How to recreate the reference getting started page?
I really like the Getting Started page here when you go to the API Reference:
Editor woes
It appears that legacy editor no longer saves content correctly (or sometimes at all)
Is it possible to make categories expandable?
Our left-hand navigation is getting quite long. Is it possible to make a category retractable and expandable so that users only see the category name until they choose to expand it?
Can I recover a documentation page within API Reference?
I see how to use Page History within Guides to recover content, but have found no way to recover a deleted documentation page with the API Reference section.
Nothing worse than taking the time to type up a bunch of feedback only to realize the submit ideas forms is broken, so dropping it here instead:
API Conventions for /api-specification
GET /api-specification returns a collection instead of single api and there is no GET /api-specification/{id} call. I would expect an /api-specifications endpoint to exist and return a collection
Try It feature in the API reference
The c# code generator outputs code that contains the line
Recipe content
Am I correct in my assessment that we can't format the content in a recipe? Including adding links?
Invalid request for multiple uploads
We have specification for attachments upload api. It allows to upload multiple files.