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Can I change the "option 1" title displayed when using "oneof" with many options?

I have an api that uses "oneof" with many options, but each option is titled "option N", is it possible to change that title? / example: option 1 option 2 option 3 what I need: user not valid user not found user expired ![image example](<>)

Access custom Pages

Hi, I created a custom page, which has `.../page/name_of_my_page` path. Is there a way to display the custom pages in the top sections? Next to `product guides`, `recipes`, ... sections? If yes, how can I enable that? If not, where can those custom pages appear? Thanks

Allow Vue syntax in Code Blocks

Can you support Vue syntax in Code Blocks?

How to create categories from OpenAPI spec

Hi guys! Do you know how can I create categories instead of pages using tags or something in the OpenAPI spec?

Multiple URL's for different environments

Is there a way to allow multiple selectable url's for one specific endpoint documented? I want users to have the ability to swap between environments and call endpoints with either url directly from the documentation.

Setting Multiple Authentications in an endpoint

When I click "Enabled" for Authorization section, the Authorization section appears as 0Auth2 with the option for a user to enter a Bearer token. Is there a way to enable multiple authorization types? So that a user of my API can choose to either enter a Bearer token using 0Auth2 or some other api key type?

OAS : is there a way to order the parameters ?

is there a way to order the parameters in a object ? I already sort by controllers' names, operations and fields, but cannot find a way to sort the parameters. Thank you for your help

Multiple guides in main navigation.

How can I set up multiple guides in the main navigation like in here with "Product Guides" and "Enterprise Guides"?

Error Inquiry

Hi my name is Junghyuck Lee When i try to call my api, respond this error 'ERROR <html><head><title>Request Rejected</title></head><body>The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.<br><br>Your support ID is: 13382904338110826828<br><br><a href='javascript:history.back();'>\[Go Back]</a></body></html> ' Everything has same problem Could you solve this error? Thank you.

Recipe: Duplicate Guides Across Projects. Needs Version?

Hi, I'm looking at the recipe to duplicate guides across projects. <https://docs.readme.com/main/recipes/duplicate-guides-across-projects> I see that we need an API Key and a category slug for the source and the target projects. But what if there are two categories with the same slug in the source project? This could happen if the categories are distinguished by version. For example, say you have a category slug called getting-started in version 1.0, and you have another category slug called getting-started in version 2.0. In the recipe in line 8, how to you specify which version the slug applies to? const categorySourceSlug = 'SOURCE_CATEGORY_SLUG'; //which version!?! Thanks-- Jason