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API Conventions for /api-specification

GET /api-specification returns a collection instead of single api and there is no GET /api-specification/{id} call. I would expect an /api-specifications endpoint to exist and return a collection

Try It feature in the API reference

The c# code generator outputs code that contains the line


Recipe content

Am I correct in my assessment that we can't format the content in a recipe? Including adding links?


Invalid request for multiple uploads

We have specification for attachments upload api. It allows to upload multiple files.


How to write in the results description?


HELP! How to restore a deleted page

Hi, I just delete several pages and saved unexpectedly, how could I restore them?


How to export an exhaustive list of topics in the "hub-sidebar" of a particular page in readme?

I need the list of topics (listed in the left panel) in one place for content structuring.

Using the ReadMe Explorer for Private APIs



Custom design CSS to accomodate (full size window view) for desktops?

Hello! I was wondering if we had any control over how much space is utilised when the window is expanded full size while viewing docs on a deskitop or large monitor?