truv.com/v1/orders/ \ --header 'X-Access-Client-Id: xxx' \ --header 'X-Access-Secret: sandbox-xxx' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "employers": [ { "company_name": "Some company" } ] } ``` I tried several combinations of default/example parameters, but only thing that works is to make enums account_type and deposit_type optional (which is wrong for our API). Thank for help in advance!

Replace example.com in api sync

Similarly to [this issue](https://docs.readme.com/main/discuss/60c38ce69f926600450f3048), I am using an autogenerated openapi file from FastAPI, and don't see why there isn't an easy way to manually set the api endpoint for the generated docs, or at least sync with whatever endpoint the openapi file is retrieved from. This feature is blocking us from using the built-in request flow, a pretty big issue for our users. Is there any fix coming or available?

Disable click on image

Hiya! Clicking on an image in the Guide opens the image in a popout window. This is helpful if it's a small screenshot, but kinda useless if it's just an icon. Is there any way to turn of click-to-open on images, so the user can't click an image that shouldn't be clicked? Thanx!